Not-Decoded - Dan Brown’s - Lost Symbol

After all the extensive hype which can only be expected to be churned out prior to a boxing day airing of C4’s - Decoded - Dan Brown’s - Lost Symbol programme in 2009, and which was a follow up to their 2005 programme; The Real Da Vinci Code. Tony Robinson the TV’s Channel 4 Time Team presenter, more famously known for playing the part of Baldrick, in the Black Adder series, allegedly set about trying to find the truth behind Brown’s claims that; “…all the organisations in this novel exist; all the rituals, science, artwork and monuments in this book [The Lost Symbol] are real”.  I’ve already mentioned how pro-Mason I find Dan Brown, and how much he is revered by the fraternity due to the fact of him putting the fraternity in such positive light.

     Like many of the other subjects I cover, I have no personal axe to grind with Dan Brown, and especially so as the books in question are fictitious and I must admit make a great read.  Nor have I any real problem with Tony Robinson, though I must be truthful I’ve lost a lot of respect for him since his making of the Channel 4 “Decoded” programme, - as I still can’t understand as to why he and the programmes makers didn’t think more in depth about the questions he posed and asked the Freemasons he interviewed?  Why didn’t he insist on fuller answers and explanations from those quizzed?  And more importantly, why wasn’t more research carried out on the subject prior to the programme being made? – And it’s because he and the programme makers didn’t do any of those sorts of things, I would like to take this opportunity to clear up some anomalies made by both parties on the matters they raised, - and what’s now supposedly disputed by me.

     Channel 4’s own preview on the programme states: “On his journey Robinson must grapple with a world of impenetrable symbols and untangle the Freemason’s strange involvement in the creation of the USA.  He criss-crosses the Atlantic as he digs deeper and deeper to answer key questions thrown up by this complex novel.  Did the Freemasons create the United States of America for their own secret purposes?  Did they encode strange symbols into the streets and structures of the nation’s capital?  What could they have learnt from 17th century alchemists like Isaac Newton?  Can Tony use the power of his mind to move objects?  And are the Masons really still powerful today?  Tony’s hopes for hidden truths are constantly raised and dashed as he investigates the Masonic influence on past and present, and delves into the truth of their rituals and secrets.  And while the science and the monuments may be real Tony asks if they are quite what Brown claims?” [1]


     As we know Dan Brown’s novels are fiction, and I’ve already covered my own thoughts about Browns following remarks, - however, whilst in the process of writing this book the above mentioned programme came on TV over the 2009 Christmas period, - which led to me going over this subject again. – Tony Robinson pointed out that Brown’s own annotations in the book state that: “All the organisations in this novel exist; all the rituals, science artwork and monuments in this book are real”, and went on to say; “Obviously calls for these claims to be further investigated”.  So on hearing this and seeing the trailer for the programme, I was quite looking forward to what Robinson was going to supposedly unveil and prove what was fact or fiction.

     Yet instead of trying to get to the root of the matter in the 40 minutes dedicated to the subject of Freemasonry, Robinson came across as a kind of stool pigeon acting as a sort of decoy to prevent the truth from really getting out.  As I’ve just pointed out, why on earth didn’t Robinson, the programmes producer, researchers or director themselves, delve more deeply into the subject of Freemasonry before setting about and making this programme?

     Dan Brown’s Lost Symbol novel is only touching on a subject that has an abundance of history and information already available that can confirm all the questions Robinson was arguing Brown’s book raises and poses as fact or fiction.  Why he never did, but he should have taken advantage of some of the five miles of books available in the Library of Congress were he visited and filmed part of this programme and where he would have been able to obtain all the answers to the questions he put forward and pondered on.  - In Del Trotter’s words from Only Fools and Horses, Robinson acted like a “right plonker”, for instance he compared Nigel Brown the Grand Secretary of the UGLE, to that of “A keeper of stationary” as opposed to that of a “keeper of ancient mysteries”, therefore by making this intentional light-hearted, but nevertheless sweeping statement and comparison, simply trivialised and ridiculed the whole notion that Freemasonry could possibly be anything else other than a branch of your local Ryman’s, and this was a wasted opportunity to get some sensible answers.

