Natural News: Australia Bans Flu Vaccines in Children After Vomiting, Fevers, Seizures

Australia bans flu vaccines in children after vomiting, fevers, sei...
(NaturalNews) Although it's still summer in North America, it is of course winter in Australia, and the flu season is well under way there. As usual,
Australian health authorities have been urging parents there to
vaccinate their children against the...

If you use pharmaceuticals, you are polluting the water
(NaturalNews) Any personal use of pharma products can lead to dangerous water pollution, even if drugs or cosmetics are applied only to the skin,
researchers have found. Researchers have known for several years that
after a person ingests a...

Adderall has extreme side effects, but FDA says keep taking it
(NaturalNews) The attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drug Adderall is known to cause serious physical side effects including heart attack,
stroke, elevated blood pressure and heart rate, and even sudden death.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration...

Cinnamon extract reduces risk of diabetes and heart disease
(NaturalNews) A recent study headed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has identified a link between cinnamon intake and reduced risk of diabetes
and heart disease. According to the research, water-soluble cinnamon
extract, which is high in...

Antipsychotic drugs double risk of deadly pneumonia
(NaturalNews) Senior citizens who take antipsychotic drugs are twice as likely to contract pneumonia as seniors who do not take the drugs, according to a
study conducted by researchers from Erasmus University Medical Center in
Rotterdam, Netherlands,...

Part I, Be Aware of the Very Real Dangers of Quinolone Antibiotics:...
Every antibiotic on the market kills bacterial pathogens using a different mechanism of action. Some act on specific properties of bacterial cell
walls or by blocking certain enzymes that keep them from reproducing.
Some antibiotics, like...

Your Laundry Detergent may be Hazardous to Your Health
Laundry detergent commercials would have us thinking we`re wrapping ourselves in clean mountain air or the fresh scent of wildflowers every time we
wear our freshly washed clothes. But in reality we`re wrapping ourselves
in a toxic blanket...

Safely and Naturally Prevent and Eliminate Dangerous Gum Disease
Many people believe that the worst things about gum disease are bad breath and the possibility of losing their teeth. However, gum disease can
result in far worse problems. For example, people with gum disease are
three times more likely...

Body-Mind Meditation Leads to Rapid, Positive Brain Changes
The importance of meditation has long been known to mankind, but scientists have now discovered the positive brain changes that occur after a
session of meditation even if it is a brief one. Chinese and US
researchers at the University...

FDA ignored evidence that CT scans are killing 14,000 Americans a y...
(NaturalNews) FDA administrators sought to brush aside evidence that CT scans may be killing thousands of patients a year, say agency scientists. "I was
first ignored, then pressured to change my scientific opinion, and when I
refused to do that, I...

Bottled tea beverages contain little or no antioxidants
(NaturalNews) Countless studies over the years about the health benefits of tea -- particularly green tea -- have driven many health-conscious consumers to
stock up on all the latest tea beverages that claim to improve health.
But a recent study has shown...

Cancer solutions revealed on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour
(NaturalNews) The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents Compassionate Oncology - Part 5 of our 5-part series, "American Heroes - Cancer Experts Speak Out" - with
our special guest James Forsythe, M.D., H.M.D. Dr. Forsythe has been
featured in Suzanne...

Scientists discover unique way to more than double antioxidant cont...
(NaturalNews) Scientists from Obihiro University in Hokkaido, Japan, have discovered a simple, cost-effective way to boost antioxidant levels in ordinary
potatoes. Shocking potatoes with low levels of electricity or subjecting
them to ultrasound waves...

Bovine DNA found on chicken meat
(NaturalNews) Tests carried out in Ireland have found traces of cow and pig DNA in chicken products being sold in grocery stores, raising concerns over
unlabeled cross-species ingredients. The issue first came to light in
December, when the United...

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Ken Kesey: Oregon’s countercultural icon | Oregon Experience

Ken Kesey (1935 - 2001) is one of the best-known authors to ever emerge from Oregon. He wrote his two most-acclaimed novels, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...
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Are We Really in a Simulation?

 How many times did you hear the theory as you grew up that everyone had an exact double somewhere…See More
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✂️ RFK exposes Bill Gates

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