Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is nearly IMPOSSIBLE! To get enough of the AmeriKan people to understand the FALSE Left/Right Paradigm that has brought our country to the brink of ruin! (In the next two months), and to get them to understand that Gary Johnson CAN Win! We Can Do It through Millions of properly placed pieces of professional looking advertizing. 8½ x 11 B&W signs & color signs for telephone poles, Lawn signs, Fence signs and Billboards. (Many hand Painted with donated materials).
Please observe my letter that I am sending out to Mr. Johnson and any of his associates who may be interested:
Dear Mr. Johnson;
I am dirt poor today thanks to the Mormons. In the past I have done some very effective advertizing for Col. Bo Gritz in 1992. Here in Weber County Utah, I and my hand painted professional looking signs brought in 10,000 votes for the Col. I can do the same for you.
I would like to get connected with others in my area so we can hold meetings and have painting parties and produce some wonderful signs for you. Or, if there is a rich person in my area or elsewhere, who would just like to help me get 500 to 1000 yard size signs, I can canvas the northern Utah area and get them properly placed so they can be seen by all. An improperly placed sign is a wasted sign and will get you little or nothing.
If you can help me in this regard, please feel free to contact me at: 801-782-4827 or email at: stevesworldisnumber1@hotmail.com Thank You, Steve Nelson
Howdy LasersShadow,
I will try to answer your question as quick and simply as I can. You gotta be able to grasp the social climate of this area for one thing. If the church says makes a comment about anyone or anything, things just ‘Happen to you.’
1989, I bought a small ‘Key & Copy’ Convenience store. I turned it around and made it a fine success. I brought in new services and improved everything and brought up the daily income at my store from an average of about $70.00 per day to an average of $120.00 per day. I was looking to franchise it out and thus be able to help perhaps hundreds of families have a Real small business of their own all over the intermountain west.
Then I was presented with a challenge. It has been, it seems like forever, that the Mormon way is to stand up for; ‘Truth, Justice and the American Way,’ at least that’s what the late Ezra Taft Benson taught. He said, “If you do a good job in the fight for Liberty, that God would overlook some of your other faults.”
I figured that I needed all the overlooking I could get. And when some friends came by my store in 1991 and introduced me to Col. ‘Bo’ Gritz, (Then a Mormon), I read about him and woke up to the world situation and how it really is. (In later years I have learned that Alex Jones says almost exactly the same things that Col. Bo said so many years ago).
Then I thought; how can I fight for the cause of Liberty and do it in a safe manner, I don’t want to join the army and go kill someone, nor am I good at BS or a good talker, so that quelled my idea of running for a political office. I looked at my store and little family and thought, gee my store could be like a modern Paul Revere, my copy machines could put out over 30 copies a minute. I could counter the garbage sold at the checkout stands of area grocery stores with the truth! I had something that I could do.
I found a source of for ‘Patriot’ books in my area and I carefully selected what I wanted to offer at my store. Books about: the Constitution, the Government, (What was wrong and how to fix it sorta stuff). Most of my books were authored by Mormons. A few were by non-Mormons. A few were by members of the Birch society. Col. Gritz even sent me a fax complementing me on my selection that I was offering to the public.
Things went well for a while until one day a leader of the local Relief Society came by, (The churches women’s group). I was then handing out a half page flyer with an ad for Col. Gritz’s book on one side and for a book by Ezra Taft Benson on the other. Every copy order received one of my nice flyers on top.
This Relief society leader took one look at my flyer and said to my face there at my Drive-up window, pointing to the picture of Ezra Taft Benson, “If you don’t STOP selling this Crap, we’re not coming back!” I said, “I’ll sell what I like at My store!” She tore off in a huff! In her fancy black suburban.
That was on a spring Saturday morning. By the following Monday my business was DEAD! For days & weeks my business remained DEAD! I couldn’t pay my rent; it got to be later and later. I struggled along with my only customers being the smokers and drinkers, generally only Non-Mormons. I worked hard to regain the trust of people.
One day a few weeks after the initial incident, a young lady driving a yellow beat up Pinto with a crying baby in the back, drove up to my east side window and looked at all of my key rings toys and other services that I offered in my windows, and she also looked carefully at my selection of about 30 ‘Patriot’ books. (Little 2” laminated pictures of the book covers on the outside wall).
After a bit she finally said, “I am not seeing what we’ve been told we’d find here.”