     Why didn’t Robinson jump at the opportunity to prod and pry and ask some awkward questions, instead of naively accepting Nigel Brown’s non-answers, - in which prevented the viewer from getting that little bit closer to the heart of the subject?  Why didn’t it dawn on Robinson to actually question the whole concept of the Masonic Temple they were stood in within, - the United Grand Lodge of England?  An immaculate building on par with many a cathedral, church or mosque, the Freemason’s Hall is one of the finest Art Deco buildings in England, the Grand Temple has seating for 1,700 people, there are 21 lodge rooms, a library, museum, board and committee rooms, - yet in a sense not a “dicky-bird” was mention by Robinson, not even about its architecture, why it was built, how much it cost and who paid for it etc., let alone inquiring who some of the 1,700 or so members are.

     It’s no wonder Channel 4’s Time Team programme, also fronted by Robinson and alongside his fellow team mates have such a low success rate in actually discovering anything new or of particular interest, - as it appears they don’t know what to be looking out for in the first place.

     The Decoded - Dan Brown’s - The Lost Symbol programme was blatantly a simple act of disinformation fronted by the affable Black Adder star Baldrick, that many love and have respect for.  However, in my opinion and many others, as I’ve read loads of comments that followed the programme on various comments pages and website forums, that seem to reflect the same kind of stance as mine, which is - this programmed turned into such a one sided PR exercise for the Freemasons, that it ended up coming across rather substandard and its purpose seemed to get watered down and backfire by Robinson’s non inquisitiveness and range of questioning, and for far too easily accepting non-answers from those he was meant to be quizzing and investigating in the first place.

     Mind you, given the power of the Masonic influence in this country, it’s not hard to see through the aims or the objective as of why this programme was really made.  All our media is owned and controlled by their Freemason proprietors, just take a look at our satellite and terrestrial TV stations and channels, radio, newspapers and magazine publications in a world of so called “competition” and exclusives.  Then consider how much news and real life events are taking place and happening within your own village, town, city, region, country or around the world generally, “real news” and not the kind of news that the politicians or those with a set agenda want to expose, highlight and keep us informed about, but would much prefer to cover-up.

     So what do we get instead; all our media singing from the same old Masonic song sheet, reporting the same repetitive bullshit minute after minute, as if their truly trying to ram something home to us other than what’s truly going on out there.  Each and every news channel programme are covering the same identical stories simultaneously, as does the front page of virtually every newspapers, who seem to all share the same “yellow journalistic” headlines and storylines within their pages, - and this is the same thing the world over, meaning there’s no such thing as “independent”, or more importantly investigational journalism anymore, if of course they ever really was.  Today’s Martini-journalists – “Anyplace, anywhere, anytime”, - are more like clockwork hacks and pimps, churning out mediocre stories with no real substance, facts or information, - paying anyone who is prepared to either just lie about themselves, their best friends, families or just about anything else, whilst the interviewing journo full well knows their being told/sold a load of complete rubbish and lies, - yet despite this knowledge their newspapers, TV shows etc., still go ahead printing and showing the stories anyway.  Therefore libelling the majority of people they’ve just reported about, full well knowing that 99.9% of those libelled are unable to afford to defend them self and set the record straight, or do anything about it if they wanted.

    “Oh no, - no Mason master plan!” Robinson whined like a child, when Nigel Brown replied to his pathetic question of, - “Was there such a plan?” What the fuck did he expect the man to say; “Yes Baldrick, there certainly is a Masonic master plan, and here’s the blueprint for it, - you fucking Wanker!”


    Let’s not forget here, firstly if such a person was trusted with such secrets, then they’d hardly be mouthing it off to some major TV channel whose chosen to turn up on a whim and hoping to discover some ancient mysteries that aren’t even revealed to the majority of Freemason’s who have no idea as to half of what’s going on around them or about the intricate workings within their own order, as many of them don’t ever ascend all the way through the variants of degrees, - and then again of those who chose to do so, or at least attempt to, are often misled and the reason why the term “hoodwinked” often appears in Masonic literature and terminology, as it’s not until they start to progress through the degrees that they soon become aware they’ve have been hoodwinked.

