New Research Shows Connection Between Stem Cells and Marijuana

You are here because you are committed to your health and you want to know about the cutting-edge research happening right now in the field of stem cells.
And this week’s blog is so exciting, interesting, and controversial that it needs its own disclaimer.
WARNING: The information in this article may shock and surprise you, or it may offend you. And it will certainly intrigue you.
This week’s article is about a powerful, extremely healing, highly-revered and often maligned plant. Medically it is known as Cannabis sativa, but you may know it as simply marijuana.
Currently, the US Federal Government classifies Cannabis sativa as a Schedule 1 Narcotic, meaning the US government believes it is more dangerous than cocaine and just as addictive as heroin. And, that it has no medicinal properties.
And yet many scientists, medical doctors, and researchers have found lots of practical applications for cannabis in medicine.
A recent report from the academic journal Neurology found cannabis was helpful with the following medical conditions: 
         ✔️ Physical pain and achiness
         ✔️ Insomnia and sleep disorders
         ✔️ Reducing eye-swelling in people suffering from glaucoma
         ✔️ Nausea from chemotherapy
         ✔️ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
         ✔️ Multiple Sclerosis
         ✔️ Crohn’s disease 
Cannabis can also be very helpful with cancer. It is a great pain medication during cancer treatments, and many studies have found that cannabis actually is a powerful anti-cancer agent. 
New research shows cannabis can be helpful to those with anxiety and depression, and there is ongoing research on cannabis and ADHD.  
For example, Forbes Magazine reported on a research study from Washington State University that found that symptoms of depression were reduced after smoking cannabis in 89.3% of the trials.
Not bad for a single plant.
Not only does cannabis help a wide variety of mental and physical disorders, it is also a powerful anti-inflammatory.
And, since you are a loyal blog reader, you know that inflammation is the #1 enemy of stem cells.
So, if cannabis is a proven anti-inflammatory, could cannabis be beneficial for stem cells?
This next section is really exciting because we are talking about CBD, not cannabis (aka marijuana).
What is CBD?
CBD is short for cannabidiol, and it is one of the active chemicals in cannabis. THC, the psychoactive substance in cannabis, is another well-known naturally-occurring chemical in cannabis.

Taking CBD won’t produce the same

psychological effects as smoking cannabis, has a variety of health benefits, and is becoming more and more accessible each day.
CBD is legal in all 50 states in the United States, as well as in Canada and many European countries. And because it is legal in the US, there has been a lot of research on CBD all over the world.
CBD, Stem Cells, and Alzheimer’s 
It turns out that CBD on its own is a powerful anti-inflammatory. That means that you can get the anti-inflammatory benefit of cannabis by using CBD oil without breaking any laws or upsetting any government regulators.
Because CBD is a proven anti-inflammatory, that means it could be beneficial for stem cells AND lots of other medical conditions, including:
         ✔️ Diabetes
         ✔️ Alzheimer’s
         ✔️ Huntington’s
         ✔️ Heart disease
         ✔️ Crohn’s
         ✔️  Joint pain
         ✔️ Chronic physical pain
         ✔️ Many more
In fact, an article from Harvard Medical School claims that chronic inflammation is the cause of many, if not most, diseases.
But wait, it gets better…
Not only is the anti-inflammatory capability of CBD good for helping treat or prevent many diseases (AND it is good for your stem cells), recent research shows that CBD can also help stimulate neurogenesis - the growth of new neural cells. 
In other words, CBD could help grow new brain cells in the hippocampus, the memory area of the brain. This is especially good news for those worried about Alzheimer’s disease or who are over 65 years old.
Cannabis, CBD and New Stem Cells
Cannabis might also stimulate the growth and proliferation of new stem cells. This research is very new and cutting-edge, and there are a lot more questions right now than answers. 
Scientists do not yet know if cannabis or components of cannabis directly impact the growth and proliferation of stem cells. 
More about this in the next blog.
        ✔️Cannabis sativa has shown to have many health benefits for a wide variety                 of diseases
        ✔️ CBD, which is non-psychoactive, is a powerful anti-inflammatory
        ✔️ CBD can help treat or prevent many different diseases
        ✔️ CBD can protect your stem cells by reducing inflammation
        ✔️ Cannabis sativa has many healing properties, and future research may                       show a direct impact on stem cell growth and proliferation 
Thanks for reading!
The Healing Miracle Team
Are you curious and interested about the healing power of cannabis?
Good news...
There is a FREE Documentary about the healing power of Cannabis and how you can use cannabis to live a healthier life. Click here to watch this FREE Documentary now...

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Comment by Inretrospect on November 30, 2018 at 8:19am

I have already posted here before about my wife's lost battle with Small Cell Lung Cancer, which metastasized to Brain Cancer. Simply put: she had an egg-sized tumor removed from her brain, and she had remarkably recovered within 2-weeks from this surgery (strong 64-year old woman).  

We were in agreement to take the natural route with cannabis and Carnivora; however, the Oncology Doctor scared my wife into the necessity for chemo & radiation.  I know first hand what marijuana and Carnivora can do to boost the body's immunity system but, these natural supplements could not be effective in battling the Cancer when the hospital is injecting poison into her body, and exposing her brain & gut digestive processes with radiation. 

I can't say for certain that marijuana and Carnivora would have saved my wife's life but, I have no doubt that she would have had a longer quality of life without the chemo and radiology.  

Comment by dogitydog on November 29, 2018 at 10:03pm

There is no other plant on earth that even belongs in the same category as the cannabis or hemp plant. It is truly a gift with endless benefits. No other plant has the ability to provide life saving medicine, produce some of the most durable textiles, end deforestation, feed humans and animals, produce essential oils, provide clothing, the strongest paper, a source of fuel and on and on..... If there was ever a plant capable of saving the planet and creating harmony and peace and ending wars, it is the cannabis plant including the hemp strain of the species also. THAT IS WHY THE GREATEST GIFT TO MANKIND HAS BEEN CRIMINALIZED AND GIVEN THE SAME STATUS AS ADDICTIVE CHEMICALS SUCH AS HEROIN AND COCAINE BY THE SAME CRIMINALS THAT PRODUCE THE WORLD'S SUPPLY OF HEROIN AND COCAINE!

How do you monopolize on a drug market? You eliminate the competition by making it illegal then you become the source while enjoying immunity from the legal consequences imposed on everyone else.

@Raz Putin  Thank you for sharing that. People need to know what their government has denied them of while forcing them to be chemically poisoned instead with zero chance of it ever "curing" anything.

The criminalization of marijuana is the only crime it is involved with.


Comment by Inretrospect on November 29, 2018 at 12:49pm

CBD & THC properly combined can provide many powerful medicinal benefits, as long as GMO science doesn't change their natural genetic properties.  The abnormal THC level in some marketed marijuana nowadays is incapacitating (30% THC).  The Marijuana of the 1970's (~10% THC), allowed you to still function and enjoy at the same time.

Good article! 

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