hroughout the ages we have had many predictions made and prophecies made. Some were done by regular men some bu seers many by God. We take a look this Wed Mario and myself and try and decipher some of them and see what it may lead to. Link to be posted here 10 mins before the show
Hopi Prophecy
The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a "Kachina" removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children [the general public]. For a while there will be no more ceremonies, no more faith. Then Oraibi will be rejuvenated with its faith and ceremonies, marking the start of a new cycle of Hopi life.
World War III will be started by those peoples who first revealed the light (the divine wisdom or intelligence) in the other old countries (India, China, Islamic Nations, Africa.)
The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. Only the Hopis and their homeland will be preserved as an oasis to which refugees will flee. Bomb shelters are a fallacy. "It is only materialistic people who seek to make shelters. Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the great shelter of life. There is no shelter for evil. Those who take no part in the making of world division by ideology are ready to resume life in another world, be they Black, White, Red, or Yellow race. They are all one, brothers."
The war will be "a spiritual conflict with material matters. Material matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator."
That time is not far off. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon. The time is foretold by a song sung during the Wuwuchim ceremony. It was sung in 1914 just before World War I, and again in 1940 before World War II, describing the disunity, corruption, and hatred contaminating Hopi rituals, which were followed by the same evils spreading over the world. This same song was sung in 1961 during the Wuwuchim ceremony.
The Emergence to the future Fifth World has begun. It is being made by the humble people of little nations, tribes, and racial minorities. "You can read this in the earth itself. Plant forms from previous worlds are beginning to spring up as seeds [as described in SW-II, Effects and Coming Events # 1]. This could start a new study of botany if people were wise enough to read them. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in the sky as stars. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in our hearts. All these are the same, depending how you look at them. That is what makes the Emergence to the next, Fifth World.
"These comprise the nine most important prophecies of the Hopis, connected with the creation of the nine worlds: the three previous worlds on which we lived, the present Fourth World, the three future worlds we have yet to experience, and the world of Taiowa, the Creator, and his nephew, Sotuknang."
The Hopi and others who were saved from the Great Flood made a sacred covenant with the Great Spirit never to turn away from him. He made a set of sacred stone tablets, called Tiponi, into which he breathed his teachings, prophecies, and warnings. Before the Great Spirit hid himself again, he placed before the leaders of the four different racial groups four different colors and sizes of corn; each was to choose which would be their food in this world. The Hopi waited until last and picked the smallest ear of corn. At this, the Great Spirit said. More here-
Saint Malachy Prophecies about 112 popes until the end of the world
ote: The Church does not lean on private revelation for doctrinal matters, but it does not oppose to the faithful obtaining benefit from them so long as they don't go against our faith.
This analysis focuses on the last five Popes in the context of the prophecies of Saint Malachy.
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Saint Malachy was born in Amagh Ireland in 1094, he lived a religious life as a monk, then he was ordained priest and finally Bishop. He was canonized in 1199 by Pope Clement III. His biography was compiled by Saint Bernard, a contemporaneous saint.
He made a pilgrimage to Rome and during the end of the year 1139 and the beginning of 1140 had a series of visions about 112 Popes from Celestine III, elected Pontiff in 1130 until the last Pope who is described in his list as Peter Romanus.
After the last Roman Pontiff, Saint Malachy predicts the end of the world.
The Benedictine historian Arnold Wion was the first person to mention these prophecies in his book Lignum Vitae, published in 1559.
These prophecies are short, but they have demonstrated to be very accurate, even though in the time of their publication they caused much controversy as some claimed that they were falsified. More here-
14 Predictions By Nostradamus, The Greatest Analyst Ever
Say what you will about Nostradamus, the man has staying power.
He wrote his first book of Quatrains, four line predictions, in 1555 and books are still being rolled out today.
There is even a Nostradamus For Dummies.
Following are a few of the prognosticators greatest credits and a couple of predictions that believers try to fit to events, but fall a little short.
Death of Henry II
"The young lion will overcome the older one, On the field of combat in a single battle; He will pierce his eyes through a golden cage, Two wounds made one, then he dies a cruel death."
What happened: In the summer of 1559 King Henry II of France (older one) lined up to joust the Comte de Montgomery (young lion), six years his junior, on the fields of France (field of combat).
Both had lions on their shields.
