The Left's Hypocritical Attacks Upon Donald Trump
We have witnessed almost 8 years of how the liberal left operates here in America after having control of the oval office. Economic stagnation, big costly government, budget overruns, national security at risk, and a refusal to protect our borders has left the Democrats in a severe credibility deficit. Americans were tired of a Washington that refused to listen to the plight of hard working citizens preferring to subsidize illegal immigrants and relocate unvetted refugees from terrorist ridden countries here. The angered and disenfranchised Americans chose change rather than another four years of Barack Obama politics under a Hillary Clinton presidency. Donald Trump was elected fairly under a an exhausting campaign that took him all over the United States speaking to tens of thousands of exuberant supporters.
Poor Sports
Even after Hillary Clinton conceded to Donald Trump's camp the left, the shell shocked liberals, the advocaters of Globalism would not go down quietly with reverence at a contest they had convincingly lost. US cities marked by well organized and funded anti Trump protests, a call for a recount in key battle ground states by Jill Stein, repudiation by Hollywood actors, with VP Mike Pence being singled out by the entertainers of a New York play expressing their angst over Trump's presidency, as he and his wife sat in the audience-typical sore loser behavior. The very liberal media and Hillary Clinton demands that Donald Trump should accept the results of the Electoral College were contradicted by the Democrats and their “Snowflake” “Cry Baby” supporters refusing to acknowledge not only their defeat, but the new President Elect, Donald Trump.
Trumped up persecution
Some electors who pledged to represent their constituents and cast their vote for Donald Trump, the rightful winner of the 2016 Presidential Election have decided to resign or to support someone else out of their own conscience when they were sworn to duty. Just as name brand designers who refuse to make a dress for Melania Trump, the soon to be First Lady, we can see how the true backlash that would never have been allowed to go unpunished as it would have had President Elect Obama been similarly insulted. Then there's that double standard again.
Free speech?
The same great advocates of women's liberation who bashed such conservative female commentators as Laura Ingraham, calling her a slut, burning effigies of Sarah Palin, denigrating Ann Coulter, and even racially insulting journalist and author, Michelle Malkin with obscene comments that pushed the envelope of decency characterized the assaults by Democrat Party supporters. Where were the great spokespersons like Gloria Steinem stepping up in support of their sisters on the right? Oh, that's right, the left only looks after their own, not all women, just theirs.
Saving who?
While we hear Hollywood actors and actresses beating their chests about human rights violations in Sudan or Haiti we will never hear from them when it comes to the slaughter of Christians and Jews through out the Middle East and Africa. While our humanitarian brothers and sisters on the left urge us to donate to the cause of animal neglect and that it's okay for the federal government to fund Planned Parenthood they conveniently condone the clinical liquidation of millions of unborn babies telling us that these children have no rights when they're in the womb!
What law enforcement?
We are constantly reminded by liberals that we are a nation of racists and that blacks are mistreated when in cities like Baltimore with federal funding per capita on public school students exceeding any other city the appalling failure rate tells us something else. In these same cities local Democrat run mayoral offices order police to stand down during destructive protests as store fronts are burned in Ferguson and San Jose and police cars are trashed while the left's district attorneys attempt to prosecute embattled police officers for doing their job. In cities like Chicago where the strictest liberal gun control policies are imposed a record 700 shooting deaths due to Black on Black violence are rarely mentioned by the mainstream media.
The true victims
It seems the victims most championed by liberals are actually perpetrating shootings against their own while liberal Mayors tell us that Trump supporters being beaten up at rallies in full view of police who do nothing have actually performed exceptionally well. The double standard of allowing crime among the liberal's victims of choice supersedes the rights and protections of the white middle class citizens forced to accept this form of institutionalized bigotry. “Payback” a term heard by Civil Rights lawyer J. Christian Adams when it was announced that Obama's Justice Department would not prosecute Blacks such as the New Black Panthers for threatening voters at a city polling facility and using racial epithets in the process caught in the act on camera. Nope. Had this been perpetrated by Whites obviously the result would have been much different. An outcry of large proportions would have been voiced by the left.
True feminism
Hillary Clinton during her campaign often characterized Donald Trump as an abuser of women while touting her own personal credentials as an advocate for women's rights. Quite conversely we find that she took hundreds of millions of dollars through the Clinton Foundation from Arab nations that though Sharia Law are allowed to beat their wives, publicly execute their daughters should they disgrace their family in some way, for Muslim men to have sex with under age girls taking them as multiple wives while also refusing their women the right to drive or seek education. It would appear that huge sums of money trump the need for requiring nation states to honor women's rights.
Money makes it okay
Hillary Clinton as well represented herself as a great champion of the LGBT community unconcerned over the murder, torture, and imprisonment of Gays in Islamic cultures whom she received millions upon millions of donations deposited in the coffers of the Clinton foundation. As a matter of fact, it was a frequent occurrence during the Obama Administration for the president to ignore human rights violations as he built his legacy upon the premise of opening diplomatic relations with Cuba as dissidents were being rounded up by Castro's military imprisoned and tortured simply for asking for rights. Yet, this fact would not stop President Obama from criticizing his own nation when giving his tiresome speeches abroad.
The environment right?
Being a huge proponent for the remedy of human caused Climate Change, our fearless leader, President Obama, saw fit to travel through the atmosphere in Air Force One frequently to events and his personal visits while dumping huge amounts of burned jet fuel contrails into the upper layers of the stratosphere.
While wife, Michelle, made healthy low fat meals mandatory for school lunch menus that children found repulsive and threw into the trash, the Obama's ate lavish hamburgers, milkshakes, and deserts laden with fattening calories whenever on vacation or outside the White House attending eateries. Low fat and high fiber foods do not necessarily nourish the brains of growing children while in school years, but as usual the left knows better than we or our taxpayer dollars.
Just ask Joe
One thing is for certain when observing the rules of engagement by the left in every aspect they are allowed to violate their own adopted morality while excoriating those on the right for the same hypocritical misbehavior. It must be great to write your own rules and then to break them as we have seen the Democrats do over and over again in the course of decades in the American arena of politics. This as the DOJ under the Obama White House allows criminal behavior of its own kind to go unprosecuted while quite vehemently enforcing the law or using false allegations to demonize their conservative counterparts. Ask Sheriff Joe Arpaio what happens in Arizona when he does his job clearing the streets of drug dealers and illegal aliens once radical activists from La Raza decide who can live in America and how the law should apply to those who trespass across the border.
Your daughter will get over it
In the politically correct world of the left we can safely say that justice is negotiable and that the law never seems to apply to them. We can readily see that morality is but a philosophical argument not to be enforced or heeded. Just ask young girls how they feel when a man wearing a wig walks into a public restroom clearly marked for “Women” or when a man sporting a skirt decides to exhibit his genitals in a girls locker room at a Junior High School. When the police are called it seems that liberal rationale has seen to it that these types of incidents are not violations of the law. We wouldn't want to offend the LGBT now would we. Welcome to the hypocrisy of the Democratic liberal mindset and how our nation has been affected by “Hope and Change”.
Yep, you're right. The media and the federal government are getting away with murder and bullshit!
pretty long blog thingy, but yah i read it, i get it exposing hypocracy. your a good writer. its time we hold congress in contempt of the people.
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