Neithercorp's new film series takes on Zeitgeist Addendum

...that should get some eyes on this blog entry.

I am happy to announce the release of a new short film series, lovingly created by Stratagem and myself, which infowarriors and frequenters of this website might find interesting.

Sons of Darkness, Sons of Light is a short format film series in 7 (possibly 8) parts which deals with the problem of the NWO from a somewhat unique perspective.

Firstly, we are attempting to develop and field-test new techniques for reaching and engaging broader audiences, such as humor, sarcasm, and diagrammatic (and/or archetypal) visual symbolism, along with the frequent film and culture references that have come to characterize the Neithercorp brand.

In part one, we explore the ideology known as "collectivism," and (somewhat controversially, I suppose) assail the ideas put forth by Zeitgeist creator Peter Joseph.

We also introduce basic concepts of Jungian psychology, archetypes, the collective unconscious, and alchemy, (all of which will be explored further in later episodes). We hope to shed light on how we believe these subjects relate to the problems we all face.

The series is freed by copyleft, and we encourage everyone to duplicate and share it (if you would be so kind).

We have created a brand new youtube channel here:

and we are hosting a higher quality version on our own website, here:

...please contact me if you are interested in a full download to help spread around. (I am still working on the dvd release. I intend to produce a full package with menus etc. We can not sell it due to fair use/copyright issues, so i am not sure how to handle this yet. Let me know if you have any suggestions.)

Anyways, we worked very hard on this and we hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for all your help, liberty pals!


EDIT: I have created a channel, (thx tweak and tls for suggestions)
this site is 1000x better than youtube, and it's only in its beta phase! thx guys

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Comment by agentOgden on August 17, 2009 at 11:29am
Yeah, I am definitely interested in working with you guys on this, and you can certainly air our videos (any of them). Just let me know what you need! I will PM u...
Comment by agentOgden on July 16, 2009 at 10:41pm
Thanks Charles, I hope so too, and thanks for the good advice Tweek.
Comment by agentOgden on May 24, 2009 at 12:22am
easy tiger
Comment by Stratagem on May 23, 2009 at 8:40pm
I agree with Ogden. I think our definition of "individualism" is probably much different than the societal norm. Too many people confuse Collectivists posing as Individualists with true Individualists.
Comment by Stratagem on May 23, 2009 at 8:32pm
Also, I didn't find the "up without a down", Jung, and others much smarter than I am did. Individualism has no negative countertype. Please name me a single destructive individualist. A Collectivist pretending to be an individualist is NOT a negative countertype. He is still just a collectivist. A true individualist finds balance in real collectivity without relinquishing his freedom or uniqueness. What possible negative repercussions could that entail?
Comment by Stratagem on May 23, 2009 at 8:25pm
We use the word "only" in a reasonably way, I believe. We say that "only a society that promotes individualism can succeed". If anyone can name me a society that suppressed individualism and everything worked out OK, I would love to hear about it. Like I said before, there is no such thing as extreme individualism. I cant think of a single example of a dangerous individualist. Only people who claimed to be individualists, but weren't even close, and actually promoted destructive forms of collectivism.

The problem is that people are frightened of absolutes, because they've been presented with so many false ones. But the fact of the matter is, when it comes to the human psyche, there are absolutes, whether we like it or not. Archetypes are those absolutes. Because they are universal, understanding archetypes leads to truth beyond "perspective". That is why they are so amazing.

I do, however, understand that these concepts are so outside what people are taught day to day, that they can be upsetting, or confusing. That is why we are making a series of films, not just one.
Comment by agentOgden on May 23, 2009 at 2:18pm
Thanks, and thx for the feedback. these are important questions. We move quickly but we don't want to be ambiguous. The questions and responses generated by this first episode will undoubtedly influence the way we approach part 2.

Comment by Marklar on May 23, 2009 at 2:09pm
I'm not saying that this is your view, only that radical collectivism has an equal but opposite counter part. I agree that it is authoritarianism that distinguishes the truly radical from the more benign forms of either. Union busting or denying the right of the people to peaceably assemble would be good every day examples of authoritarian enforced individualism however.

I know you guys as good people and I get what your saying I just wanted to express my hope that indeed part 2 will clear some things up especially for viewers that do not know anything about you. I look forward to seeing it.
Comment by agentOgden on May 23, 2009 at 1:55pm
hopefully part 2 will clear some things up
Comment by agentOgden on May 23, 2009 at 1:54pm
erm... i think its pretty clear that's not what we're saying. Individuals using collective bargaining is actually a pretty good example of "a collective of individuals," though we didn't specifically use it. The distinction is that in the case of workers unions (on paper anyways, maybe not historically) is that people CONSENT to be a part of it. (Unfortunately, it seems like those situations often end up with a lot of pressure and coercion going on, where its really not in your best interest NOT to opt in... but i'm digressing).

Anyways, there are more sides than 2. Please do not take our visual metaphor in the intro LITERALLY. It is a representation of 1. the alchemical principle of polarity and 2. a visualization of the repeating cycles and arcs of history coming to a critical point (like "you are here" sort of thing)...

But I agree with Strat. Individuation can only be a good thing. Perhaps the problem here is a semantic mis-communication. Individuation is not the same thing as individualism, as you are describing it. Individualism can be selfish and destructive. Individuation is simply a process of introspective growth which results in a sense of spiritual connection.

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