In their final pass Montgomery's lance tilted up, and burst through the king's visor splintering to pieces.
Two shards, one through the eye (pierce his eyes through a golden cage), and one through the temple, lodged in the king's head (Two wounds made one).
Henry suffered for 10 days (then he dies a cruel death) before dying in his bed.
The Great Fire of London
"The blood of the just will be demanded of London Burnt by fire in the year '66 The ancient Lady will fall from her high place And many of the same sect will be killed."
What happened: The small fire that started in the bakery of Thomas Farriner on Pudding Lane in London September 2, 1666 (in the year '66) turned into a three day blaze that consumed the city.
One of the explanations for the blood of the just, refers to the millions of flea carrying rats that were killed.
Peasant deaths were not recorded at the time, but it has long been held that six people perished in the fire.
Book of RevelationWhen people read the Book of Revelation they encounter this vast array of symbols. Some have become quite well known to the public, particularly in the late twentieth century. ... The mark of the beast, which the book talks about as some sign or mark that people receive on their hand and their forehead. Even the number of this beast--the beast being some military ruler that controls the world at the end of time--as being 666. ...
It's a sealed book. It's a scroll with seven wax seals. As you begin to open it, you get this unfolding scenario of events, beginning with war and famine and disease and earthquakes and heavenly signs. It's fairly standard. And then you begin to get these characters introduced, and there are five or six main characters. One would be the false prophet. He's like a dragon, but he speaks like a lamb. He has horns. A beast that is non-descript, some sort of horrible creature that appears to stand for the Roman government to the early Christians, but today could be any power ... some sort of evil empire of some type. And then you have the saints or the Christians,
the faithful followers of God, that are being martyred. You have two people that are very interesting, that many modern interpreters are interested in ... called the two witnesses in Chapter 11. These are, I guess you could say the two final prophets that the book expects to appear on the earth, like Moses and Elijah of ancient times in the bible. You have a dragon, who's actually identified as the devil behind the scenes, and of course you have Jesus Christ, the lamb. So it's as if there's a whole stage set with these characters, and then things begin to unfold one by one, in terms of what's supposed to happen. ...
If you open the Book of Revelation and simply begin reading it as an unfolding scenario, it goes something like this. There will be wars and famines and disease epidemics and heavenly signs that will alert the world to some sort of crisis. Then will come an Antichrist as he's called, or a political ruler, that will establish control over the whole earth. He'll be backed up with a religious ruler, who's called the false prophet. They together establish a unified social, economic and religious system that dominates the world. The only thing opposing them are the people of God and these two prophets, they're called the two witnesses, who appear in Jerusalem, and begin to speak against this power. The rest of the book, really the last half of the book is about the overthrow of this system. The beast, the false prophet, who has the number 666, the Antichrist, is overthrown with judgments and plagues. Most of them are very cosmic. Asteroids hitting the earth. The water turning to blood and that sort of thing, until finally, Jesus Christ returns as a warrior on a white horse and sets up the kingdom of God. ... More here-
2012: The Mayans and Other Strange Predictions of Our Time
2012: The Mayans and Other Strange Predictions of Our Time by Chris Holly
The Mayan calendar is set to end on Dec 21, 2012. There are many theories why this date ends the Mayan Calendar.
Many feel that this date is the day of end times and the world will be destroyed. Others feel this will be a time of major earth disasters, space changes, and mythical planets invading our galaxy along with strange Milky Way alignments. There is talk of a pole flip causing problems all over the earth or this being when we have a second coming of Christ.
I also am aware that many scientists, astronomers and scholars think the entire 2012 matter is a over blown myth due to the lack of knowledge. We are confused on how the Mayans set up their calendars and do not understand the method that they used to set their calendar cycles.
It may be that our lack of information on how and why the Mayans set up their systems of time have brought us to a mistaken belief that they ended their calendar due to the fact they thought the earth was going to end. The facts seem to be that the scholars researching the Mayans have not found any information that ties the Mayan Calendar end date to anything at all that mentions end times. I have been told that many of the fears being tossed around the inter net about the planets and the alignment of the sun and its place in the Milky Way is simply not true. The rumors have been confused with the facts making the fears based on the ignorance of astronomy by the public. The men and women of science who study space will tell you that the stories on the net are mostly based on the lack of knowledge of the masses and the fears running rampart are impossible without a ounce of fact or possibility. More here-
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