Your Car Set To Become Part of ‘The Internet of Things’

Your Car Set To Become Part of ‘The Internet of Things’

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Transportation bill orders implementation of ‘Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication System’

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, April 19, 2012

A bill already passed by the Senate and set to be ratified by the House not only mandates black box tracking devices in all new cars, it also orders the deployment of ‘vehicle to infrastructure’ communication systems, in other words your vehicle will become part of ‘the Internet of things’ and will be open to constant real-time tracking, eavesdropping and surveillance.

Although introduced and promoted by Democrats Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer, Senate BIll 1813, entitled ‘Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act’ (MAP-21), is expected to be passed by the Republican-controlled House because of its numerous revenue generating provisions.

However, the bill is stuffed full of nightmare big governmentregulations, includingempowering the IRS to revoke passports of accused tax delinquents as well asmandating the installation of black box tracking devices, eventually designed to be used in a tax-by-the-mile system, in all new vehicles from 2015.

Yet another Big Brother measure that is contained deep within the bill appears in Section 53006 – the “Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications systems deployment.”

‘(a) In General- Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary shall submit a report to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives that–

‘(1) defines a recommended implementation path for dedicated short-range communications technology and applications;

‘(2) includes guidance on the relationship of the proposed deployment of dedicated short-range communications to the National ITS Architecture and ITS Standards; and

‘(3) ensures competition by not preferencing the use of any particular frequency for vehicle to infrastructure operations.

  • A D V E R T I S E M E N T

In simpler terms, this lays the framework for vehicles to be installed with communications systems that constantly beam information about location and other diagnostics both to other vehicles, potentially police cars, as well as infrastructure. Given the fact that light poles are now being fitted with computers that both receive and broadcast wireless Internet signals, this would be the easiest method of connecting all vehicles to the ‘Internet of things’ in the future. Alternatively, 3G or 4G signals would also do the same job.

Not only would this open the door to total surveillance of Americans’ traveling habits as well as constant real time eavesdropping of what is happening inside their vehicle, including audio sensors to record conversations (which are already embedded in the new ‘Intellistreets’ light poles), it would also grease the skids for a carbon tax system whereby drivers are charged by the mile.

As we reported last month, the Internet of things is the process of manufacturing every new product with a system that broadcasts wirelessly via the world wide web, allowing industryand the government to spy ubiquitously on every aspect of your existence.

CIA chief David Petraeus has hailed the “Internet of things” as a transformational boon for “clandestine tradecraft”. In other words, it will soon be easier than ever before to keep tabs on the population since everything they use will be connected to the web, with total disregard for privacy considerations. The spooks won’t have to plant a bug in your home or your vehicle, you will be doing it for them.

The ‘Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act’ represents nothing less than a full frontal assault on the mobility rights of Americans, as well as codifying into law mandatory surveillance technology that will allow the government to both spy on drivers as well as taxing them directly under any future CO2 emissions tax system.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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Comment by Robert Carobene on April 19, 2012 at 9:54am

I knew this would happen only a matter of time!!! They will watch what speedd we do and if our music is to loud they will probably lower it or give us a ticket I see it coming!

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