Rothschild’s Saudi Lapdog Armed Syrian and Libyan Rebels. Sarin Gas Used In Syria Made In U.S.

by Dean Henderson


In a March 7, 2011 article in The Independent of London titled “America’s Secret Plan to Arm Libya’s Rebels”, journalist Robert Fisk reported that the Obama Administration had asked Saudi Arabia to arm the Libyan rebels.  The Saudis complied and later backed the same al Qaeda rebels in Syria.  The Saudis also invaded Bahrain to save the al-Khalifa monarchy.

The Saudis have played this role for the City of London banker cabal for nearly a century – part of a quid pro quo which involves oil, arms, drugs and covert operations.  (See my post, The Saudi Paymaster, or Chapter 3 of my book, Big Oil & Their Bankers…)

The Saudi throne has long served as anti-democratic bulwark in the region for the London/Wall Street bankers and their inbred royal European shareholder brethren.  It was all part of a plan hatched by the Rothschild-controlled Business Roundtable a century ago to seize control of Middle East oil.

The Rothschilds are majority owners of BP and Royal Dutch/Shell, as well as the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve and the Saudi central bank – Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA).

In 1917 the British made a client of Ibn Saud, who was told to encourage Arab tribesman to repel the Ottoman Turks from the Persian Gulf Region.  That same year the British House of Rothschild pushed through the Balfour Declaration, lending Crown support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.  A year later the Ottomans were defeated.

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US Produced Sarin Gas Used in Syria

“US Produced Sarin Gas Used in Syria” – 

Jeffrey Silverman: US Department of Defense  manages a network of laboratories in Georgia with  offensive capacity


Interview by Maia Chubinishvili

Jeffrey Silverman: US department of defense factually manages a network of laboratories in Georgia and it has an offensive potentialOn August 27, 2013 the famous American political investigator and principal editor of the ex-US State Department and intelligence service publication Veterans Today, Gordon Duff, published an article entitled “US Contractors Cited for Syrian Chemical Attacks,” and a video entitled “Syrian Gas Attack Proof Syrian Army Has No Involvement.”

The commentary to the video states, “The video which you are watching right now was filmed in Syria and shows the chemical weapons which were sent from Georgia. The US is standing behind all this.  Former US Senator Richard Lugar is the person whose assistance made it possible to transport weapons from Georgia via Turkey into Syria, with the support of the United States and Turkey.  Look at the weapons contained in the video and observe how they have been made operational.]A US chemical weapons programme supplies the Syrian rebels with weapons of mass destruction. A team of investigators has determined that chemical weapons were supplied from this region, which is under US control. They followed the trail of these chemical weapons to the Georgian Republic. Turkish Army subdivisions transported them to Al-Qaeda terrorists operating in Syrian territory.

Journalists Jeffrey Silverman and Lika Moshiashvili are credited with having discovered the secret and illegal operations taking place in the US-controlled Central Reference Laboratory (CPHRL) in the Tbilisi suburb the Alekseevka Settlement.”As soon as this scary information was made known to the public, Georgia & World contacted Tbilisi based American journalist and researcher Jeffrey Silverman.

- Mr. Silverman, give us a short history of the bio labs and how you found out about them?-

I performed part of my military service at a chemical weapons depot, a storage site of chemical weapons in the US Army during my college years, known as the Bluegrass Army Depot, Richmond, Kentucky.   I have some training in chemical weapons and bio warfare. Here nerve and other chemical weapons are stored, even to this day. I was fresh out of training from Fort Knox and taking ROTC Army training courses at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.

I learned back in 2004 about the Bechtel National Project bio storage facility in Georgia from US Defense contractors, including Turkish ones. They were working at the lab facility being constructed near Tbilisi airport. I then started deeply investigating the facility with Georgian and Norwegian journalists.  My first questions were, why near the airport and why in Georgia?

I soon realised that the US government and the Department of Defense, DoD, wanted to study new infectious strains, such as Anthrax, which were evolving in the wild amongst cattle herds in rural regions of Georgia. It should be mentioned that this small country and Tbilisi were once centre-stage to the Soviet Union’s system of bio weapons research, for both animal and plant warfare.

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