Judge Orders Conspiracy Re-Education For Lauryn Hill

Singer told to undergo counseling over ‘conspiracy theory’ that music industry strangles real talent

Paul Joseph Watson
May 8, 2013

Grammy award-winning singer Lauren Hill has been ordered by a judge to “undergo counseling because of her conspiracy theories.” What was her conspiracy theory? That the music industry oppresses people with actual talent in favor of pumping out mindless nonsense.

Yesterday Hill was sentenced to 3 months in jail followed by three months’ home confinement after failing to pay a tax bill because she had withdrawn from society following threats to her family.

In June last year, Hill posted a diatribe to her Tumblr account complaining of how the music industry is “manipulated and controlled by a media protected military industrial complex.”

As we’ve highlighted numerous times in the past, other recording artists have made it clear that anyone who doesn’t conform to the strict demands of the music industry or even, as Nicole Scherzinger recently remarked, sell their soul to satan, tends to find success hard to maintain in an industry that punishes individuals who dare to speak their mind.

In numerous performances and speeches over the last few years, Hill has attempted to warn young people about how “pop culture cannibalism” and the deliberate reductionism of art and music is damaging a whole generation and turning them into passive, unthinking consumers – destroying inspiration and true creativity in the name of profit.

The Judge’s order that Hill undergo what amounts to brainwashing and re-education simply for publicly proclaiming the fact that the music industry is designed to strangle true talent while promoting amoral, vacuous, mindless, turgid drivel, is part of the increasing trend towards labeling common sense as a mental illness if it goes against the establishment grain in any way.

Since people who post vehement political opinions on Facebook are already being kidnapped and taken to psychiatric wards across the country, how long before criticism of the state is officially recognized as a mental disorder?

Those considered hostile to authority have already been tagged as sufferers of “oppositional defiant disorder” under the the DSM-IV-TR Manual.

The definition of this mental illness is, “a recurrent pattern of negativistic, defiant, disobedient. and hostile behavior toward authority figures that persists for at least 6 months.”

The attempt to frame alternative opinions as dangerous mental disorders has also entered the political realm. In 2009, Psychology Today wrote a hit piece on Alex Jones insinuating that anyone who believes in a secret cabal ruling the world, which is a perfectly accurate description of the Bilderberg Group, has a mental disorder.

We also reported recently on how Floridians are being encouraged to report their neighbors to authorities for making hateful comments about the government, leaving them to be targeted for home visits by police and “mental health professionals and caseworkers.”

Lauren Hill’s case reminds us that the establishment not only seeks to ridicule, ostracize and sideline those who utter “conspiracy theories,” which has become a pejorative term for questioning authority, but they actually seek to have all dissent against the system classified as a form of mental illness in order to grease the skids for legally imposed “treatment” including re-education and even pharmacological lobotomy.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

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Comment by mystery on May 9, 2013 at 8:00am

Well is this the thought police? Majority Report? Mapping of the brain? Really and we dont do anything, have we been so conditioned already? I hate being spoon fed, personal I prefer a fork.

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