
Kabbalah, also spelled Kabala or Cabala (Hebrew: קַבָּלָה‎ literally "receiving"), is an esoteric method, discipline and school of thought. Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an unchanging, eternal and mysterious Ein Sof (no end) and the mortal and finite universe (his creation). While it is heavily used by some denominations, it is not a religious denomination in and of itself; it is a set of scriptures that exist outside the traditional canon of any organised religion. Kabbalah seeks to define the nature of the universe and the human being, the nature and purpose of existence, and various other ontological questions. It also presents methods to aid understanding of these concepts and to thereby attain spiritual realisation.

Kabbalah originally developed entirely within the realm of elite Jewish thought and kabbalists often use classical Jewish sources to explain and demonstrate its esoteric teachings. The kabbalistic teachings are thus held by kabbalists to define the inner meaning of both the Tanakh and traditional rabbinic literature, their formerly concealed transmitted dimension, as well as to explain the significance of Jewish religious observances.[1]

Its practitioners, knows as kabbalists, claim its origins pre-date any world religion, but it is now usually associated with the esoteric aspect of Rabbinic Judaism. Its more contemporary format began to be systematised in 11th-13th century by the Hachmei Provence (in Southern France and Spain) and after the Jewish expulsion from Spain, in 16th century Ottoman Palestine. It was popularised in the form of Hasidic Judaism in the 18th century and at the end of the 20th century became publicly associated with New Age thought and is currently being disseminated by a number of kabbalah schools worldwide, Jewish and otherwise.

It is also held by most of the internally recognised kabbalists as being the basic blueprint for all philosophies, religions, sciences, arts and political systems throughout humanity. [2]

History of the Kabbalah

After the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem (70 CE), many Jews who relocated to Egypt were influenced by the Alexandrian Pythagoreans. Jewish leaders and intellectuals such as Artapanos, Philon the Alexandrian, the historian Josephus Flavius, the Hasmoneans, Johanan Hurcanus, Alexander Jannean, Hanoch, Hillel, Johanan ben-Zakkai, and others were central figures of this spiritual-scientific development. T

he esoteric Jewish theosophy, or religious mystic philosophy, developed from about this time. In the absence of a central spiritual leadership, under foreign and hostile rule, some regional Jewish schools developed into sects such as the Essenes, Nazarenes, Pharisees, and Sadducees.

"Judaism is one of the oldest living esoteric traditions in the world. Virtually every form of Western mysticism and spiritualism known today draws upon Jewish mythic and occult teachings—magic, angelology, alchemy, numerology, astral projection, astrology, amulets, altered states of consciousness, alternate healing and rituals of power—all have roots in the Jewish occult."

                                                                        --Rabbi Geoffrey W. Dennis
                                                                         Jewish Myth, Magic, and Mysticism (2007)

  • For the Jews, the Talmud and Kabbalah supersede, nullify, and ultimately replace the Old Testament. (page 36)
  • Today, occult practices such as making amulets, charms, and talismans are taught at a rabbinic seminary in Jerusalem. (page 37)
  • Jewish witchcraft has been injected into the Roman Catholic liturgy. (page 42)
  • The Kabbalah is full of Satanic Magic and occult mysticism. (page 69)
  • Pope John Paul II was a Jew. (page 65)
  • The god of Freemasonry is Lucifer. (page 68)
  • Freemasonry is founded upon the Jewish Kabbalah. (page 69)
  • Proof of the authenticity of the The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which is a blueprint for Jewish world rule. (page 72)
  • Proof that the Jews use agent provocateurs to spread terrorism and anti-Semitism. (page 80)
  • The "American Al Qaeda," is actually a Jew named Adam Pearlman. (page 82)
  • The Catholic Church does not, and will not accept, or in any degree favor, liberty or freedom of religion. (page 86)
  • Proof that communism is based upon Judaism. (page 88)
  • The Jewish Bolsheviks regarded politics as a branch of Gentile pest control. (page 90)
  • The Catholic church publicly opposed communism, while it secretly aided and abetted the communist revolution in Russia at every turn. (page 93)


