In response to the article
HERE I was compelled to write an email to IBM in order to solicit a response. The document in question, which in fact is real, is at the bottom of this post.
It should be noted that although I am the founder and ex-publisher of Senior Magazine I neglected to include the ex in my emails with Doug. The emails appear in reverse with the most recent first and the first one last.
Here is the back-and-forth of it.
"Douglas O Shelton"
Add sender to Contacts
"jeff prager"
I must respond!
I called the number you sent me (612-727-XXXX) yesterday. YOU didn't pick up and I didn't feel the need to continue trying to reach you however, I DID leave a message. Did you check your voicemail???
Regarding your message below. Your bias is showing ("criminal" multinational???). You obviously don't know IBM.
That said, here's the response that I would have shared with you on the phone:
1. IBM does not comment on the authenticity of alleged internal documents.
2. What I can tell you is that the story is off-base and misguided.
3. Any emergency planning that we do is based upon a set of "assumptions" that in turn leads to a planned set of actions.
Director, IBM Corporate Media Relations
New Orchard Road
Armonk, NY 10504
Tel: 914.499.6533
Mobile: 914.255.8115
Fax: 914.499.5099
From: jeff prager
To: Douglas O Shelton/Armonk/IBM@IBMUS
Date: 11/18/2009 05:00 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Contact message from the IBM Press Room
I wasn't holding my breath. A corporate shill representing a criminal multinational such as yourself couldn't and wouldn't be expected to respond.
The essence of my email was essentially to determine if in fact the documents were real, and now I know that they are.
Oh, and if it was your intention to respond, and I'm certain it wasn't, there's no need to respond now, obviously.
Jeff Prager
--- On Mon, 11/16/09, Douglas O Shelton wrote:
From: Douglas O Shelton
Subject: Re: Fw: Contact message from the IBM Press Room
To: "jeff prager"
Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 4:48 PM
Publisher of this magazine? Is this the right magazine. I couldn't find your name there.
Happy to answer your questions but I wanted to get your contact information (a phone number where you can be reached).
Director, IBM Corporate Media Relations
New Orchard Road
Armonk, NY 10504
Tel: 914.499.6533
Mobile: 914.255.8115
Fax: 914.499.5099
From: jeff prager
To: Douglas O Shelton/Armonk/IBM@IBMUS
Date: 11/16/2009 04:28 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Contact message from the IBM Press Room
I'm the founder and publisher of Senior Magazine.
How did IBM conclude with 100% certainty that the WHO would in fact declare a pandemic within 4 years of the document in questions issuance?
Thank you,
Jeff Prager
--- On Mon, 11/16/09, Douglas O Shelton wrote:
From: Douglas O Shelton
Subject: Fw: Contact message from the IBM Press Room
Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 1:25 PM
Hi Jeff,
I am in receipt of your message. Can you tell me more about your interest in this topic and your conclusion(s) after reading the article? Are you a journalist and if so, who do you write for?
Director, IBM Corporate Media Relations
New Orchard Road
Armonk, NY 10504
Tel: 914.499.6533
Mobile: 914.255.8115
Fax: 914.499.5099
----- Forwarded by Fred Clarke/Somers/IBM on 11/16/2009 12:28 PM -----
11/13/2009 11:42 PM
Fred Clarke/Somers/IBM@IBMUS
Contact message from the IBM Press Room
Sender's Name: Jeff Prager
Sender's E-Mail:
Permission: N
Discard info: Y
Sender's Message:
Would you care to comment regarding the IBM documents posted at the link below?

Obviously, this document purports to know with 100% certainty that IBM knows that the WHO will be declaring a pandemic. Forget about the prediction with 100% certainty of the pandemic, that's an easy possibility, it's the prediction with 100% certainty of the WHOs response that bothers me.
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