Michael Moore to Broadcast Kent State Truth Tribunal for 1970 Campus Shootings of War Protesters

KENT, Ohio - April 23 - On May 1-4, 2010 filmmaker Michael Moore will livecast the hearings of the Kent State Truth Tribunal, streaming in real time the accounts of participants, witnesses and family members of the 1970 Kent State shootings
that left four students dead and nine injured. The livecast is the first
real-time broadcast of a truth-seeking initiative of this kind and will air on www.MichaelMoore.com from 10am-7pm
daily eastern.

The Kent State Truth Tribunal was convened by family members of students killed at Kent State in order to record and honor the stories of those directly affected by
the shootings. The Ohio National Guard who opened fire on the protesters has
never publicized the findings of its investigation of command responsibility
for the shootings. And there has never been a public inquiry to hear, record
and preserve the stories of those directly impacted by what happened on May 4th,
1979 at Kent State.

“It is an honor to work with the families of the victims and the participants in the May 4, 1970 protest at Kent State University to bring you their stories,
beamed in from the Kent State Truth Tribunal through my website. We have never
been told the whole truth about these killings and we deserve to hear that
truth,” said Mr. Moore.

The Truth Tribunal will generate a comprehensive historical record of the Kent State massacre. Interviews will be recorded by award-winning filmmaker Emily
Kunstler and will be simultaneously livecast on the home page of
www.MichaelMoore.com. The footage and mementos collected by the participants
will then be archived and available for viewing by the public. The archive will
be preserved as part of the permanent collection at the renowned Tamiment
Library at New York University.

The tribunal will take place on four consecutive days, May 1, 2, 3 & 4, 2010, marking the 40th anniversary of the events of 1970, and held at
Franklin Square Deli Building, at the corner of Water & Main Streets, 110
S. Water Street, in downtown Kent, Ohio. Organizers are asking for all original
participants and witnesses of the 1970 Kent State shootings to pre-register at

On May 4, 1970 the Ohio National Guard opened fire on unarmed students protesting America’s bombing of Cambodia during the Vietnam War. In a day that
changed America, four students were killed and nine were wounded as they
protested against the war. The incident triggered national outrage in a country
already divided. In response to the Kent State shootings, more than four
million students rose up in dissent across 900 campuses, generating the only
nationwide student protest in U.S. history. Fearing civil unrest, President
Nixon was taken to Camp David for his protection. No one has been held
criminally responsible for the deaths and injuries that resulted from the


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