Last day for Guard in New Orleans

Jay Vice Reporting

Today marks the last day of the Louisiana National Guard's deployment in New Orleans.

Thousands of Guard members were deployed shortly after Hurricane Katrina to aid in the immediate aftermath of the 2005 storm. Many of them were later reassigned back to the city to supplement the depleted ranks of the New Orleans Police Department.

After the last 100 Guardsmen ship out Sunday, NOPD Chief Warren Riley says his officers will be ready to go it alone.

"We've pretty much been on our own for the last couple of months," Riley said.

We have grown through equipment, facilities, and personnel.

He says there are now more than 1,500 officers on the streets, with more cadets and recruits on the way.

Listen to WWL's Don Ames' conversation with Chief Riley about the end of the Guard's stay in New Orleans:

Thousands of National Guardsmen arrived more than four days after Katrina struck New Orleans in August 2005.

The last of the troops were removed in January 2006 as civil authority returned, but then, after a surge in bloodshed, 360 were sent back in to help police keep order.


Guard wraps up its time in N.O.


COMMENTS (39)Post a comment
Posted by matzohball on 02/27/09 at 11:05PM
Thanks for all ya'll have done. I'm sure you don't hear it enough.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by VoodooPicnic on 02/27/09 at 11:30PM
What other stat in this country has EVER had to have the National Guard babysit this long?

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by sue2565 on 02/27/09 at 11:38PM
Did they teach you anything??!!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by michaelle on 02/27/09 at 11:52PM

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by mayormustgo on 02/28/09 at 12:26AM
The State Lawmakers can kiss my ass. They should be demanding that the National Guard stay in New Orleans.

Somehow our Mayor and Police Chief don't know how to make enough noise or don't think they need to.

I want them back here with machine guns on every corner and an occasional armoured tank running though.

How about some helicopters or blimps that can do surveillance.

Riley says that we have enough cops. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????????

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by NotFromSLA on 02/28/09 at 12:58AM
To mayormustgo

The occasional armored tank would probably damage the delapidated roads even more, if that is possible. But nonetheless a good idea, most third world countries and cities have that, why not the Big Easy?

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by madrummer99 on 02/28/09 at 1:57AM
Thanks for all your help. Can you leave us some

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by mayormustgo on 02/28/09 at 2:52AM
Excuse my french everybody in America...but I am pissed.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by NolaCreole on 02/28/09 at 3:09AM
Bad move...
Should impose marshal law and give the NG full control of the streets.
Riley there is NEVER enough cops in New Orleans now-a-days...

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by faubmarigny on 02/28/09 at 4:23AM
Lawmakers obviously just do not get it. On what planet is 1500 NOPD officers enough to deal with the continued violent crimes that happen here on a regular basis? I just don't understand how a budget cut for this can be justified?

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by krpeppy on 02/28/09 at 5:44AM
Lock and load, people. You're on your own now.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by katnipkat on 02/28/09 at 6:09AM
Sometimes the "stuff" has to hit the fan before something good is done.

Will the Guard's departure result in a crime boom? Wait and see.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by lower9thward on 02/28/09 at 6:27AM
lock and load, lock and load, lock and load. take off the safety, be ready. now it's up to you to protect yourself, be ready! the criminals are celebrating. be ready to protect yourselves.

here comes the crime boom. boom! boom! boom! don't just ready!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by whitewomen on 02/28/09 at 6:39AM
the NOPD should haved to leave and the NG should be able to stay, just by the job performance done by the NOPD should be enough to make them leave.

the Guard stopped crime, NOPD doesn't.

open your eyes and ears, the Guard is leaving, we're on our own.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Astrid on 02/28/09 at 6:41AM
I hope the jobs they were excused from will still be there and the company for which they worked will still be in business when they get home. And also that they will not be shipped overseas in the near future.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by legaleagle21 on 02/28/09 at 6:47AM
A tank is not a good idea. Too big and heavy. A Striker Battalion would be better. Armored enough because the "special people" of New Orleans don't have the firepower to penetrate the hull but lght and agile enough to move through the streets. It can even drive over the vehicle of the crackhead they are pursuing. That would cut down on prison overcrowding.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by jimzak on 02/28/09 at 7:05AM
According to the latest crime stats, things are getting better.

Have some more Koolaid.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by possomhd on 02/28/09 at 7:09AM
The Guard should stay and be given more responsibility in what they can do and how they can arrest the thugs. I know it makes the city look bad for the Guard to patrol the cbd and such, but they are sorely needed down here right now. I have been saying they're needed in more strength for a long time, but it sure fell of deaf ears. Chief Riley says there's enough police to handle the crime down here, but he's wrong, as time will prove.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Coot on 02/28/09 at 7:36AM
From a former Guardsman, Thanks to all of you for your time.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by bogass on 02/28/09 at 7:41AM
people you need to read the guards mandate.thay have been deployed here longer than anywhere else{in the u.s.}.let these men go home thay desirve to.its time for our poliece to step up. thay have more cops per capita than any other time in their history.i have been locked and loaded since sep.05.if you have waited this long you are not very smart.if you are going to get a gun please for your frinds;and family take a gun safty course.then spend all the time you can at a fireing range.gun control is hitting what you shoot at,and nothing else.thugs don.t pratice.thats how inocent people get shot.watching movies dose not count as pratice.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Roberteaux on 02/28/09 at 8:19AM
Thanks for all you have done, Guardsmen-- and au revoir!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by vern50 on 02/28/09 at 8:25AM
To the Guard:

