London 2012 7/7 Olympics Sacrifice Ritual

Introduction – August 10, 2011

We are pretty sure that David Beckham and Leona Lewis had no idea of the occult symbolism behind this handover ceremony. A centrepiece of the closing ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics it was ostensibly meant to symbolise a handover to the 2012 London Olympics.
However, as the video below illustrates it symbolised a lot more than just a simple handover; although few of the participants – with the exception of Jimmy Page – probably realised.

Kevin Boyle Notes

The following video was found here. I watched this part of the Beijing Olympics closing ceremony on TV and wondered at the shocking chutzpah of having a 7/7-style London bus with its roof 'blown off' as part of the act. I also wondered at the choice of famous Satanist Jimmy Page to front the music.
Page is a devout follower of Alistair Crowley's and would prefer to be known as a 'Thelemist'……
….but we get the idea, Jimmy.
In the following video we can can see the entire act/ritual decoded.
There are some very sick people in some very high places out there.

<br><a href="" title="UFO Videos Conspiracy Forum"></a> - <a href="">London 2012 7/7 Olympics Sacrifice Ritual Video</a><br>

Disclose.tvLondon 2012 7/7 Olympics Sacrifice Ritual Video

London Performance at Beijing Olympics Decoded – Kevin Boyle

Just in case you do not know about 7/7, see the following…….(full article here)

There are two competing narratives to explain this great crime:

1) The official story of four suicide bombers murdering 52 people and injuring hundreds by exploding four bombs on three tube trains and one bus on the morning of 7/7.

2) Forces embedded within the establishment carried out a false-flag attack against the British people. As with nearly all false-flag events, patsies were set up to take the blame for the crime. The four Muslims were completely innocent actors paid to participate in a concurrent anti-terror ‘drill’.

As you will have guessed, I am one of the many who subscribe to conspiracy theory number two.


After 9/11 the murderous confabulation that is modern history soared and raged all around us under guise of a ‘War on Terror’, providing the necessary pretext for just about anything the western military-industrial complex felt like doing. However, in the UK we (or should I say the Labour government) had a serious problem. Although Blair and his army of stooges signed up to every invasion and participated loyally in every occupation, the one thing our ‘War on Terror’ was short on was…..the terror. It appeared that British Muslims, peeved though they undoubtedly were at watching their co-religionists being slaughtered by the million in Iraq, just wouldn’t turn their energies toward blowing up their fellow Englishmen. The ‘War on Terror’ was happening somewhere else.

The fact that on 7/7/05 four (or more) explosions killed fifty-two innocent people making their way to work on a Thursday morning changed all that.

Nonetheless the story, universally accepted by the British media (if not across the country), that four Islamic-terrorist suicide-bombers murdered them remains an unproven and (as I will attempt to explain) highly unlikely conspiracy theory.

Firstly it needs to be noted that the refusal of both the Labour and the new Tory/Liberal alliance to hold a public Inquiry into the events of 7/7 should ring a very loud alarm bell for every British citizen. This was the largest mass-murder ever on British soil. One might have expected the promoters of the ‘War on Terror’ to use a Public Inquiry to cash in on an incident that would make and massively boost their case.

In a court of law physical evidence always trumps excuses, allegations, observations or any other kind of verbal contribution to a case, so one should perhaps begin here.

Three Holes in the Floor of the Edgeware Road Carriage

Evidence was given by different witnesses, including the train driver (a Mr Whitehead), that clearly describe three separate holes in the Edgeware Road carriage. People fell into all three holes. Two emerged from the holes . One died in the third hole. The original report on the Edgeware Road explosion (from Mark Honigsbaum of the Guardian who was on the train) had the train lifting off the tracks and being derailed (i.e. bomb(s) underneath the train). The driver described all the access panels in the floor of the first coach (the bomb(s) killed people in the second carriage) being ‘flipped open’ from underneath.

In what way is any of this compatible with a single suicide ‘suicide bomber’ with a rucksack full of black pepper and hydrogen peroxide?

The Explosives

Here is a timeline for the 7/7 explosives narrative as it developed:

The first analysis came from a genuine expert. This is surely the most reliable commentary on the nature of the bombs that went off that morning. The problem is that it would have been all-but-impossible for four young men from Leeds to get their hands on such materials.

