Move on Somehow
You made dinner this night
Like a thousand times before
Little did you know
You'll soon be out the door,
You cleaned the dishes too just before
It was time for bed
But she's not in the mood tonight
Says it's her aching head,
So on and on it goes
Something's wrong and you know
You can feel it from your head to your toes
All her highs and her lows,
Does she think it doesn't show?
Like the normal ebb and flow
Of a relationship as the years go
Maybe she just thinks you're slow,
To her you're an animal man
You'll make love whenever you can
She'd rather just sit and brush her hair
You didn't think she could have an affair,
A crushing truth that you cannot bear
Oh when oh when oh where!
And she acts like she doesn't care
It's like you never were there,
All those years went by
You hung in there and tried
She says it's over now
She doesn't even raise a brow,
Marriage has become a disposable dream
Nothing is ever what it seems
All of you with heavy hearts
I know you've played this part,
A fool in life's one act play
You never thought it would end this way
In her hands your heart is nothing but clay
Your memory continues to make you pay,
Asking God for deliverance now
You were married to a sacred cow
You took those meaningless vows
You must find a way to move on somehow.
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