The True Source of Fake News
With the liberal movement and mainstream media still shocked over their disastrous loss to the Trump campaign a whole new set of false narratives has been concocted to try and de-legitimize The Donald's presidency. Perhaps they are even trying to save face. However rather than face facts and realize that their schizophrenic policies have not resonated with the American working class they must instead try and fabricate nonsensical explanations.
Feeble replies
However, using such excuses as Russian hackers somehow influencing the 2016 Presidential Election results in favor of Donald Trump, blaming white backlash for Hillary's loss, or calling for the dissolution of the Electoral College will be their impotent reaction. This will no doubt lead to gradual destruction of the Democratic Party as their radicalized approach to the issues of governance in America has not worked and has been proven ineffectual. Eight years of the Obama White House has more than proven that.
False allegations
In the last 8 years the American people have come to a stark realization that the US media has colluded with the Democratic Party machine to fabricate false news despite a list of some 200 conservative and alternative news sources listed by the Washington Post that supposedly produce fake news. Breitbart is one of those outlets which has become a powerhouse of objective reporting after the mysterious death of its originator, Andrew Breitbart.
Fake checked
One might recall Fact Check's online source that supposedly objectively researches political topics and provides authentication of data surrounding issues. After using this resource one will quickly find if they bother to do a little investigation of their own that the only facts on this site are those that the Obama White House and Democrats want the inquisitor to know and that the site is extremely partisan in its orientation. Many voters during the 2012 Presidential Election were misled by the results of Fact Check to the point that it quickly earned the new nickname “Fake Checked”.
Drive by media
Brian Williams, once the main news anchor for NBC was caught falsifying many of his stories going back years. As a result, he was suspended for months before being placed at MSNBC a news outlet that most well informed viewers know is extremely myopic when covering any topic relating to liberal spin on news events. It seems a perfect place for a TV journalist shunned by the elite news networks once his lies had been discovered, but this is standard operating procedure for the liberal media. Recently to see Brain Williams speaking out about fake news was almost funny in view of the fact that he was a primary source of it!
Collusion the name of the game
With political reporters like Glen Thrush openly seeking approval from John Podesta, Hillary's campaign manager along with other so called journalists trying to get Clinton elected as opposed to simply objectively reporting the news we got another taste of the true source of “Fake News”. When news conventions turned out with dozens of news network journalists in attendance were literally ordered to go after Donald Trump in order prevent his ascendancy into the Oval Office. Hillary Clinton called upon the news media reporters to keep The Donald from succeeding in his quest for the White House. Never in the history of US Presidential Elections has the American press set out to wreck the attempt of a candidate to become the chief executive of the land using so many slanderous and libel comments in their attempts at character assassination. This was one of the unique aspects of the 2016 election.
Attacking truth from the top down
American perception of the US media reflects a level of mistrust that reflects all time lows, but also calls into question what decades of political commentary and reporting has done to our society without social media or the Internet to provide an alternative source of the facts. John Boehner, former Speaker of the House, lamented that the US political conversation has now become so divided as a result of conservative radio talk shows unlike the good old days when TV news ran amuck unquestioned and by a limited number of personalities who dictated public opinion. President Obama just couldn't get enough of the news media behind him in bungling attempts at ruling over this nation so he began a campaign of criticism against Fox News and Rush Limbaugh rather than take responsibility for his own failures.
The real source
The political conversation in America has become divided because of the lies of the left, collusion of the US media with the White House, and the denial by the stumbling Democrats that flawed policy is responsible for the failure of the Party to hold office and retain the trust of the US citizen. This is the simple truth it need not be verified by Fact Check, Josh Earnest, or any other White House spokesperson because it is from that very source that you will encounter true “Fake News”.
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