"I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom. "

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by KYAGoodbye on 02/28/09 at 8:48AM
You people demanding tanks, blimps, and martial law call yourselves AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!! Have you any idea that this country was founded on the right to be free from the tyranny of the government? If you want to scream about crime, go ahead, but the answer is NOT to restrct the liberty of all of the people, just of the criminals. No wonder we are on an incremental slide to to total government surveillance and control, becuase all of you weaklings have gladly sacrificed liberty in the name of security, and in the words of Benjamin Franklin, anyone willing to do so deserves neither. There are solutions to crime that are constitutional, and do not involve Orwellian Big Brother impositions on the vast populace that is law abiding.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by ksvb3 on 02/28/09 at 9:07AM
To the Guard:

Many Thank Yous and a speedy return home.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by wattsgoingon on 02/28/09 at 9:13AM
Everyone should go to and read the comments people have left about this story. The posters, from all over the country tend to agree that New Orleans is a cesspool of violence and welfare. I have to agree. I wonder how long it will be before the Guard has to come back due to the rise in violent crime. Maybe 3 months? No other city has had the National Guard in residence for such a long period of time after a disaster. Look at the cities in Texas after Ike. Do you see any National Guard? No! New Orleans will self destruct because there is no leadership and the lack of morals and ethics of the welfare class that thrives there. New Orleans is a dead city!!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by DeNyiTaLL on 02/28/09 at 9:15AM
whats the place in new orleans that makes those tank things you see on front street in slidell??

maybe we can get those to patrol new orleans..

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by hohw on 02/28/09 at 9:25AM
DeNyiTaLL on 02/28/09 at 9:15AM++++
"whats the place in new orleans that makes those tank things you see on front street in slidell??"


Could that be "Textron Systems" building "those tank things?"

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by hohw on 02/28/09 at 9:28AM
wattsgoingon on 02/28/09 at 9:13AM++++

"Everyone should go to and read the comments people have left about this story."

It's ok if you leave a link.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by Jawn on 02/28/09 at 9:31AM
Let the looting resume!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by hydroshock on 02/28/09 at 9:34AM
It's time for people to learn how to protect themselves. We need to quit relying on a useless system, stop being sissies and start showing these criminals we mean business. Our forefathers gave us the second amendment for that reason. If enough people would stand up to the 'thugery' the good guy's would prevail. Imagine if every time one of these maggots would point a gun at someone he'd have 30 pointing back at him. I think that would send a stong message. Buck up New Orleans!

P.S. If you see any typo's in this posting please forgive me...I may have inadvertently hit the keyboard with my pistola, I'm cleaning as we speak.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by hydroshock on 02/28/09 at 9:38AM
Edited version

It's time for people to learn how to protect themselves. We need to quit relying on a useless system, stop being sissies and start showing these criminals we mean business. Our forefathers gave us the second amendment for that reason. If enough people would stand up to the 'thugery' the good guy's would prevail. Imagine if every time one of these maggots would point a gun at someone he'd have 30 pointing back at him. I think that would send a strong message. Buck up New Orleans!
P.S. If you see any typo's in this posting please forgive me...I may have inadvertently hit the keyboard with my pistola, I'm cleaning it as we speak.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by mayormustgo on 02/28/09 at 9:56AM

I'm glad you feel free to walk the streets with no care in the world. No one is advocating that New Orleans remain under control of the police/National Guard/Army forever.

It would be appropriate for us to live under a police state until all of the scum are flushed out.

I'd be happy to have the police spot check me, create check points and video every street in the city until the crime scum get the message that we are not going to let them continue robbing and killing.

We do need to be careful what we ask for. I'm willing to give up my freedom for six months or a year so that in the long run I'll be free to walk the streets knowing that the car stopping next to me is not stopping to rob, beat or kill me.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by savenola2 on 02/28/09 at 10:16AM
well, time to prepare for a new crime wave. thank you NG for all you have done. you all did a fantastic job and your presence will be sorely missed by the law-abiding citizens of this city. months ago, i witnessed a bar room brawl. NG showed up in no time and completely took control of the situation. cops showed up about 15 min later. good luck and stay safe.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by sleepfriend on 02/28/09 at 10:32AM
Read the MSNBC comments about New Orleans, if you want to know what people really think.

The other “56” states are tired of hearing about New Orleans, even the Obama states are tired of seeing the ongoing problems in New Orleans.

You should have elected a responsible mayor who didn’t run around the country hacking people off.

You should not have re-elected a criminal as U. S. Representative and then tried to re-call the person who beat him in the next election.

You should not been have been so quick to find fault with NOPD for every incident. What this does is convince potential future officers not to seek positions with NOPD is they have other options. Because then you end up with police officers who couldn’t get better jobs. With exceptions of course.

