New York: Mother Loses Custody of Her Son with Leukemia for Refusing Chemotherapy After He Was Given Clean Bill of Health

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Comment by Inretrospect on November 6, 2018 at 3:21pm

"By virtue of registration the State owns our children."

It's the same situation with your children's mandatory vaccinations.  Most responsible parents won't gamble with their kids lives in a medical crap shoot, even if they are forced by the Law to do so. 

Comment by Chris of the family Masters on November 6, 2018 at 3:10pm

By virtue of registration the State owns our children.

Comment by Inretrospect on November 6, 2018 at 3:03pm

Any parent shall face the threats of no medical insurance coverage, or the State CPS taking custody of your child, and/or your arrest if you resist/refuse Chemotherapy for your child... even if your child is in remission.  If you are an adult, you can refuse treatment. However, you do not do not have lawful authority over your children's doctor-prescribed chemo treatments... even if you leave the State.

After all, this Mother's son has valuable organs that need to be harvested for other wealthy patients that need them.[sarc]   The Hospital gets paid thousands of dollars to treat patients with radiation and poisonous Chemo, and in >90% of the cases inadvertently kills the cancer patient. Then the hospital gets paid to harvest the dead cancer patient's organs, sells the "donated" organs for $thousands, and then charges $thousands in fees to surgically transplant the organs into other patients.  If the recipients of the transplanted cancerous organs get cancer, they shall become a new Oncology patients.  This is a win-win treatment/surgery "cycle" for the hospital.   This medical racket is quasi-legal, or what is called "gray-market organ harvesting". It operates similar to "black-market organ harvesting" except that these services are run by lawyers and doctors through $multi-billion (allegedly non-profit) hospital corporations.  My late wife and I learned about these borderline criminal actions perpetrated by hospitals, the hard way. 

Please note that the article below is from the UK but, it is pervasive everywhere there is cancer, and people needing organ transplants. It should make people reconsider becoming a "registered" organ donor -- unless your State already has an implied (presumed) consent law.


Comment by Boris on November 6, 2018 at 12:51pm
(WABC) —

A mother on Long Island is fighting to have her son removed from chemotherapy treatment after he was given a clean bill of health by doctors.

Candace Gundersen’s son, Nick Gundersen, 13, is receiving court-ordered chemotherapy at NYU Winthrop Hospital in Mineola. He’s now in the custody of Suffolk County Child Protective Services.

Gundersen of Huntington said Nick was diagnosed by doctors at Cohen Children’s Medical Center with acute leukemia in June 2018. Gundersen said she asked doctors if she could get a second opinion before Nick began chemotherapy on June 30th.

“They told me if I didn’t consent to the treatment they would call CPS and have me removed and my son would have the treatment anyway,” Gundersen said. “So I signed the consent.”

Gundersen, who’s a holistic wellness coach, said Nick was hospitalized for 30 days and suffered an adverse reaction to the chemotherapy.

“He lost over 20 percent of his body weight. He developed typhlitis, which is a life-threatening bowel infection, he had fluid in both his lungs, he was bedridden. He stopped breathing on numerous occasions, he was on oxygen,” she said.

He was discharged on July 24 and continued with outpatient appointments until August 29th. On August 29th, doctors tried to admit Nick but his mother refused. A doctor there called CPS. Cohen Children’s Medical Center did not return Eyewitness News’ request for comment.

On September 2, Gundersen said police officers and CPS showed up at her house at 3:30 a.m. and seized Nick and forced him to return to Cohen. On September 11th, Gundersen had Nick transferred to NYU Winthrop Hospital in Mineola, where he continued with chemotherapy.

In mid-October, doctors at NYU Winthrop gave Nick a clean bill of health and said the cancer was gone, but informed the family that Nick would need three years of chemotherapy, which is considered the standard of care. Gundersen refused, opting for her son to have what she called non-toxic preventative treatments which keep the cancer in remission.
Read full article here…

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