The Case For The Electoral College
Much has been said recently concerning Electoral voting in the wake of a Donald Trump victory that rocked the Democratic Party nullifying Hillary's supposed entitled ascendancy to the Oval Office. It just didn't play into the hands of the collectivist left and now the media, the liberals, and the Obama White House are all whining about it. Barbara Boxer, a California Senator, who would feel better at home in a fascist regime than America, has tried to put in a measure to dissolve the Electoral College along with other disenchanted Hillary campaigners who cannot bring themselves to accept their own defeat!
The original intentions of our wise forefathers were to support election through representation of the entire country not just regional domination based upon the concentration of an urban populace that could end up forcing all other citizens across the geography of the nation into rule by force. In essence, there could not be a Senate that spoke for their constituents without the Electoral College. In this system, all regions of United States landmass and those populating it have a voice in the election process. Without this type of system the coasts of California and New York State would consistently decide for millions of citizens who live across thousands of miles of varying topography, backgrounds, heritage, and resources.
Defeating corruption
The Electoral system prevents numbers of voters within one party from attaining unquestioned superiority by surmounting large illegal immigrant populations in sanctuary cities and counties for the purpose of shifting the outcome of elections, yet regions such as New York City and Los Angeles, California have been permanently altered by design through Democrat tampering with more than 1 million unlicensed drivers in the “golden State” alone. Keeping an opposing party from engineering an out come unfair to a vast landmass of the population voting in opposition was one of the original intentions of our forefathers in 1787. As a result it became a Constitutional requirement.
Maddening scheme
Of course, the shell shocked Democratic Party is grasping for straws trying anyway they can to unseat President Elect Donald Trump or at least prevent such a failure of their agenda to occur again. Yet, they fail to comprehend what is at the true source of their loss of the presidency. That loss took place because the Democratic adopted a virtual Communist doctrine forcing their anti-free enterprise agenda creating a gigantic welfare state for non-citizens to compensate for a bloated government bureaucracy, growing taxes, while suppressing the private sector. When the federal government legislated in favor of illegal alien invasion, compromised national security, and began ignoring the US Constitution the citizens grew angry of the loss of opportunity under the Obama White House. However, the tunnel vision of the Democrats will not allow them to listen to the will of the people only the will of minorities allowed to punish citizens exercising their rights.
Today the Electoral system binds the Electors themselves to their pledges by state laws and federal prosecution to ensure that its intentions are implemented. In a frenzy to somehow remain a relevant political power the Democrats under Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama arrogantly lied, abused their power, and made life for citizens an exercise in futility under the weight of higher taxes, more regulations, and social engineering that challenged morality in America. Even with more than 11 million illegal aliens in the country with an estimated 6% of them violating voting laws and casting their ballots, with voter fraud allowed to go on without prosecution, and as liberals threaten to murder the Electors who are pledged to represent their constituents still the Electoral College upheld an election as it was intended by our founding fathers.
Genius by design
Despite allegations of foreign hacking, low voter turn out, or the influence of White Supremacists the Electoral College succeeded in denying a presidency (Clinton) that would have transformed America into something it was never intended to be converting the nation into mediocrity and statism. Popular votes do not reflect anymore than mob rule if politicians have no need to campaign across the nation but instead lazily concentrate their efforts into a small region that will predictively yield the number of votes that would dictate rule over millions of citizens scattered all over the entire landmass of America. The founding fathers realized this and so adopted the Electoral College to prevent misrepresentative rule. The system survives to day because it serves the people despite the designs of a particular agenda in an tyrannical political party.
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