By Rev. Ted Pike
16 Apr 12

Werther’s (Stork) recently said it will no longer sponsor ABC’s GCB (Good Christian Bitches). This brings to eleven the national advertisers who have exited GCB support. They agree that GCB has gone far over the top in violating accepted rules of basic civility between religions. Everyone is privileged to disagree with another’s religion, and criticize it. Civilized standards are violated, however, by callously holding up the revered figureheads, beliefs, and followers of another faith to contrived, exaggerated mockery and contempt. Yet, to the anti-Christian Jews behind GCB, mockery of Jesus is nothing new. (See The Jews Behind Good Christian Bitches) In fact, it is a longstanding tradition in Judaism.

A primary example of such mockery within Jewish sacred literature is the Toldoth Jesu, or “Generation of Jesus” - a copy of which resides in the Judaic Section of the Library of Congress.

The Toldoth Jesu was a frontline Jewish retort to the Christian gospel. Its comforting message made this mock gospel extremely popular with Jews for over a millennium. Persecuted by crusaders and the Inquisition, the Toldoth encourages Jews to laugh at Christ. In a fast moving, witty style, it glorifies Judas Iscariot and leads Jews to identify with him as a heroic figure.

In 1823, a Jewish Toldoth editor, Solomon Bennet, boasted that Jews still believed it as literally as Christians believe the New Testament. Even the 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia repeatedly refers to the Toldoth as an accurate representation of how historic Judaism has viewed both Christ and Judas.

The Toldoth and its derisive approach were discarded by Jewish apologists in the 20th century. But its content, as we shall see, is still on their lips.

The Toldoth Speaks

Here is a condensed overview of the Toldoth story.

“There sprung up a certain profligate, worthless fellow by the name of Joseph Pandera,” who lusted after Mary, a hairdresser. Though she was engaged to another man, Joseph repeatedly had sex with her. Out of their adulterous relationship, Jesus was born (ch. 1). The boy Jesus turned out to be so insolent that the Jewish elders “blew 300 trumpets and they proclaimed that he was born of an adulteress and not fit to enter into the congregation. And they called his name Jesus as a sign that he was a man whose name and memory ought to perish.” (ch. 2)

Jesus, they said, sneaked into the temple in Jerusalem and, learned the secret use of the Divine Name of God by which heaven and earth can be created. He became a magician, deceiving the people. But for the intervention of Judas Iscariot, Jesus’ deception and influence might never have been contained. Judas resisted Jesus in an aerial battle, the Toldoth says.

“And Jesus uttered the Great Name and a wind came and placed him between the heaven and the earth. Then Judas also uttered the same, and a wind came and placed him in like manner between the heaven and the earth: and they were flying about in the regions of the air. And all who saw them were greatly astonished...And when Judas saw that he was not able to put a stop to the exploits of Jesus, he pissed upon Jesus, and they became both unclean and fell to the earth...And they sentenced Jesus with the sentence of death.” (ch.4)

The Toldoth says that even after death by stoning, Jesus had so enchanted all the trees that He couldn’t be hung upon any of them for crucifixion. Again, Judas comes to the rescue of Israel. “And Judas saw that no tree would receive him, and he said to the wise men, See, the heart of this bastard, for he has enchanted all the trees so as not to receive him. And behold, there is in my garden the stalk of a great cabbage. I will go and bring it, perhaps it will receive him. And the wise men said, Go, do as you have spoken: and Judas agreed, and brought the stalk, and Jesus was hanged upon it...And they buried the bastard in the place where they had stoned him. (ch. 6) And it came to pass in the middle of that night that his disciples came and sat upon his sepulcher and lamented with a great lamentation and wept over him.”

At this juncture, Judas again intervenes. He takes the body of Jesus and uses it as a dam for irrigation in his garden. “And Judas saw this thing, and he took the body and buried it in his garden, in the place of a stream of water. For he turned the water one way for a while and after he had buried him, he turned the stream of water over him as it was at the beginning.”

The rabbis of Israel then came to Judas’ garden and, pulling Jesus’ dead body from the mire, “they tied him to the tail of a horse, and they drew him and brought him before the face of the queen and said, Behold, this is the man of whom you said, that he had ascended into the firmament...And as they brought him by dragging him, the hair of his head was torn off;

wherefore the Christian priests now shave their hair in the middle of their heads to remember the words of Jesus.” (ch.7)

The Toldoth ends by relating that, despite the deception of Jesus, his wicked disciples “went into twelve kingdoms, and they spread among them the prophecies of falsehood...And the wise men saw this evil word, and it was very evil to them; for an abomination was done in Israel.”

Gnosticism was Jewish

Gnosticism was one of the most insidious and seductive of early heresies, deeply influencing even such spiritual giants as Origen and Augustine. In turn, it virtually dictated the "once saved always saved" premise of Calvinism - the prevailing theology of most evangelicals today. Yet the Jewish Encyclopedia, in its article on “Gnosticism,” informs us that Gnosticism was of Jewish origins. 

Continuing the Jewish anti-Christianity recorded in the book of Acts, Jews in the early centuries attempted to destroy Christianity with heresies. In fact, some early church fathers blamed Jews for inventing all the heresies plaguing the church. “It is a noteworthy fact that heads of Gnostic schools and founders of Gnostic systems are distinguished as Jews by early church fathers. Some derive all heresies, including that of Gnosticism, from Judaism. The principle elements of Gnosticism were derived from Jewish speculation. Since the second century BC, Gnostic thought was bound up with Judaism, which had accepted Babylonian and Syrian doctrines.” (Jewish Encyclopedia, “Gnosticism,” p. 681)

St. Irenaeus, in the 2nd century, warned against a false gospel very similar to the Book of Judas, exalting Judas Iscariot. No one knows when the Toldoth Jesu, also exalting Judas, was conceived. But its shared message of Judas glorification, mocking the New Testament testimony against him, suggests a common origin in Judaic unbelief.