     As that too is all part of the necessary procedure to see how well they’ll now react and handle such ridicule, - will they take it on the chin like a man or throw a strop instead, thus not be invited to progress any further if the latter is their reaction?  So they shrug it off and take it in their stride and decide to go forth, though this time finding out the “truths” of Freemasonry, or so they think, because yet again the hoodwinking continues and goes on and on and on, so much so that many are unaware about the “truths” of their fraternity and it’s not until they get to a certain respective level they’re told such things as that of the “Master Number of Glory” = 216, or is it 616, or even 115?  What not 666, you may ask, well in reference “to the sign Beast” this maybe so, though who says I’m referring to that?  Simply put; 6 x 6 [= 36] x 6 [= 216], - and of course apart from this simplistic example, there’s a whole host of contributory reasons and other equations as to why the number 216 is looked upon as such a revered sum.  Different early versions of the Book of Revelation gave different numbers, though 666 had been widely accepted as the “original” number in reference to the “sign of the Beast”.  666 is the outer shell of the box, whereas inside is 216, 616 and even 115 dwells. In the Kabbalah/Qabbalah, the number 666 represents the creation and perfection of the world.  The world was created in 6 days, there are 6 cardinal directions; North, East, South, West, up and down, - with the number 6 also being the numerical value of one of the letters of God’s name.  In the Old Testament, Kings 10:14 and Chronicles 9:13 state that King Solomon [in the Qur’an he’s known as a Prophet, son of Dawud [David] and named Sulaiman-Solomon], collected “six hundred threescore and six” talents of gold each year.  I’ve written some more explaining about the sign of “the Beast” and the mystical number 216, further on.

     Robinson’s pathetic questioning, was like him going up to the door of a known illegal gaming club or drugs den and asking the head doorman or drugs-dealer; “Is there any gambling going on, or drugs available here?” As the doorman, or dealer replies; “Na mate, what on earth gave you that idea”, - as Robinson then turns directly to the camera and states: “Well there we have it directly from the horse’s mouth’s, ‘no gambling or drugs’ whatsoever takes place, or are available here on these premises”. -

     The Masonic influence on world history is undeniable and quite obvious once you open your eyes and take a good look around you, the allegory of symbolism through which Masonry is expressed means that it is easily overlooked or missed by the uninitiated or unsuspecting observer.  But next time you go out, just look around your local villages, towns and cities and especially in the UK, Europe and USA where you’ll find obelisks of all sizes that scatter and dot the landscape, churches and graveyards, as does the palladium style architecture on many facades of government, public, private, commercial and particularly financial banks buildings that show ‘two pillars with an arch on top’ at the entrance of these buildings, there are all kinds of variants of this design but with the same meaning and understanding to the Freemason, and much more befitting in a Muslim environment and country, than those which proclaim to be predominately Christian, and perhaps we can see why the Shriner and Grotto Freemasons quite like the adorning a either a red or black fez respectively upon their heads.

     The two most famous of pillars in Freemasonry, represent those at the entrance of Solomon’s Temple, known as ‘Boaz’ and ‘Jachin’.  The arch that sits above them is known within Freemasonry as the Royal Arch, which represents the highest degree in the fraternity.  It is understood the two pillars in front of Solomon’s Temple are most likely copies of the ancient Egyptian temples dedicated to the Aten [2] - known as the life giving source of light-solar disk-the sun.  One or more pylons [entrance gates] were situated at the entrance of the temple, [and many other temples in Egypt], and possibly the reason Simon Cowell in the 2010 X-Factor programme loved the stage setting that included modern day electric ‘pylons’ as part of the stage set, as he smiled to himself along with many other Freemasons and I, and others like me, who too understood their true significance, - whilst 99.9% of the rest of the viewers hadn’t a clue what they were referring to.

     Pylon usually refers to a truncated pyramid, as on the dollar bill, a pyramid shape that hasn’t a capstone on.  In Pylon [architecture], means the gateway to the inner part of an Ancient Egyptian temple or Christian Cathedral.  Pylon is an initiatory working group of the Temple of Set, based on a specific initiatory theme and/or centred on a geographical location [3]. The Temple of Set is a breakaway sect from the Church of Satan, and founded in 1975, it’s an initiatory occult society claiming to be the world’s leading left-hand path [LHP] religious organisation.  LHP followers embrace magical techniques, for instance using “sex magic” or embracing Satanic imagery, often question religious or moral dogma [present set of rules or beliefs etc], instead adhering to forms of personal anarchism, and embraces sexuality and incorporates it into magical rituals.

