My letter to the Oathkeepers Regarding the Bundy Ranch in Nevada

Tina Clough-Sullivan I have been up most the night online following whats going on in Nevada.. Pardon my language, I am a lady but I have something to say, and I'm gonna damn well say it. I waited and wondered, as many have, where the hell are the Oathkeepers? Just like a few years ago, at the Open-Carry march, Stewart Rhodes and the Oathkeepers turned tail and ran at the hint of smoke. You are nothing but a front, a show, and I support you no longer. My family fought in the Revolutionary War, and many others, I know damned well what a patriot looks like....its not you. They have destroyed education, the government, eroded our rights,and now taking our property force. And you do nothing! I hear you scream out your false bravado, play like you're a patriot, until there's a need for what you proclaim you will do to defend our country & Constitution. Then you are nowhere to be found. You always come out later and give excuses. No more! Many already wrote you off, I gave you another chance, hoping you would do what you proclaim. Cowards, every last one of you. I will share this note all over the Internet, my followers, subs and friends. When called on you fold like a cheap suit. I will do my share to tell every patriot what you really are. Cowards playing patriots.


ps: The Oathkeepers now are informing me that they are trying to get up there....BULLSHIT!  This is how they always up after the damage is done, and claim some glory and make excuses of why they were not there early. THAT DOESN'T FLY WITH ME! NOR THE PATRIOTS THAT HAVE SUPPORTED THEM! STAY HOME COWARDS, THE PATRIOTS ALREADY THERE WILL DO WHAT WE CAN!

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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on April 10, 2014 at 6:42pm

I think the pricks are gonna lose this one...People are truly coming out in numbers for this...Could be start of the civil war folks been wanting maybe?

Comment by Sweettina2 on April 10, 2014 at 6:12pm

You are exactly right, Hollywood, just found out more.  Fracking, AND, they want the water, many water wars going on now.  Also, there are minerals there that they want. They've been trying to take his land for 20 years, just decided to take it by force.

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on April 10, 2014 at 5:42pm

digg deeper, find out the USGS was surveying this land 5 years ago for FRACKING....theres the whole reason behind this farce, "Fight The Good Fight Bundy's!!!

Comment by Frances Farmer on April 10, 2014 at 4:14pm

It IS a bullshit situation.

They don't give a care about turtles OR citizens.

What can Oathkeepers really do, though? They have only one power- and its a "nuclear option", in that they exercise a massive collective stand down. Even if all the federal AND county officers there are Oathkeepers and stand down, they will be removed and replaced by others who are not. That would probably be followed by a Nazi type inquiry across the country of who the govt can rely on, sabotaging the "you'll never know" aspect of the movement.

If Oathkeepers is going to play a roll in the way they want, it will probably have to start with the military, and in a major situation, that will signal to others 'the time.'

If no one ever utters the word "Oathkeepers" again though, we have reason to hope it has served its purpose, if it has sparked in the hearts of those who took the oath that "AND DOMESTIC" is in there for a reason.

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