Man Detained for Displaying “Don’t Tread on Me” Bumper Sticker

Dr. Archie Jones
The American Vision
May 8, 2009
Our friends at The Patriot Depot just received a call from Rosemarie in Ball, Louisiana alerting Patriot Depot that her brother-in-law was stopped by small town Louisiana police and detained by the roadside for half an hour. A background check was conducted to determine whether he was a member of an “extremist” group. Why? Her brother-in-law (name not disclosed for privacy) had purchased and displayed a conservative “Don’t Tread on Me” bumper sticker on his car.
The bumper sticker is based on the famous flag designed by American Revolution era general and statesman Christopher Gadsden. The yellow flag featured a coiled diamondback rattlesnake ready to strike, with the slogan “Don’t Tread on Me!” underneath it. Benjamin Franklin helped make the rattlesnake a symbol of Americans’ reluctance to quarrel but vigilance and resolve in defense of their rights. By 1775 when Gadsden presented his flag to the commander-in-chief of the Navy, the rattlesnake was a symbol of the colonies and of their need to unite in defense of threats to their God-given and inherited rights. The flag and the bumper sticker symbolize American patriotism, the need to defend Americans’ rights, and resistance to tyranny’s threats to American liberty. Those threats included-and include-illegal taxation, profanation of Americans’ rights, and violation of the fundamental principles of American law
The notorious Department of Homeland Security memo, which was apparently based on the infamous Missouri State Police Report that described supporters of presidential candidates Bob Barr, Ron Paul, and Chuck Baldwin as “militia”-type potential extremists and potential terrorists, is not the first effort of leftist radicals to slander their political opponents as “extremists.” Some observers have noted that similar “reports” emerged during the Clinton administration. But “liberals” and other leftists have been calling defenders of traditional American limited, constitutional government, free enterprise, and individual liberty “extremists” since at least the 1964 election.
The political left’s attempts to establish a false equivalence between genuine left wing extremists and those who oppose the left’s assault on our culture, law, and liberty is more than propaganda to fool the ignorant and manipulate public opinion. Combined with the power of government, it is an attempt to harass, intimidate, and silence all political opposition-and probably an attempt to demonize them as a prelude to governmental oppression and persecution. Keep in mind that the First Amendment states,
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Small town police misled by phony left wing “reports” are bad enough. Federal government agencies and their armed agents under the direction of leftist radicals are exponentially worse. They will tread on us. The time has come to let our voices be heard!

J. Patriot’s thoughts:
My thoughts are that Louisiana Officer’s or always willing to take guns away from the American people, and goose step and show how truly ignorant they are! Perfect example New Orleans. For the few good Officers and Louisiana stand up before it’s too late.
This comment goes to all Law Enforcement. When you swore to uphold and protect the US Constitution do it! Don’t obey an unlawful order that violates your oath, after all your oath is your word of honor, and if you don’t keep your word what honor do you have? It’s time as Law Enforcement Officer’s that we stand up for what’s right, and lead by example and stand up against tyranny, and the American people will follow us. But only if we begin to make a stand then people can once again respect the badge

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Comment by Jeff on May 9, 2009 at 7:13pm
Oh, sorry, watched the first video already, perhaps through this site or another. The second was just as good. Again, some of our personal beliefs are diametrically opposed but our goals are quite the same.
Comment by Jeff on May 9, 2009 at 7:11pm
That's the guy. Never thought I would ever support a Sheriff but I like what he has to say. Of course I believe in absolutely minimal government, the barest of minimums so supporting a Sheriff or any law enforcement figure, for me, adds a new paradigm to life. Let's hope people like him can make a difference although I have serious doubts. Most Sheriff's aren't going to support his positions and most police officers are as corrupt as the criminals they look to arrest.

Interestingly, when I was a kid, 14-15 or so and began smoking pot the police officers could be trusted and I would have called one under any circumstances requiring one. After watching the Hope Steffy brutality and recognizing she's the one that called the police, I would have to be staring down the barrel of a gun before I would even entertain calling one of the current crew of jack booted miscreants.