Jewish Anti-Christianity Continues

One thing we know for sure: Jewish anti-Christianity, whether in the 1st century or the 21st, is undeniable. It motivates the words and actions of Jewish “civil liberties” groups, top heavy with Jews, which radiate from ADL/B’nai B’rith. These include the Southern Poverty Law Center, People for the American Way, and the ACLU. (See ACLU Top Heavy with Jews)

Such anti-Christianity erupted in ADL's arrest of 11 Philadelphia Christians in 2004 for the "hate crime" of preaching to homosexuals. (See Eleven Christians Jailed for Criticizing Homosexualty)

It smolders beneath the Christian-entrapping legalese within ADL's "hate crimes" laws world-wide.

These include the federal Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act, 45 U.S. state hate laws ever-proliferating "anti-bullying" state hate laws, and hate laws governing some 60 nations. (See My Analysis of the Federal Hate Bill and New Federal 'Hate' Bill Means Funeral of Free Speech)

Its smell is unmistakable in the arrogance of Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff, who helped create US Air Force and Navy guidelines to forbid public prayers in Jesus’ name. Resnicoff was assisted by lay Jewish activist Mikey Weinstein, whose objections to Christian evangelism at the Air Force Academy ultimately compelled it to restrain Christian free speech. Resnicoff was the primary force causing Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmidtt to be expelled from the Navy for illegally using the name of Jesus in public prayer.

Jewish anti-Christianity is evident also in the work of Jewish writers and producers, like those who made NBC’s Book of Daniel (See Who's Behind NBC's 'Book of Daniel?'). Jewish anti-Christianity also emanates from Sony Corporation, headed by Howard Stringer and a host of high-level Jews.

Sony of America had featured Jewish Akiva Goldsman’s screenplay in production of the toxic Da Vinci Code film and Jewish publishing houses made a killing with exclusive publication/distribution rights. (See The Jews Behind Da Vinci Code)

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By Rev. Ted Pike
10 Apr 12

A flawed foundation lies under most evangelicals’ understanding of God's moral dealings with humanity and particularly Jews. This foundation drives their support of the Jewish state. It is called “Scofield Dispensationalism.” It says that throughout successive epics, or "dispensations," of time God has revealed Himself through extremely different moral standards. The law given before the Flood was different from the law after. The law given to Moses is completely different from what we now observe in the millennia after Christ. Cyrus Scofield lived at the turn of the 20th century and created an annotated Bible which claimed to lay out each dispensation's unique requirements.

Scofield's commentaries have greatly influenced evangelicals to this day. Written at the dawn of the modern Zionist movement, they suggested a nation of suffering and persecuted Jews, though Christ-rejecting, had a divine right to return and occupy Palestine.  This idea was virtually absent from Christianity before the mid-1800s. How did such permission gain so great a foothold that it’s now unquestioned dogma for most evangelicals?

It starts with a defect in the King James Bible. King James scholars mistranslated 2 Thess. 2:7.

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only He who now letteth [restrains] will let, until He be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming…

The actual New Testament Greek says the one who restrains, the Holy Spirit, is not passively removed. Instead He "gets out of the way" or "steps aside" (ek meseu genetai). The Holy Spirit is never going to be taken out of this world. God owns the world. He is not about to be removed by a mere satanically inhabited man, Anti-Christ.

For hundreds of years Christians were unbothered by the King James Bible's error. Yet in the first half of the 19th century, a Scottish Presbyterian minister, Edward Irving, seized on the mistranslated passage. He saw its profound prophetic implications. He said that since the Holy Spirit would be removed from this world just prior to revealing of Anti-Christ, so Christ's church must also be removed, for Christians cannot function without the Holy Spirit. That removal is described, they said, in 1 Thess. 4:16.

For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. . ."

Clearly, said Irving and his later disciple, John Nelson Darby, these passages from II Thessalonians suggest two second comings of Christ: the first, when Christ descends and removes the Holy Spirit and all believers, both dead and living unto Himself. Then, three and half, He comes a second time. In His final second coming He converts remnant Jews, judges the nations, and begins His thousand-year reign on earth from Jerusalem.

The Beginnings of "Pre-Tribulationism"

Irving and Darby's "prophetic breakthrough" had an electric appeal to evangelical Christians, particularly in the British Isles and North America. It assured Christians that, “raptured,” they would not have to endure the suffering that follows revealing of Anti-Christ. Thus began the "pre-tribulationist" interpretation of Bible prophecy. It started with a mistranslation of one verse by King James scholars. Incredibly, that disastrous mistranslation is repeated in most modern translations of the Bible.

Enter Cyrus Scofield.  He did not originate the pre-tribulationist rapture craze that has enthralled evangelicals and made millionaires of "prophecy experts” such as Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye. Yet Scofield did something far more damaging: he laid the keel of Christian Zionism. He taught that, under the dispensation Abraham was in, God gave the patriarch and his physical descendants unconditional rights as God's chosen people. They were guaranteed the Promised Land and rights of occupation, even without obedience. Scofield said Israelites automatically receive “all blessings” by just being there.

Yet Scofield said Jacob and his sons, during world famine, unwisely left security in Palestine and went to Egypt. In doing so, he claims, they lost their ability to please God by simply staying in the Holy Land. Scofield contends that, even worse, they foolishly accepted the Mosaic Law at Sinai 400 years later. The Law imposed on them an onerous obligation to obey God on penalty of exile. Such conditional terms of occupation, Scofield said, didn’t exist under the "pure grace" that Abraham and his descendants enjoyed while in Palestine.

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