NOTICE – This is a factual story of the true causes of 100 illnesses hidden by the FDA and the Socialists in the USA Inc. Government to kill millions of people, no matter their age, sex, gender or political party.

The history of EDTA (Calcium DiSodium) goes back since about 1933. The Germans found out that Edta removes all the LEAD from the body, blood, organs, brain etc. of their mine and ship building workers.

They also found out that other heavy metal poisons were also removed and that other chemical toxins are eliminated at the same time and greatly improved the health and well being of all workers.

The bad guys (socialists) in our own government found out that heavy metal poisons were just the right things to further their depopulation agenda.

So gradually each time we eat, we find: Mercury in fish, Lead in bone broth, Cadmium and/or lead in all cigarettes, cigars and e-cigarettes; Arsenic and/or cyanide in white and brown rice and in wines and in hard liqueurs and in all USA chickens, Cadmium and/or lead in USA chocolates and in the candies that our children eat and also in prescription drugs, mercury and aluminum in the antibiotics and vaccines that are supposed to save us (!!!) And in our non-food based vitamins, and in our BABY vaccines, baby foods, pet foods, etc.

The cover-up by the feds is failing as more people discover the depopulation agenda of the FEDS.

Today everyone has heavy metal poisons – do you doubt it? If you eat white table salt then you are poisoned:

White table salt comes with: E535 Sodium FERROCYANIDE and/or E536 Potassium FERROCYANIDE and/or E538 CALCIUM FERROCYANIDE and/or E553b Talcum powder and/or E554 Sodium ALUMINOSILICATE and/or E555 Potassium ALUMINIUMSILICATE and/or E556 Calcium ALUMINOSILICATE and/or E559 ALUMINIUM SILICATE.

The list of foods, products and vaccines where we find these deadly heavy metal poisons and toxic chemicals are growing longer each year.

But the path of how they kill us is not well known by the general public.

To start the calcification process the body has to have a blockage of calcium from where it should go to where it should not go.

Most people and many medical professionals have no idea that the body’s chemistry and each and every nutrients must be in balance or the body will suffer many illnesses or even death.

The moment that heavy metal poisons were placed back into our bodies, by means of poisoning our water, foods, plants and food animals, that is the exact moment of the start of “murder by calcification”.

Look at these nutrients Vitamin A and C and the simple common mineral magnesium, they can act in two ways, if in balance they will help the calcium go into the bones, and jaw.

But when [ Vitamins: A, C, B1, B3, B6, E

Minerals: Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, Zn Metals: Pb ] -- are too much, bad things happen to our lives. They become antagonists to your calcium and will destroy your health and/or cause your death.

Here is another five clues for you to learn, (1) all the heavy metal poisons eliminate and/or block Vitamin C in repairing the cells in your veins, and transfer it from your bones, jaw and teeth to your circulatory system in such a manner that causes blockages. (2) All the plagues in the world do the same to natural Vitamin C.

(3) In real life, the real vitamin C from food nutrients kills the microscopic blood parasites in our blood. Artificial Vit. C allows all parasites to harm us.

And (4) without natural Vitamin C: Vitamin C helps rebuild the tissue collagen and maintains the integrity of connective tissue – cartilage, veins, arteries, capillaries, bones and teeth.

(5)Without real and natural Vitamin C: blockage is formed in your veins and you get calcification in all areas of your body.

So now we know that the bad guys had to stop us from getting good natural nutrients, which is why real 100 percent food based nutrients are banned by the FDA from being sold in all vitamin shops.

The public are limited from getting the only nutrients that will save us. We must buy them at Amazon and are prohibited from buying them directly from the makers of the real thing. The FDA will sue and stop any natural nutrient company if they dare claim that it cures any illness. The feds even kill the knowledge to our salvation.

So, here we have deficiency of the very nutrients that we need to be in balance and prevent decalcification.

Plaques start forming in the veins first and here we have high blood pressure, then the plaques travel closer to the heart and kill us by heart attacks.

The plaques start forming in the organs, from then on we get prostate problems, then to the eyes to give us cataracts and glaucoma and total blindness.

When you continue to take EDTA, the calcification that enlarged your prostate gland and caused the pressure and forced you to urinate a hundred times a day, is lessened and slowly your trips to the bathroom is less as more of the unwanted calcium is removed from the prostate.

Here again the story is the same, the more you continue therapy with EDTA, the more of the calcification within the eyes is removed and the glaucoma pressure goes down. If you start early taking Edta you will not get glaucoma later on in life.

The same goes for cataracts. Calcification of your eyes causes millions of people going blind each year. But know the true causes of these many illnesses, is the road to salvation and/or prevention for you and for your loved ones.

As more plaques form in other organs, each of those organs fails and we get many other illnesses.

As your unwanted or displaced calcium travels to your liver, kidneys and gallbladder, you will get calcium stones that can totally block these organs and cause extreme pain or even death.

This is a list of illnesses that Edta detoxification program can help, depending on the severity of your problem and the amount of healing sessions you will need.

The memory that can be regained by a total de-calcification of all your body can clean up the calcification in your brain.

Alzheimer's or Progressive dementia is explained by doctors this way:

“That as your acetylcholine levels drop, your brain gets inflamed, resulting in formations called amyloid plaques. This causes loss of brain cells, especially those that make new memories and retrieve old ones. And slowly but surely you develop full-fledged cognitive impairment.”

But the truth is that the same calcium plaque formations in other areas of your body have finally traveled to your brain.

