Most important battle that is knocking on our door

For what it is worth in our personal pursuits of happiness we have come to agree on every topic we have discussed thus far.

All Canadians should be very proud to have so many honorable and ethical citizen amongst us working for change that may one day better all citizens of Canada.

I am grateful to have crossed paths with so many that work so hard. There is so much information we may learn from each other.

However we will need free thinking individuals with quite an education about the true meaning of the word integrity and of honest concern for the well being of others and future of our seed yet to be born.

If my memory hasn’t failed me yet to the poisons in the air, food, water,damn everything. We may have built a tolerance up to their poisons, well wishfull thinking on my part.

So please allow me to be the first to wish us all good look, across the globe for this most important battle that is knocking on our door. Weeks , or months ahead may a plan to keep us free for long long time to come.

In my humble opinion meeting so many dedicated individuals did me a great service in allowing me to walk down the same path as I in the same space and time.

Many think is it true we are not a country?

How can we trust?

Who can we trust..a corperation ceo can lie under the law,for the good of share holders…

Well we cant.

We were sold into indentured servitude the moment you were registered at birth with a birth certificate which is deceitfully named so instead of being called what it truly is which is a security bond and you confirmed your own servitude the moment you apply for any license.

The only real problem isn’t JUST the governments or the corporate thieves or the queen… it is the willful ignorance of the people within our own countries that forgot what it may feel to be free, or the ones that have become dependent on the government to live.

Why do you think the greatest genocide to ever hit this planet was against native peoples everywhere?

Because they were afraid of what they might make us realize about our machine.

Ever wonder why they put them all in the so-called “reserves”?

It is because most of them know what is going on and they are their own nation and to keep them from infecting the rest of the population with reality, the government and its people quarantine the sovereign.

It’s all a show. It’s monopoly, the game.

The world is a stage and you are nothing but a number, an actor, a slave.

The people running the show consider you “Human resources”

They consider you mere livestock. You are a farm animal in the biggest scheme humankind has ever blinded itself from.

Realize reality because no one is going to do it for you.

You think the Matrix was just a movie? It was a portrayal of reality. The Machines are us, our governments, our corruption… our Masters.

They just want you to think you are sovereign so you don’t get in their way.

Time to get in their way, right in their face is where we need to be!!!!!!!

Stand in their drive ways, camp on their lawn, and send them a bill for their poor performance in life.

This brief information is just to let you know that I am not in the habit of believing everything I read, however research I conducted included that the whole world is going to collaborate to become one, ie;

the euro, amero that represent the new dollar, and that the entire puppet governments of the world will enforce their people into this movement (NWO), everyone will be forced to accept an electronic device which will monitor each and every persons movement, any retaliation, to the government they will just turn that chip off, and you will cease to exist, YES dead with this device.

Sorry to disappoint any followers that have placed their trust in the government. We are the sheep and they are the alligators, and theier hungry

Soon enough there will be no more borders and one world government tyranny will occur if we do not change the system for all humanity.

Good luck because we are going to need allot of luck, when so many have their heads stuck in the sand.

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Comment by illuminated-dj on September 1, 2009 at 3:46pm
Good luck to you also man.keep on keepin on~peace

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