Peace friend.
Comment by Harry Thomas on May 9, 2009 at 7:03pm
these are segments i did a little over a year ago ( still relevant today unfortuately )

Police Abuse Reaching Epidemic Level HTS 030108 p3

Police Brutality On The Rise , Big Brother HTS 022308 p3
Comment by Harry Thomas on May 9, 2009 at 6:40pm
maybe you refer to
Sheriff Richard Mack
Oathkeeper - Sheriff Richard Mack discusses his New Book and April 2009 events
Comment by Jeff on May 9, 2009 at 6:24pm
Actually, since I disconnected my cable connection and turned off my TV I do use Hulu to watch cops from time to time, believe it or not, I like the show although I disagree with almost all of the arrests and the force used.

Yes, you're correct, I am referring to corruption on a larger scale.

Yes, if we take back the streets on a local level we'll be in a good position to take even more.

I recently watched a Sheriff, perhaps he was from Arizona, he's NOT Joe Arpaio who I hate with a passion, but this Sheriff was speaking nationally, might have appeared on Alex Jones and was in favor of enforcing the Constitution, asking for Sheriff's nationwide not to accept federal funds, stop minor drug arrests and other positions that I agreed with. Rare that I agree with a Sheriff.

While some of our beliefs may differ our end goals are perhaps quite the same.

Peace to you
Comment by Harry Thomas on May 9, 2009 at 6:11pm
i understand your explaination completely . i agree . the difference here is your talking globally at the highiest levels the criminal elite. The puppetmasters.

my statement was made on a more local level. When sheriffs take back control of their communities corruption declines.

Everybody is sitting around waiting for someone to arrest the bankers.

In chess you must eliminate pawns , bishops , queens , knights and rooks on the way to capture the king.

We must start somewhere is my point even if it is pawns to start. Then we move ahead from there.

I have written a revised letter based on this post to law enforcement officials

I'm not in disagrement . I appreciate the clarification on how you were applying the term . My reality is not to far different than yours . Our experiences may be different which alters our perceptions. I belive we are all spiritual beings having a human experience.
Except over at HULU they are aliens waiting to soften and devour our brains . :)
Comment by Jeff on May 9, 2009 at 5:51pm
"Eventually the corruption will decline."

Yes, conjecture. YOU posted the editorial about police officers abusing power. That aside let's discuss abuse of power.

Abuse of power rings loud from the highest offices of the land, right? I believe so. Torture, bailouts, payoffs, Enron, Madoff, Sibel Edmonds, 9/11 and a whole laundry list of crap. That's the example being set by those who are supposed to lead by example.

Lobbyists own Washington, there are cases where blackmail, although it might be termed 'soft' blackmail of Congressmen and women has been used to stifle US Justice Department investigations.

Police brutality is generally concealed though in circumstances where evidence abounds the admissions are usually forthcoming though quite conservative in nature.

In the recent past there were 90 innocent civilians killed by US troops in Afghanistan. At first the US denied civilian deaths for 2 months, then admitted to 13, and then 2 months later issued a statement that 33 civilians were killed. To date, that's the US position although an independent inquiry and the Afghan government stand by the figure of 90.

Two days ago allegedly 147 civilians were killed. Today the US admitted that the figure is correct but issued a statement that the civilians were killed by Afghan Taliban. The Afghan government hasn't finished their investigation yet. Time will tell.

The fact that the upper echelon of society routinely uses lies, propaganda and subterfuge to cover mistakes, errors and outright fraud and murder means that those who look to power for guidance are corrupted easily as well.

Corruption, over the course of history hasn't ceased nor has it ebbed, it has only grown more obvious and more blatant because once a corrupt figure gets away with something the path is paved for others to follow in those footsteps.

If you believe corruption will decline perhaps you live in a different world or paradigm. Most powerful men are corrupt, that's how they got there. Powerful men lead this global system of government and that won't change.