On 12 July 2005, Superintendent Christophe Chaboud, chief of French anti-terrorism Coordination Unit who was in London assisting Scotland Yard with its investigation, confirmed to The Times that,‘The nature of the explosives appears to be military, which is very worrying….the material used were not homemade but sophisticated military explosives …’ (Nafeez Ahmed The London Bombs, p.24)

On 13th July it was stated that these were of ‘C4’ explosive….London explosives have military origin – [Science Daily. LONDON, July 13 (UPI)]: Forensic scientists told the newspaper the construction of the four devices detonated in London was very technically advanced, and unlike any instructions that can be found on the Internet.’

From The Independent on July 14th: ‘A bath filled with explosives has been found at a house in Leeds that was the “operational base” for the London suicide bombers 17th July 2005 The Observer: ‘22 lbs TATP in the bath.’

The TATP story survived but faded away in 2007 then, when the 7/7 Kingston trial came along in the summer of 2008 all trace of the TATP story had gone.

Now the explosives were made of black pepper and hydrogen peroxide. The idea of the four heating up Hydrogen Peroxide in their kitchen to the point where it would make an explosive mix with black pepper is simply laughable. How could they test that their ‘bombs’ were going to go off. Were they going to go lurching across the country with this kind of bomb sloshing about in their rucksacks. Has anybody ever made a bomb out of this mixture? If such a bomb did explode could it possibly have caused the devastation created on 7/7?

There is much written online that mocks these materials as potential tools of mass destruction. Do we not require a Public Inquiry on this issue alone. The changing storyline above surely makes no sense at all.

Why Suicide?

Moving on to another very obvious question: why would terrorists who wished to wreak havoc and punish British people for the UK’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan choose to blow themselves up along with their victims? These were very crowded trains. They could have set a timed detonator and quietly slipped off the trains a stop or two early, leaving their bags on the floor amongst the feet of dozens of incurious passengers. Where would have been the risk in that? Surely such activists would better serve their cause by continuing and not terminating their mission?


There were four uncannily accurate drills carried out before the 7/7 bombings:

1) The BBC Panorama ‘management exercise’ programme of May 2004 during which a panel of ‘managers’, including Peter Power (see below) and Michael Portillo, discussed how they would deal with a terror attack on London that revealed itself to them through mock news reports as the show progressed. The scenario they had to deal with turned out to be one overground and 3 underground explosions taking place over a short space of time during the morning rush hour.

2) The contemporaneous 7/7 drill: on 7/7 itself Peter Power conducted a terror drill that shadowed the cataclysm as it happened – over the same three tube stations at more or less the same time. On the afternoon of 7/7 he was interviewed on Radio 5’s ‘Drivetime’ programme:

POWER: …at half-past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for, er, over, a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing upright!

3) Atlantic Blue: held over 5-8 April, 2005. All echelons of government participated in this large terror-drill. The Independent reported after July 7th that “By an extraordinary coincidence, all the experts who formulate such plans are together in a meeting at the headquarters of the London Ambulance Service – and they are discussing an exercise they ran three months ago that involved simulating four terrorist bombs going off at once across London.”

4) Operation Hanover: London’s police hold a little-known yearly terror-drill. On 2005 it just happened to be held on 1-2 July. Its game-plan was threefold: three ‘simultaneous’ bomb attacks on three underground stations. The police have been reticent about discussing this astounding precursor event, mere days before 7/7. They only revealed it in 2009.

Why No Post-Mortems?

Another astonishing fact that emerged during the 2010-11 7/7 Inquest was that no post mortems were carried out on the bodies of the victims. A very great deal about the nature of and distance from the explosions could have been discovered from such examinations. The effects of different explosives on flesh are well-known. Such post-mortems would have provided some definitive information that would have at least ruled out some possible explosives from consideration as the source material of the blasts. What could possibly explain such an oversight other than the desire to avoid creating conflicts with a fabricated narrative.

Body Count reveals no Bombers

The First Official Body Count on Two of the Trains was One Body Short

At the 7/7/ Inquest in November 2010 Dr. Morgan Costello gave evidence that he was asked to attend two scenes, Edgware Road and Aldgate, for the ‘purposes of certifying the extinction of life’. He counted six bodies at Edgware Road and seven bodies at Aldgate and declared these as ‘life extinct’. The enormous anomaly, that passed completely unreported in the press, was that the numbers should have been seven and eight if we count the bodies of the bombers. Here is surely the clearest possible evidence that the alleged bombers were never on the trains. No similar count seems to have been carried out on the other (Russell Square ) train but we do know a little about the behaviour of the Russell Square bomber, Germaine Lindsay, before his demise.

Germaine Lindsay, cool and then confused

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