Joe Rogan former wrestler, is not what you would call a great intellectual. At times, he does have on interesting guests, but left up to his own to comment on these series of false flag and provocateur events Joe is sadly missing a couple of beers to his six pack. A good example was recently when after the Nashville Christian school shooting he said that this was not about gender it was about 6 dead innocent people and a dead shooter. No Joe, I don’t think you get it! When 43% of transgendered persons become suicidal, when a German co-pilot crashed a passenger jet intentionally killing 150 persons onboard because he had a fight with his Gay lover, there’s a pattern of behavior here!
There’s a condition known as drug induced psychosis. When you are using powerful hormone inhibitors or male or female hormones on the opposite sex, you are toying with Mother Nature. You are subjecting the human body and mind to changes that were never intended. Especially since these transgender reassignment drugs have powerful side effects and unknown long term effects. We could possibly be seeing the very first wave of delusional Trans murderers making their presence known now! Imagine thousands of these mental misfits unleashed in society like ticking time bombs waiting to go off!
Never seems to end
Our health professionals are already overwhelmed with enough mental cases due to drug abuse, alcoholism, child abuse, divorce, homelessness, PTSD of our war veterans, and now the results of transgender drugging of the sexually reassigned? Oh yeah! It would seem to me that our society now goes out of its way to find ways to create more crisis and drama. People are afraid to express their views, mob rule has taken over in many “Blue” cities, and the Democrat element in our federal government is promoting this divisiveness as a tool of distraction from all the other damaging legislation they are trying to implement! Of course the Democrats will go on ignoring the Transgender insanity involved in these mass shootings and fatal crashed, and even call it bigotry or racism for those who do call out this unacceptable behavior!
Joe Rogan, in a recent segment claims that going back to ancient civilizations that collapsed from within that in the end gender obsession seemed to be a symptom of a nation looking for excuses to become angry, and perhaps as America more and more reaches a negative climax to all this orchestrated social engineering and false flag operations this might be true. However, to ignore the effects of Transgender people becoming more prevalent, I think we will see an uptick in mass shootings and commercial travel disasters if we ignore the mental health problems of these dysphoric people!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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