There's a great editorial on the internet and I'm not certain where it is but information can be found by Googling "narcissism in political figures." The top global political figures suffer from a rather severe form of narcissism which has two primary characteristics. The first is that they are unable to feel or experience empathy, thus we see people like George Bush and Hillary Clinton apologizing for civilian deaths on the one hand while sending our troops (not their kids) into battle to kill and be killed for profit. The second is that the narcissistic personality attracts by nature other similar personalities, thus we have many politicians supporting one another in their efforts. The war in Iraq being a great example. No reason to go there, no threat from the country, no benefit to the people yet we killed 1.2 million innocent people and almost 6,000 American kids in order to benefit a small cadre of NWO elites by securing the global petroleum cache and its transport routes. The subject of the psychological disorder of narcissism and political elites is well documented.

That aside, let's examine who we hire as police officers, and this is nothing more than opinion based on my own research. We hire the failures within society into ALL public service positions. Those people that weren't able to produce an income on their own, like attorney's, doctor's, engineer's, etc. We hire people seeking power and the comfort and consistency of Mom. That's what a public service job provides. Consistent medical care, benefits and income in a position that it's difficult to lose and that's rewarded with regular promotions and pay increases. These people that apply for jobs as police officers are typically the least qualified for the position in that only a high school diploma is required and in many cases one felony arrest is overlooked. They are the bottom feeders of any society dressed in snappy uniforms and given unbridled power. No wonder so many people are needlessly arrested, harassed and tazed by a system gone wild.

No, corruption isn't going to decline. It grows daily.
Comment by Harry Thomas on May 9, 2009 at 4:48pm
if the behavior of corruption was punished and not allowed to continue unrestrained then of course it would decline. thats not conjecture .
this statement was not given with just this one occurance or one document in mind. there are severals documents issued by the DHS to law enforcement and there are countless examples of criminal abuses of power among officers. this is a trend

Statement:If Law Enforcement Officers uphold their oaths and do not enforce unconstitutional orders then our Republic shall stand tall and once again be a beacon of hope , an example of freedom throughout the World. If you don't then the consequences will destroy the Republic further and our way of life will ceast to exist.

conjecture ????????
Comment by Jeff on May 9, 2009 at 2:10pm
I saw the memo or paper you're referring to that came out in Missouri.

I'd like to see proof that that's why he was pulled over. Seems quite unlikely that regular police officers would adhere to a policy such as that. Seems more likely regular police officers would have the same bumper sticker. I find it disconcerting when people jump on unproven rhetoric and move it into the factual data category. 1000s and 1000s of citizens get pulled over daily for no reason at all and 1000s and 1000s get pulled over for valid reasons.

"Eventually the corruption will decline." Another statement with no factual basis.

This whole NWO movement has unproven and hypothetical data flying around its perimeter. Reality is more likely to move mountains than conjecture.
Comment by Harry Thomas on May 9, 2009 at 1:33pm
well said

DHS is sending out reports that label people " extremist " and "violent radicals " for having flags , bumperstickers , and political opinions period. Lumping freedom lovers in with skinheads and fueling the "fear" of 911 constantly is whats causing Law Enforcement Officials to react so over the top. Training teaches " everybody " is the ememy except your fellow officers. This is the fruit of the Militarization of the Police Force. Instead of Peace Officers we are now dealing with Soldiers on our streets.
The solution is in the training. Every candidate and applicant should be required to attend Constitution Classes and other courses explaining proper procedures SOP .
The silent "oath" between our men in woman in blue must be revisited. Officers have to stop turning a blind eye to the crime and corruption among the ranks. This is key. No one is above the law and it means arresting those corrupt officials to set examples. Eventually the corruption will decline. When that happens the people will have more trust and the job hazzard will decrease.
Every community must start taking action to weed out corruption in their departments. Safety in numbers there are more good people than bad. Stand up to the bullies. Until stuff like this happens things will just get worse and a good relationship between the Peace Officer and the Citizen will never exist. Using the word Citizen and not Civilian is a small start. We are not Civilians we are American Citizens that are paying a good amout of taxes to be protected by peace officers not soldiers.
thats my 2 cents or maybe 3 cents

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