     In Wicca, the Great Rite is a form of “sex magic” that includes either ritual sexual intercourse or a ritual symbolic representation of sexual intercourse. [4] Most often it is performed by the High Priest and High Priestess, though other participants can be elected to perform the Rite.  In a symbolic ritual, the High Priest plunges the athame, [which is a black-handled knife, and appears in certain versions of the Key of Solomon], or ritual knife [the male symbol], into a cup or chalice [the female symbol], which is filled with wine and is held by the High Priestess.  The Great Rite symbolises creation in the union of the Maiden Goddess with the Lover God, and thus is also known as a fertility rite.  The Temple of Set, professes Setian philosophy and magical practice, and in addition to their international organisation, the Temple sponsors initiatory Orders and local groups called Pylons.


     The pylons in the temples of the Aten [also Aton, [5] the disk of the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology, and originally an aspect of Ra], consisted of sets of pillars symbolising the two mountains of the horizon, with the Akhet = arched top [the Royal Arch], placed in between and above the pillars representing the transit in which the sun rose and set, - and is a symbol that can be seen as an emblematic reference to the Akhet in many buildings and houses window designs, and especially at the seats of power, notice the arched design of the window above 10 Downing Street, often referred to be a Peacock’s tail in design.

     In which it’s also termed, in ancient Greek mythology, Peacock feathers were said to be [6] the eyes of Hera’s most faithful watchman, Argus.  He was a giant, who had one-hundred eyes, and when he was slain by Hermes, Hera took those eyes and put them into the tail feathers of her favourite bird - the peacock. 

     However it’s more than likely meant to represent the rays of the sun on the horizon, though either way both versions are befitting to the world of Freemasonry.  The majority of lower level Freemasons, also have no idea about the true meaning or significance of some of their rituals and ceremonies, nor the religious aspects of the Order, let alone who the Order is setup to truly worship, though it must be assumed this kind ignorance is gradually becoming almost impossible with the continuous spotlight being shined upon Freemasonry, and with all the information now available on the subject, - for any Freemason to proclaim; “I didn’t know that was what Freemasonry was really all about!”


     The history of Masonic buildings and symbols in Washington is no secret, yet when Robinson interviewed architectural historian Don Hawkins about the intentionally obvious design and layout of the buildings, walkways and roads which link and encompass a Pentagram, a Set Square and a Compass all Masonic tools and symbols throughout the Washington capital.  Hawkins simply replied: “Its coincidence”. He even went onto to say: “You could perhaps even find five or six other Pentagrams if you looked”.  Now why on earth didn’t Robinson seize on this opportunity and simply say: “If that’s the case –where? Show us on the map we have in front of us, where are these other so called five or six Pentagrams, our viewers are intrigued and the reason I first asked the question in the first place”.

     Even if some other Pentagram’s could have been identified and shown, I would only think it would probably reaffirm their symbolism, so that was not really a good counter argument by Hawkins anyway.  Yet again, Robinson just took Hawkins comments and answers as gospel, therefore trying to give the impression that Freemasonry is not ingrained within the Washington city, when Robinson put the same question: “Is Freemasonry not ingrained within the Washington city”,  Hawkins simply replied; “Not at all”. – Again I wondered why is it, that Robinson, the director or researchers of the programme, didn’t they at least search the archives for the abundance of facts and details contradicting the programmes own findings?  I/we know why, and this is proof enough the programme was pro-Freemason, by them not doing so.

     Okay, so the programme highlighted certain facts, such as in the USA one third of the signers of the Constitution, many of the Bill of Rights signers and America’s first few presidents [7] were Freemason's though I think that you'll find almost all were members of the Freemasons, or at the very least a member of a similar secret society or fraternity, yet because of all this 'secrecy', I suppose were never know what the truth is.

     Freemasonry became incredibly popular in America, at one time encompassing 10 percent of the population.  George Washington had to come up with appropriate rituals for the new country, so he borrowed many of them from the Masonic rites he knew as Worshipful leader of a Lodge in Alexandria in the USA. [7]

     And anyway, long before the set about ingraining Masonic imagery and meaning in the US, Freemasons have been doing so wherever they built great cities and wanted to leave their mark of a Mason, that instantaneously to the initiated into the craft would at once feel welcomed and at home in.  To James II, Christopher Wren, John Evelyn, Nicholas Hawksmoor [all Freemasons], and the other builders of the “New London”, England, the city was to be the “New Jerusalem”.  [8] Rome was the flagship for Catholics, so London must accomplish being the capital of the “true faith”. This was reinforced by a popular belief that the “English” were the true descendants of the Lost Tribe of Israel. [a belief, that must of course still exist in many quarters], artists and composer William Blake, loved to include Masonic imagery and was simply echoing this thought when he wrote the hymn “Jerusalem”, and  being “builded here” decades later. [8]