I asked, “What is that Mam?”
She said, plain as day; “We’ve been told in our church meetings that this is an Anti-Mormon book store, and that we are not to come here.”
I was floored! I had finally found out what had happened. That Relief Society Leader had gone back to the congregation she had come from and started this lying rumor campaign.
I implored the young lady to go back and tell everyone that this was a LIE!
She must have done something as in the weeks and months ahead, along with my efforts as well, business improved a little but the Lying rumor campaign never ceased. Not for over TEN years! I had to move my store twice but the gossip and rumor campaign still went on. Mormon’s here are like that especially the women. How Brigham Young ever handled 40 of them in his household, is a mystery for Charlie Brown!
So after TEN years of boycotting my store where ever I moved it the Mormon’s finally ran me out. They’ve done it to others too, and very selectively I might say. I know of two others personally that they ran out, and I know of a certain Sex Shop in this town that they have Never bothered in the least.
Since my store closed, I have done a number of odd Handy man types of jobs. Handy man jobs are the closest thing that I can find to the Freedom one gets when you, ‘Work for yourself.’ I have worked at; Motel 6, The Ogden YCC, Weber Human Services & ARC Mobile Home Parks, ect… over these last years since my store closed.
And now with the economy dead and dying, there are No jobs and Handy Man work pays next to nothing.
A lot of the religious leaders around here have for years preached against the Sex Business and said how it is ruining the country and the world. I even tried that to make an income. Because I figured if the Sex business is so prosperous they must be into some big money, right? WRONG!
I wrote two if the sexiest books that I could, (and boy are they sexy!!!) to see if they’d sell and I could make a real income again! Not really bad Sex like you’d find on Every Book Rack in Every Grocery store across AmeriKa today, but Nice quality, Hot and passionate sex, sure to keep a trucker awake on long hauls at night. I had hoped to have them even recorded on CD’s for that very purpose. But there is No Money in the Sex Business unless you are already established. Even PlayBoy magazine has steadily shrunk again and again and again, till it’s just a sliver of the size it used to be.
But I also found out through this exercise that I liked writing! And so I have since written now 7 books. 6 are found at Smashwords.com.
1 is at PublishAmerica in hard back form, (That’s my big & bad sex book by the way; Tomorrow’s World #1 by Steve Nelson). TW2 DESERT TREK and all of my other novels are there at Smashwords.com. Including my FREE ebook about Dr. Ron Paul. So far writing books, sexy or not, hasn’t made any real money but there is always hope that they will catch on.
I am currently writing 2 more books, a children’s book and a far reaching Action/Adventure story about the distant future called; ‘In the 47th Generation.’ This is a story Nuclear catastrophe, based on a Real research paper produced by a Real MIT scientist. He even gave me permission to reprint his paper in the back of the book. I hope to have it done in a month or so.
I am sorry, I didn’t mean to babble on like this but I want everyone to know the fullest possible picture of events as they have happened to me especially when it concerns the possibility of a So-called saint becoming the President of the United States.
There is a comparison you can find on FB between the beliefs of the founder of the church; (Joseph Smith) and the current Con Man running for president. In it anyone can clearly see that the Con man currently running for president holds completely opposite views from the founder of the local faith. But they all still love him, go figure that one?
So I hope that this has been helpful for you and everyone. Please try my books at Smashwords.com.
Thank You, Steve Nelson
Here is a listing for your convenience:
Now as ebooks at: Smashwords.com & Paper thru PublishAmerica;
The Problem Eliminators! ©2012 An ebook at: Smashwords.com See my slideshow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JftY9TqXtL4
Escape from the ORDER! ©2010 An ebook at: Smashwords.com See my slideshow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QRIkoyRtx0
The Maintenance Engineer ©2010 An ebook at: Smashwords.com See my slideshow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtDT2_th2Ls
Tomorrow’s World #1 ©2012 (18 & older) Hard Back at: PublishAmerica.com See my slideshow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iWe74WQMaU (Please disregard the web address at the slideshow)
TW2 DESERT TREK ©2010 (18 & older) An ebook at: Smashwords.com
NIBLY the Bear Visits the People Town ©2012 An ebook at: Smashwords.com
100+ Quotable Quotes By & About Dr. Ron Paul- A Real Amer-I-Can! A FREE ebook by Steve Nelson now at: Smashwords.com
How did the mormons make you poor btw?
"Destroying the New World Order"
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