Lori Berenson and Child Back to Prison

Flyby News www.FlybyNews.com
Editor - Jonathan Mark
August 19, 2010 -

Editor's Notes: It gets tiresome trying to comprehend such a savage world, but after around only 3 months of freedom on parole, 3 Judges returned Lori Berenson and child back to jail for another five years. Please take action on this.

18 August 2010 - Associated Press - FreeLori
A three-judge panel rules that Lori Berenson
must return to prison with 15-month old baby.

News from Lori's Parents - Rhoda and Mark Berenson
Lori Berenson Reincarcerated
"Some recent media reports have contained inaccuracies
when explaining Lori's parole revocation. As part of her
parole request, Lori informed the court where she would
be living if released. The court approved this residence
before releasing Lori on parole, and the police inspected
it multiple times while she was living there. They were
supposed to inspect it before she moved in, but failed
to do so. Because this pre-occupancy inspection
was not carried out, Lori and Salvador have been
sent back to prison.".- Rhoda and Mark Berenson
Urgent Call to Action!
Please call the White House hotline (202)456-1111
and when instructed ask for a "hotline" operator
and urge President Obama to immediately come to
the aid of a wrongfully incarcerated US citizen
and a completely innocent child.


Recent Issues:

Committee to Free Lori Berenson - A young woman held political

News from Lori's Parents

18 August 2010

In this update:

Lori Berenson Reincarcerated

Sadly and unjustly, Lori and Salvador have been returned to prison today. Right after Lori was released on parole on May 27 the state prosecutor appealed the judge's decision. On August 16 there was a hearing on the appeal and today, August 18, there was a decision to annul the parole based on a procedural issue that was not the responsibility of Lori or her defense. Upon hearing the resolution, Lori turned herself over to the police. Until this procedural issue is resolved Lori must remain in prison. During her move to the prison, broadcast live on TV, we saw Salvador almost crushed by a hoard of cameraman and journalists, indifferent to the wellbeing of a 15-month old baby.

After the procedural issue is resolved there will be another hearing where we hope that parole will be sustained and she will be released once again. However, this will take several months and there is no guarantee of parole.
Over the years hundreds of prisoners convicted of terrorism related crimes, Peruvians and foreign nationals, have been released on parole. Lori has been the subject of a media circus since she was released. Hardly a day has passed since May 25 without at least a dozen news items demonizing Lori. Politicians of every stripe have tried to outdo each other in their condemnations, using the case of a US citizen for political purposes.

Urgent Call to Action

Please call the White House hotline (202-456-1111) and when instructed ask for a "hotline" operator and urge President Obama to immediately come to the aid of a wrongfully incarcerated US citizen and a completely innocent child.

- Rhoda and Mark Berenson

Transcript of Lori's testimony before the three-judge panel.

Additional Breaking News Links

20 August 2010 - The Guardian (UK) - Common Dreams
Rising Temperatures Reducing Ability
of Plants to Absorb Carbon
, Study Warns

21 December 2009 - Online Journal - Jerry Mazza
One man's look at the global warming horizon
How oil remains the culprit behind 9/11 and global warming,
the latter being a reality not an elitist scam.

Energy Pollution's Impact On Environment

19 August 2010 - YouTube - Alex Jones
Wayne Madsen: 'Barack Obama
Conclusively Outed as CIA Creation

abomination obama nation

20 August 2010 - OnLine Journal - Jerry Mazza
'Ground Zero Mosque' inflating Islamophobia

18 August 2010 - WeAreChange - 911blogger
9/11/2010 ~ WeAreChange ~ NYC:
Our Lives Post 9/11 Conference

Films and Discussions - Northampton, MA
Valley 9/11 Truth - September 11, 2010
17 August 2010 - NY Daily News - Common Dreams
Government Report on Gulf Oil Spill Inaccurate,
Scientists Say at Least 79% of Oil Still in the Sea

05 August 2010 - DemocracyNow! - War and Peace Report
Emily Henochowicz, Art Student Who Lost Her Eye
Speaks Out After Being Shot by Israeli Tear
Gas Canister in West Bank Protest

Middle East Peace ~ initiatives & information

Energy Pollution's Impact On Environment

29 July 2010 - Natural News - Mike Adams
Pharmaceutical drug contamination of
waterways threatens life on our planet

OXYSILVER: The Green Technology Making
Risky Vaccinations and Toxic Antibiotics Obsolete.
By Leonard G. Horowitz

Transforming Health-care and Criminal Justice
Not-for-Profit Healthcare and Prisons good for USA!
By Jonathan Mark

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"The world is a dangerous place,
not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing"

- Albert Einstein

The views expressed herein are writers' own and not necessarily of Flyby News.
Fair Use Policy that describes use of copyrighted material is at FlybyNews.com.
Feedback for story suggestions and networking Flyby News is appreciated.
You can write to the editor by email: - flyby(at}mtdata{dot)com -

Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus,
and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy
environment, human rights, justice, and nonviolence,
since the launch of NASA's Cassini space probe in 1997.

News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era


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