Filmed especially for the fools that still trust the lying thieving Luciferian Freemason' at NASA, from their big swimming pool called the International Swimming Station. Nobody with sense still believes the lies! Yet, they continue to steal away $56,000,000 a day from the American tax cattle...
Supposedly Apollo missions left Low Earth Orbit, went through the lethal multiple radiations of the Van Allen Radiation Belts, and traveled 238,000 miles to land on the moon using 1960's technology. The problem with the lie is the discovery in 1974 proving the lethality of the VARB's and the undeniable fact that no so-called "space agency" worldwide today can take men 400 miles from Earth or leave LEO using thousand-fold advanced technology to what was said to be used in 1969!
What kind of idiot would still believe this nonsense?