Erectile Dysfunction, Glaucoma, Cataracts and total blindness, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's, liver, kidney and gallbladder stones, heart attacks, irregular heartbeats, and clogged veins, LOW IQ, MENTAL RETARDATION, DOWN SYNDROME;

Buerger’s disease, bursitis, cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, coronary atherosclerosis, dementia, diabetes, gangrene, heavy metal poisoning, impotence, kidney disease, lead toxicity, macular degeneration; multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis, jaw bone loss, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s syndrome, Peyronie’s disease, cancer, psoriasis, Raynaud’s disease, renal insufficiency, rheumatoid arthritis, schizophrenia, scleroderma, senility, strokes, tachycardia, tinnitus, thrombophlebitis, lost of vitality, POISONED BLOOD and many more.

Wherever you get calcification in or near any organ or body part, and have heavy metal poisons there, that will stop nutrients and blood flow there.


Vitamins: A, C, D, K
Minerals: Mg

Vitamins: A, C, B1, B3, B6, E
Minerals: Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, Zn Metals: Pb

The knowledge of self-healing by Patriots is far superior now because of people like me.

The one thing that will make your own self-healing program that much easier is to take and learn how to read a hair analysis test.

NO one can improve another, if they don’t know that all nutrients have what is called” AN ANTAGONIST”.

That means that if another healing detoxification center sees that you are too high or too low on a nutrient/s, they WON”T know how to solve the problem of making the particular nutrient go low or go high in order to get in the right balance as the body wants to be in.

Here again in the world of nutrition, we must learn about proper diet programs can help put the food’s nutrients back in balance back to where it should be.

For example: If you have too high a level of any of the antagonists of calcium, you will know which foods to avoid.

When a patriot does an EDTA detoxification program, the first thing he/she will feel is a gradual increase in blood flow to all parts of his/her body. That is automatic as removing the heavy metal poisons will also remove the calcifications within his/her veins, arteries and capillaries in all areas.

Then after that, when he/she goes on to diet with nutritional programs, start him/her on food based nutrients that most people have never taken, because of being banned by the FDA, except online by only some companies. HERE is where the Energy comes back into a person’s life again like never before – see below.

The sad fact is that nearly all people have no idea that they have calcification or even know what it is, and for sure they can’t tell if they have heavy metal poisons in them. That is why you should get a hair analysis done with us a.s.a.p.

Your hair analysis will give all the data to bring you to back better than you were before. FACT: some new born infants come into life extremely toxic because of their mothers. Even now no matter your age, you will become a pure person again. I call that having or being a “PURE BLOOD”.


Organic heavy metal poisons are extremely rare to find in nature (only found in mines deep underground), but deadly INORGANIC heavy metal poisons are NOW found in too many of our foods, water, in the meat of food animals, and hundreds of products approved by the FDA.

FACT – each person will have different tolerances to each heavy metal poison. A tiny bit can cause the death or illness of a child, or even a large man.

Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Heavy Metal Poisoning
  • Alcohol intolerance
  • Allergies (environmental and food sensitivities)
  • Anxious and irritable
  • Brain fog
  • Cannot lose weight
  • Chronic unexplained pain
  • Coated tongue
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Depression – or other emotional problems
  • Prone to mood swings
  • Digestive problems
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Frequent colds and flues
  • Headaches
  • High levels of toxic metals in your blood, urine or tissues
  • Insomnia
  • Intolerance to medications & vitamins
  • Loss of memory and forgetfulness
  • Low body temperature
  • Metallic taste in mouth
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Muscle tics or twitches
  • Muscle tremors
  • Night sweats
  • Parasites
  • Prone to rashes
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Sensitive to smells like tobacco smoke, perfumes, paint fumes and chemical odors
  • Skin problems
  • Small black spots on your gums
  • Sore or receding gums lines and loss of teeth
  • Tingling in the extremities
  • Unsteady gait
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Commonly seen symptoms of mercury toxicity include:

Fatigue, headache, insomnia, nervousness, impaired judgment and coordination, loss of libido, emotional instability, hypothyroidism, foggy thinking, chronic fungal infection, candidiasis, autism, Alzheimer's disease, and speech disturbances.

Lead damages the kidneys, brain, blood (it enters the red blood cells), muscles and bones.

Symptoms of Lead toxicity may include chronic kidney disease, hypertension, encephalopathy, anemia, gout, sterility, abortion, fatigue, irritability, ADD, hyperactivity, memory loss, decreased sensory and motor reaction times, and abdominal pain.

Aluminum damages the brain and is linked to Alzheimer's Disease. It affects the muscles, liver, lungs, kidneys, skin, reproductive organs, stomach, thyroid, and bone.

Symptoms of aluminum toxicity include: Constipation, anorexia, gastro-intestinal irritation, hyperactivity, speech disorders, dementia, osteomalacia, excessive headaches, abnormal heart rhythm, numbness of hands and feet, blurred vision, and impaired memory.

Aluminum disrupts calcium regulation in the body and also binds phosphorus, and iron in the gastro-intestinal tract.

Cadmium toxicity causes skeletal demineralization, increasing the risk for osteoporosis and fractures. Other symptoms of cadmium toxicity include; Erectile Dysfunction, anemia, dry skin, hair loss, heart disease, joint pain and kidney stones.

Cadmium is especially harmful because it increases the permeability of cells, and allows for other heavy metals to leak into the cells. If at the same time you have any amounts of aluminum, your calcification will be severe.

Copper affects the liver, bone marrow, kidneys, spleen, heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, hair, brain and eyes to cause blindness when the calcification is in the eyes.

Symptoms of copper toxicity may include: Abdominal complaints, metallic taste in mouth, schizophrenia, manic depression, learning disabilities, anxiety, depression, hypochondria, poor memory, irritability, fatigue, and demyelination of nerves.

Copper is often found in dietary supplements and non-food based multi-vitamins/mineral. One with copper toxicity should never take more copper from an outside source. Copper competes with zinc for absorption (KILLS DESIRE, GIVES YOU E.D.), so often the treatment of choice is to supplement zinc.




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