“Prepare your daughter for a lifetime of surveillance with Hello Barbie, the doll that records children’s private conversations and transmits them to cloud servers, where they are analyzed by algorithms and listened to by stranger...
Police State America is making it fun for kids to spy on everyone:
"Hello Barbie is a terrible toy that threatens children's privacy..." said Josh Golin, CCFC's executive director. "We must stop Mattel and ToyTalk from spying on children's private play and spawning a whole host of eavesdropping imitators."
Google/NSA is developing kid's toys that come equipped with cameras and microphones:
Google's patent describes toys that are equipped with microphones, speakers, cameras and a Wi-Fi connection.
These 'toys' are always on, listening for a trigger word.
The toys use a trigger word which causes them to wake up and turn their gaze towards the person addressing them, they also check if the person talking is making eye contact.
The patent adds, that making the device look "cute" should encourage even the youngest members of a family to interact with it.
"Young children might find these forms to be attractive," it says.
Click here, here & here to read about Google's close working relationship with the NSA.
According to Hello Barbie's Privacy FAQ private corporations are recording personal information...
The use of Hello Barbie involves her interacting with users, and au...
Hello Barbie is equipped with speech recognition and archives every session, which 'parents' (not law enforcement wink, wink) can access to spy on their kid's conversations.
"Hello Barbie includes enabling speech recognition (so we can provide meaningful responses to what you and your child...
Hello Barbie's audio recordings are shared with third party vendors...
"Hello Barbie may share certain transcripts of recordings with Matt...
"We share audio recordings with third party vendors who assist us with speech recognition..."
“How long before DHS/Police use these ‘toys’ to spy on EVERY family?”
On behalf of apathetic Americans everywhere, please support the American Police State on Black Friday and Cyber Monday and purchase these surveillance toys for your kids. Because, you never know if one of your relatives is a terrorist.
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