A Question of Ethics Retail Lines and Democrat Hypocrisy?
Recently with the decision of Nordstroms to drop the Ivanka Trump line of women's wear and Kelly Anne Conway urging people to support purchase of the brand while others are urging the boycott of this retail corporation making a typical political choice, let us examine this paradox. One might ask just why bias and provocation is always rationalized by the left, yet when the shoe is on the other proverbial foot, the cries of foul and unfair come crashing down upon our ear drums from the Democrats?
What is really happening
This writer seems to recall that during the Obama Administration their were not only biased support of products and services, but the loss of nearly a billion dollars over just one particular crony capitalist company that the President himself embellished with money that was not his to invest with took place. Does anyone recall the name “Solyndra”? Oh yes, 500 million dollars of federally funded dollars lost as an ill managed solar technology corporation that was already obsolete compared to better technology overseas was granted seed money without disclosure of the fact that the company in question was already headed for bankruptcy! Is this not critical mismanagement and even criminally negligent support of the private sector by a President and his handlers that went unprosecuted?
Flawed rationale
Yet, the press is saying that Ivanka Trump, a private citizen, not a politician or holder of a public office should be persecuted by some leftist retailer because they don't like her Dad who happens to be the President? Is this not the typical fashion in which the left dementedly rationalizes its propagandized assaults upon a President they don't agree with because their crap game is soon going to be over? Kelly Anne Conway, calls Nordstrom out on it? Would this ever have happened to the God of the Democratic Party, Barack Hussein Obama, if one of his daughters had been in business for herself? Odds are it would not have happened. The left will support their flawed deities until the Sun becomes a red giant and swallows all of the closest orbiting planets including Earth. It makes no difference whether they are right or wrong, amoral, or simply delusional.
Funding failures
President Obama and his administration proclaimed that a million jobs and millions of electric cars would be produced from federally guaranteed money even when warned by experts that these guarantees would be an embarrassment to the White House as the recipients were already losing hundreds of millions. The list is long and the amount of money lost that will never be recovered belonging to the US taxpayer is staggering. Yet, is it not laughably ironic that President Obama refused to sign permits for the Keystone Pipeline which would not have required any risk what so ever of taxpayer funds and would have created jobs, cheap energy, secured fuel access, and would have begun generating tax revenue for all local jurisdictions involved.
Gamble with someone else's money
Of course, we cannot expect Democrats to operate on a level playing field with their conservative counterparts, that would require ethics, transparency, and good faith. Just not acceptable in the Democratic manual of remaining in rule at any cost. So, we can always anticipate the false accusations and character assassination form the Democrat political machinery that will sabotage, violently oppose, and lie wherever possible while they continually call for others to accept such things as the Electoral College, that is, as long as they win. These are the facts carved into stone whenever we analyze the left and its modus operandi.
Poorly managed recipients
A list of green corporations that failed for such things are rechargeable lithium batteries for cars that not only failed but in some instances caught fire, and were simply not competitive with their Chinese counterparts is impressive given the fact that after one failure after another President Obama and his handlers continued down the same faulty pathway increasing the federal debt and squandering taxpayer money! Such failures as LSP Energy, Abound Solar, Energy Conversion Devices, SunPower, ECOtality, and Beacon Energy Corporation, to name a few, lost hundreds of millions never to be recovered that were guaranteed with federally funded loans. Proving that a political agenda with no sound business plan would end in waste and if it had been perpetrated by the private sector would have been considered fraudulent and subject to lawful action.
Defining the slippery slope
Let's get back to the politically motivated dropping of Ivanka Trump's fashionable and durable goods that female consumers have worn with pride, yet through no fault of her own, this female entrepreneur is victimized for ideological purpose. Where are all the feminists who should be on board here crying foul and discrimination? Well, I guess they're not going to come to the aid of a fellow woman who provides goods and creates jobs because the left only looks after it's own! Even when Ivanka did not risk anyones capital, especially not the funding from taxpayer dollars, only her own money, ask yourself why the Obama administration got away with what they did and you will then come to understand the warped political landscape that exists in America.
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