  • The Jewish Talmud teaches that Jesus was sent to hell, where he is punished by boiling excrement for mocking the Rabbis. (page 111)
  • The publishers of the new bible versions have committed the unpardonable sin by blaspheming the Holy Spirit. (page 113)
  • The Jewish Talmud teaches that the New Testament is blank paper and is to be burned. (page 114)
  • The Talmud teaches that Jews' very essence is entirely good, whereas the essence of gentiles is completely evil. (page 119)
  • Official Catholic doctrine heaps curses upon Jesus Christ and his gospel. (page 127)
  • Rampant sexual deviance of Rabbis and Priests. (page 146)
  • The College of Cardinals is the Catholic corollary to the Jewish Sanhedrin. (page 166)
  • The Pope is the Catholic corollary to the Jewish High Priest. (page 166)
  • Plans for the mark of the beast. (page 178)
  • The Catholic Mass is actually a blasphemous ceremony with occult meanings, which is based upon the secret witchcraft of the Jewish Kabbalah. (page 196)
  • The Passover meal as practiced today by the Jews is a ritual of hatred and detestation against Jesus Christ.  (page 217)
  • The Catholic "Mary" is actually a heathen goddess that the Jews called the queen of heaven, the worship of whom God admonished against through the prophet Jeremiah.  (page 232)
  • Judaism is so hateful toward gentiles that Jews are officially forbidden to share with gentiles their religious doctrines. (page 285)

After the crucifixion of Christ, the Jews continued their attack against Christ by going after his disciples. From the beginning, the Christian church was in a spiritual struggle against Judaism. Judaism could not win in a head to head spiritual contest against Christianity. It was necessary for the Jews to throw their efforts behind undermining the Christian church by injecting it with a Judaic contagion. Their long-term strategy was to change the Christian church from the inside-out to align more closely with the Judaic/Babylonian theology.

The Jews could not change the true church of Christ, but the Jews succeeded in creating a false church, a heathen church, a church that appeared to follow Christ but was in fact an antichrist church. That antichrist church is the Roman Catholic Church. Solving the Mystery of BABYLON THE GREAT tells the story of the creation of that Judaic/Babylonian church that became the Roman Catholic Church.  Solving the Mystery of BABYLON THE GREAT reveals a massive satanic conspiracy against God and man and exposes the heretofore secret evidence that proves that the Roman Catholic Church is the great whore of Revelation known as  MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH, who is drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.

Kabbalah Bracelets Replacing Diamond Bracelets in Hollywood


Maddonna seen wearing her “Kabbalah Bracelet”.

by Judah Gutwein

Nowadays, you almost cannot be considered a true Hollywood celebrity if you are not chic enough to run around with a simple red string tied around your wrist.

These red strings have become so coveted, they are begining to usurp the more “traditional” diamond jewelry worn on the wrists of many celebrities.

These red strings are called “Kabbalah Strings” and are designed to ward off the “evil eye”.


Madonna, showing off the Illuminati Pyramid on her back


Origin: She came to the U.S. from the former Soviet Union in the late 1980s. She comes from a long line of miracle workers who have been involved in some of history’s most unbelievable events, like the oil burning for eight days, the Six-Day War, and the meteoric rise of a certain Jewish Reggae star.


Powers: She wears rings that shoot kabbalistic spells and knows the genuine value of red bracelets to protect and heal. Taught the way of spiritual mysticism since childhood, she has prophetic visions of events before they happen, and extra-sensory abilities to communicate with nature.


Personality: Queen Kabbalah is a champion for the needs of immigrants finding new homes, such as Ethiopians in Israel and her fellow Russians settling in America. Her Friday night “alternative chavurah” is hugely popular, reaching even the most casual spiritual seeker with inspired singing and dancing. People come to her at all hours, looking for guidance on personal and professional matters.


Occupation: Choosing to hide in plain site, her alter ego is the typical artsy, nature-loving gal that one would expect. She writes kids books, sells beaded jewelry on eBay and spends her summers as the program director of a Jewish summer camp.

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Comment by Cryptocurrency on April 7, 2012 at 12:50am

Right on StormTrooper. Glad to see someone is keeping up on the mysteries. What do you know about ancient Thebes in Egypt?

Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 1, 2012 at 7:00pm

I been a Kabbalah Student for about two years and Is not what people think. We don't sacrifice people nor drink blood nor talk about world conquest nor care, On the contrary , Because we believe in Reincarnation and Karmic law, for us is very important to do the best we can to make this world a better place , because we understand that we will die one day and reincarnate in this world again and if we don't do our part to make society and the world a better place , we will have to exist in a society that will be wurst than the one we came from in our last lifetime , we also believe that every single bad thing we do will always come back to us, not only on this life but on the next, so we must do as much  good as possible and treat everyone with respect, dignity and love . Kabbalah mean to receive...and for us in order to receive we need to give as much as we can, the more a person give, the more that person will receive. That is our philosophy, We do practice astrology and use it as a map to see what is gonna happen and how to avoid bad things in our lives and in the lives of those that we assist,  and we also use numerology as a tool too for the same porpoise. 

We also believe Quantum physic to be a reality and so the Idea that God have no beginning and no end, He always been and always will be.

For us God is everywhere, he is like the force in Star Wars , and every single creature that exist in the eternal and infinite universe is a cell of God itself with a destiny to exist and die and exist again reincarnating constantly for eternity not only on this world but in others ones and in other lifeforms across the universe forever as well.

For us Hell is reincarnating in someone with a very horrible life , because we understand that if we are evil we will reincarnate in someone that is destine to suffer a very tragic and sad life as like in a Children starving to death in an African nation for example.

We believe that people that suffer very terrible lives and deaths  are suffering for horrible things they have done in pass lives but once they pay their due they will born again somewhere else with better conditions to live their next life or to transcend and move from this planet to another one and get new experiences as a new creature in a new world somewhere else and on and on for Eternity...Now that doesn't mean that if we see or know about someone suffering, we should say well he or she are paying for bad things that have done before and don't deserve our mercy, compassion, Love or help...on the Contrary , if we Know about people suffering we must do our best to help them regardless of the fact that they are having such a horrible or sad situation in their lives because of their bad Karma in pass Lives...Or Tiqun...because we use the Hebrew word Tiqun to describe what people in India and the western world call Karma.  For us God is love and compassion, and he expect us to have compassion and to help everyone no matter what, even to those that we believe to deserve it...That's how big God's compassion is.... For us, existence and life never stop to evolve, nor here nor in other worlds across God Eternal Universe.

About Satan I will tell you that for us he is an internal condition in everyone  experiencing Physical existence but not a self aware entity as many believe it to be. For us Satan and Ego are the same thing, Our Ego is our wurst enemy, Ego or Satan are a condition of the flesh that make us become selfish and do all the bad things we do and the reason why went we die , we go to a better life experience or bad one depending of all the good or bad things we did in our pass lives. For us, God speak by many ways, not only by putting ideas inside our heads but by the reality that surround us as well...The Universe itself speak to us all the time , in the movement of the stars and the cosmos we see a language use by God , and so in nature, so in symbols and numbers...Is not easy to explain Kabbalah to those that don't practice it or have a simple mind orientation ... it take a lot of studding to understand it ... we also believe in dimensional creatures like angels , and in demons too, but demons are not a creation of God, Angels are, but Demons are not, and many of us been Angels in other lives and will become Angels eventually if not in this world , in a next one as soon as we transcend by living a perfect spiritual life similar to the ones of those we call saints.  Angels are guardians that are to watch on flesh creatures all over the Universe. All planets with living creatures have Angels on them as we have them here on Earth. Angels are very powerful Energy entities  But their conditions as Angels is not a permanent one, All Angels are to become souls traps in flesh eventually one day and all souls trap in Flesh creatures are to become Angels someday once they transcend by obtaining a perfect Karma. a process that can take thousands of different lives in this world so in other ones as well.

For Us, the adventure of existence and God creation never end and never stop . About Demons , For us they are the manifestation of our collective evilness as souls trapped in flesh bodies. Every time we do something evil or bad, we generate dark energy, this energy eventually accumulate somewhere and become a self aware energy entity that is evil and fed from the energy of our sins as a collective so all our bad actions and bad thoughts ! ...Demons can be defeated individually went fighting an Angel and force to become spirits themselves like us with a destiny to become souls reincarnating forever from one world to the next , on an on for eternity....Angels also become flesh went they become seduce by the experiences of been in the flesh That happen too...but what never happen for all souls in the Universe, regardless of them been Souls living inside Flesh creatures, or Angels or Demons  is eternal death or Eternal extinction , the action of becoming nothing, not an atom, not a molecule , not a photon...t never happen, at least not according to Kabbalah teachings .