The residents of New Orleans should have made an effort to clean up their own neighborhoods. College students, and other volunteers, from throughout the United States came to New Orleans to help after Katrina and they took stories home of people sitting on porches and flooded cars watching them work. There were stories of people who wouldn’t lift a hand to help the situation while complaining and wanting more money. There were stories throughout the United States of New Orleans evacuees using the FEMA and Red Cross debit cards in casinos and in jewelry stores. These thousands of individual stories come together to paint a picture.

People read these blogs and know of the overt racism of blacks and whites that plague the city. They know of the personal attacks that are launched against people who try to propose solutions to problems.

If you think businesses are going to locate here, especially during this economic situation, ignorant does not begin to describe you. Additional money for levees, beyond what has already been appropriated will be very difficult to obtain.

Obama is already talking about fiscal restraint, the end of massive spending is in sight. Get ready to leave, not just evacuate when the next hurricane strikes.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by possomhd on 02/28/09 at 10:54AM
You folks talking about doing vigilante work are blowing smoke. If you walked the ghetto streets as some have suggested you'd either be shot on sight or if you shot one of the thugs you'd end up in more trouble than the thug. Having the Guard here for protection is not putting us in a police state. I'd like to see the State Police patrolling the city streets, but we all know that won't happen. The city police are just not sufficient for the job they have to do. Until New Orleans get a mayor who is going to act like a leader and a police chief who is going to clean this city up the people are going to need better police protection. Like one commented previously, I'll give up my freedom for a little while if the Guard returns and sets up safety checkpoints. My gun is legal.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by nolablah on 02/28/09 at 11:08AM
I think it was a huge mistake sending the guard into the unpopulated areas. Once the guard left the quarter and uptown "it" really hit the fan. Areas where ppl were trying to rebuild, I can understand- but to sending them into areas where ppl didnt have any interest in rebuilding was just stupid. Ive NEVER felt safer than when the guard was patrolling could walk down the streets at night and really enjoy the city for the first time in along time. Now its over run with thugs and human sh*t. I think its time we re-train our police and start giving the NOPD weapons that can match the one the thugs have....the Nat. Guard had them and things were under controll. Then once they leave the roaches come back out and take over. WE NEED THE GUARD BACK IN THE CITY!!!!!!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by pronola on 02/28/09 at 12:09PM
A huge THANK YOU to the men and women who have tried to bring civilization back to the streets of New Orleans. Please always remember that although your duty was often unheralded, we who live here valued your commitment.

However, now that the National Guard will be leaving, Chief Riley SHOULD be re-evaluating the deployment of his police units. Although each district is led by its own commander, Riley should be providing some guidance and input into how to handle the transition. Is that happening? Who knows! Riley doesn't buy into the transparency or even public comment attitude so sorely needed.

NOPD returned after Katrina to a changed city. Has anyone retrained them to deal with the cultural, demographic and economic changes this city has gone through? Probably not. And therein may lie part of the root of our police problem. (NOT the crime problem) NOPD needs to rethink its methods and processes. They must be different. They must take the "new" city and its "new" culture into account.

Despite the "rep" the NOPD has now, we the citizens need to let them know they are valued. We should support them during this transition and let them know we understand that they are laboring unding poor leadership, outdated processes, and inefficient and often questionable court system procedures. Most want to do their best. But their best isn't being supported. And that's not their fault as an individual.

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by nolablah on 02/28/09 at 12:13PM
I think its time this city starts working for the working class. It is OUR taxes that keep this city afloat and its time OUR TAXES worked for us instead of against us. Im sooooo sick of the rest of the country and media calling the New Orleans working class people that want change, racists and labeling us as monsters who want to push out the poor. We are shot down everytime we start to make progress (blacks and whites alike). The guard pulling out is hitting the media today bigtime, and the rest of the country is sick of hearing about New Orleans....the comments will start to fly about how NOLA is a dump that should be left for dead. This is a great chance for the working class of NOLA to hit the media and say that we dont need handouts, sympathy, or money- we need the support of the country to make change. We need to let the country know that our mayor is M.I.A. and that we cant get ahead as a city until the working class of New Orleans gets a voice. IT IS THE WORKING CLASS PEOPLE OF NEW ORLEANS THAT ARE THE FORGOTTEN ONES- NOT THE POOR!!!!!

Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by pronola on 02/28/09 at 12:23PM

You may have a point. You definitely have a point about those of us who are passionate about this city needing to get a voice on the media and let the nation know the constraints we are laboring under in trying to right the wrongs in this city.

If you feel that way, however, you chance to get what you want is in the upcoming election. Find a working class candidate...or start a serious and passionate dialogue with the current possible candidates about their views on the working class.

The upcoming elections will be key to the direction this city moves in for the next four to eight years. We've been through over three and learned much. We have to use what we've learned in this election to make sure the city moves in the RIGHT direction and not backward even more.

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Comment by truth on February 28, 2009 at 3:47pm
Listen to WWL's Don Ames' conversation with Chief Riley about the end of the Guard's stay in New Orleans:



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