


You think you've taken the enlightened way

Got news for you the sky’s turning gray

That's the price you'll have to pay

When unclean spirits are here to stay,



Sometimes you think you'd rather be dead

It's all in your head it's all in your head

Everything was said that could be said,

All the times you cried and bled,


Then you taste a slice of love

And you think that it came from above

Then you find out what human nature's made of

Mister don't shoot that dove don't shoot that dove



Please Mister don't shoot that dove

Then you find the pain fits you like a glove

Living in the world of push and shove

What the world is made of



Then you find it's all in your head

It's all in your head it's all in your head!



Your plastic heroes are coming out

No achievements and full of doubt

Can’t change the facts even if you scream and shout

Honesty and truth are what it’s all about,


That’s why I’m living in the past

Because nothing in the present lasts

Where my death mask will be cast

The sea of lies is much too vast,


All fools lend me your ears

You thrive on deceiving your peers

Playing upon their ignorance and fears

Reality doesn’t change cause you’ve had a few beers,


Hollow celebrities want to think for you

When nothing they say is ever true

The masses misled by the lies of a few

Oh how karma is coming for you!

Karma by kimag3500 on DeviantArt

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