1.Jews of central and eastern Europe, or their descendants, distinguished from the Sephardim chiefly by their liturgy, religious customs, and pronunciation of Hebrew.
It totally avoids mentioning that Sephardics (the original Hebrew bloodline) are/were BLACK !!! The Ashkenazim banished the real (black Jews) to Spain in the 16th century, and colonized Israel for them selves.... the same exact thing they are doing to Palestinians now !
NO NEW IDEAS... same shit different century... 90% of the Jews in Israel don't have a drop of Jewish blood in them. The Jews bought Israel from Britain in 1916 under the "Balfour accord"...this also was planned by pike and implemented by 1897 Ashkenazim Jews at "The first Zionist congress of 1897"
Not one in 100 Pastors has ever seen this 24 year old photo... they continue spewing out meaningless
chosen ones bullshit, and refuse to talk about anything outside of the Good Book...they wont !
communist LBJ ( congressman in 1954) , created the IRS 501-C3 rule that doesn't allow churches to talk
about government, war, or other crimes of the state...Bush waved that law, allowing the "Evanjellyfish"
minsters to promote the Iraq "fake war on terror" One such liar, was "Mac Hammond", who openly supported the Muslim Fear mongering , which added fuel to Muslim persecution... it has now turned the Muslim threat into a self fulfilling prophesy on American soil... to add insult to injury, it's becoming a crime to speak ill of the Muslims we allowed our government to slaughter, beat up, and bring over here to destroy our nation!
They just finished doing the same thing in Germany and France. So I just have to say.... on a scale of 1 to 10,
just how fucking stupid are we? and what are our priorities? Whether we have a right to like or dislike Muslims, what do their children have to do with this? Muslims may wipe their asses with their hands, and not bathe, but they aren't stupid ! they know it was US dollars that fueled all of this, and now, both sides of congress along with Darkfag , have brought these pissed of people HERE !!!!! to do battle with the selfish people who were to busy entertaining to even consider how their tax dollars were being used....this is going to get ugly....and we only have ourselves to blame for it.
https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTYpeqEU9tft_e2mcy8MYapKbuli3iugJM5i7DR_uPFWt9fbgMG6g" />
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