See related image detail. Day 23 // How to Draw a Standing Pose • Bardot Brush

Living a Lie


She is like a pearl in the sands of the shore

Perhaps a fantasy that could become more

A porthole opening up to a mystical door

Like fairy dust glistening on the floor,

 Image result for dremland lover

Somewhere in dreamland she flies

A place where reality lives or dies

A place where spirits make moon dust pies

Finally, a sanctuary from all the lies,

 Image result for Slumber plays her violin

Each time I close my eyes again

 I can’t seem to remember when

As slumber plays her violin

Lord tell me when I’m freed of isolation,

 Image result for pond of tears

Across time and space my quest moves along

This is what happens when unmet needs are too strong

Can anyone hear this celestial song?

It echoes tearfully for all that has gone wrong,

Image result for abandoned sho[[ing malls deviant art 

Going back through the crystalline halls

Memories lost in abandoned shopping malls

The rushing of majestic waterfalls

The scent of hay in horse stalls,

Image result for recalling the past 

Recalling the past that fails the lonely present

The wisdom I could have used as an adolescent

Pools of tears become effervescent

The damage to the soul under mutual consent,

 Image result for my words raise to the sky

I ask once more as my words rise to the sky

Haven’t there been those more evil than I?

Perhaps I wasn’t bold enough but too shy

Haunted by the specter of living a lie.

 See related image detail. The Creator Archetype: Unleashing the Power of Imagination and ...

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