For Us everything exist, and an empty place in the universe where there is something ! So there is not such thing as Nothing!!

Kabalah teach that We are all sons and Daughters of the Eternal Universe itself that is God, there is no beginning  nor end , God always been and always will be so we all with him as a cell of him.

For us, God is a Universal eternal force with intelligence and self awareness. He is Love and constant creation at the same time and have no beginning and no end . He always been and always will be Forever ever.

For those of you that don't know me I will tell you that I was born a Catholic , Went to Catholic School, but was never happy with the teachings of the Church, I try to become a protestant, but didn't like it neither, Went to study Islam...But Islam is Not For me!!... I Try Judaism out of curiosity also....but Didn't like it neither...specially because of the political situation in Israel and all the things I have learn about Zionism !...but then I start reading about Kabbalah, found me a study group and start hanging around with people studding Kabbalah and I found them to be very freedom loving and artistically oriented people, and very aware also about all the injustices that are going on in our world... and many of them as me believe 911 to be an inside Job.

I been a student for the last 2 years...and I know that many of you are Hardcore Christians ,and  I have no problem with that at all,Kabbalah teach us to be tolerant and to respect all religions. I do believe in Jesus too ...but I have my own vision of him base on what I have studding about him and for me he was The Son of God and The messiah ...But not God ! His son ..yes...but not God...The trinity concept don't work for me...Sorry about that if I have offend anyone for my views.

For Us at Kabbalh another person religion is not something for us to feel offended by . We all have our own Ideas and personal visions , To me  Jesus was an Essene, a Herbalist and Kabbalah master too... I believe he also marry Mary Magdalene and left a son that move to France with her...I believe he die in the Cross and resurrect and after that went to India to teach some more, he left his physical body there and went back to become one with God and will return one day ...I pay attention to bible prophecy so to the ones made by other cultures. I believe that 911 was an inside Job , that the New World Order exist and that they are evil, I also believe in ancient astronaut theories, extraterrestrials, miracles, paranormal phenomena, Astrology and Numerology ...and I respect all cultures and Religions....Tolerance, Understanding and Love is what Kabbalah is all about and what my nature is all about also, I like to get along with everyone no matter what race, culture or religion a person may be... I hope none of you get offended for my believes ... Peace to all...and May the force be with you , always !

Thank you for your time and attention.

Comment by Less Prone on April 1, 2012 at 7:34am

Cabbalad and Talmut are one sep further from the Old Testament in order to hide evil practices of deception, abuse, and sacrifices that happen in forms of greed based religions, paedophilia, prostitution, torture, murder and blood sacrifice by wars that are bilked by the money changers earlier and the Banking pseudoindustry today. Religions are man made. Psychopathic, greed driven factions of humanity (PGDFH) have created religions and defined God (gods) to justify deceptions. 

Paradox of religion is that the God created the universe by some process unknown to us, the life followed in various forms and places in the universe but the creatures took over. PGDFH defined the unseen and told us what the God is and how we should worship, with their help, of course. Religions are deceptions but that does not exclude the existence of the divine that eventually is and has always been a matter of faith. I'd rather find out by myself what the God is than rely on the PGDFH.

They are evil beoynd belief, just one example.  

Comment by Sweettina2 on April 1, 2012 at 5:42am

Freemasonry and Judaism Worship the Same Egyptian Gods

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

John 8:44


“Yes, (the Egyptian god) Osiris does live in the darkness and shadows of the Masonic lodges and temples...He was the God of Solomon and is the reason God tore the Kingdom of Israel from Solomon’s throne. Solomon died serving the God of Egypt.”

Reginald Haupt, Jr.
The Gods of the Lodge (p. 9)

In studying the sacred books of the Jews, the Talmud and the Kabbalah, and also those of Freemasonry for more than a quarter of a century, there is one conclusion I have come to—that the God of the Jews and the God of the Masons is the same God. And his name is Satan.

Of course, both the potentates of the Masonic Lodge and the chief rabbis of Judaism will say this is not so. Their own holy books instruct these demonic rulers to lie and conceal. But what I say here is so, and in my newest, heavily documented work, Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star, I prove it.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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