     This belief was a help to those who believed that Britain should be a global empire, a true successor to Rome, with a temporal and religious capital to match it.  [9] The Freemasons had come about at just the right time [I believe the fire was a deliberate act of arson, indirectly involving James II and the Freemason], for the colossal rebuilding project subsequent to the Great Fire in 1666.  Following in the footsteps of the ‘Invisible College’ of the Rosicrucians, the Royal Society an extension of the Invisible College, was founded in1660 as the ‘Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge’, it originally dealt as much with alchemy and astrology, as other forms of science, with many members of the Royal Society, also being Freemasons and members of even more secretive esoteric groups such as the Cabala Club.  John Byrom [1692-1763] an English poet and student of religious mysticism, wrote in his journal “that he told the Sun Club he was going to establish a Cabala Club”. [10]

     Sir Christopher Wren, apart from being an architect, was an astronomer, geometer, Royal Society founder member and MP.  He appears to have been a Freemason, as on the 18th May 1691, the antiquary and biographer John Aubrey noted: “This day… is a great convention at St Paul’s Church of the fraternity of the masons, where Sir Christopher Wren is to be adopted a brother…” [8] The theory is supported by an old tradition in the Masonic Lodge of Antiquity No 2 that Wren was Master of the Lodge, and to many Freemasons his membership of the Craft is obvious in his works, particularly in his greatest monument – St Paul’s Cathedral.  It was during this great building project of London, that sacred geometry, numerology and astrology were just as respectable as astronomy and chemistry.  The quest was on to find the keys to the Universe, and in those days [as today], the occult held an equal attraction for men of learning, and this is something we can see reflected in many of their works.

     Various concepts were put forward for the new London street plan and layout.  The objective was to rid the warren of tiny streets and alleys and enforce some form of regularity.  Such as the plans put forward by cartographer Richard Newcourt, showed simple grid patterns like that of today’s New York.  Though Wren and Evelyn had more ambitious and intricate ideas as it’s been suggested that Evelyn’s plan bears an uncanny resemblance to the Sephiroth or Tree of Life from the mystic Cabala/kabbalah “the best hieroglyph of the known and unknown universe”. [8] Cabalism was a popular topic among esoteric philosophers of the day, with its mathematical and geometric approach, some of which was assimilated into Freemasonry, and as I’ve said before a favourite of Madge’s, [singer Madonna], and George Bush and Co.  Evelyn had written about sacred geometry, and how a careful arrangement of the environment could: “Influence the soule and spirits of man, and prepare them for converse with good Angells”. [8]

     In cabalism, angels are the messengers between the physical and metaphysical worlds.  In the end it was impossible to alter the whole of London, as it was mainly the East section most badly burnt down, so while they couldn’t entirely re-arrange the street layouts, the architects of London did rearrange various places of worship according to their plan.  Wren realigned the axis of St Paul’s so it stood 2,000 cubits [914m, or 3,000ft] from Temple Bar to the west and the same distance from St Dunstan-in-the-East in the other direction.  Hawksmoor’s St George-in-the-East is 2,000 cubits from the London Wall, St John Horselydown was placed 2,000 cubits from the Monument and Hawksmoor’s St Mary Woolnoth is the same distance from his Christ Church Spitalfields.  The measure of 2,000 cubits is used in the biblical Book of Numbers in its rules for city planning: “Measure from without the city on the east side 2,000 cubits.” It had featured in modern studies of sacred geometry since 1662.  John Wilkins, vicar of St Lawrence Jewry and the first secretary of the Royal Society had converted it into modern measures, creating the essential yardstick for a “New Jerusalem”.  Wrens assistant Nicholas Hawksmoor, aka “the Devils architect”, is revered in occult circles thanks to his 12 churches that broke away from the traditional Gothic style and introduced a new and “foreign” geometric vocabulary of obelisks, pyramids and cubes.  His alleged morbid interest in all things pagan and pre-Christian worship helped darken his reputation.

     Hawksmoor’s churches were based on a layout of intersecting axes and rectangles, [the same layout of a Masonic Grand Lodge, representing the shape of the old world], which he described as being based on the “rules of the Ancients”.  His work borrows from Egypt, Greece and Rome, again all revered by the Freemasons.  The nave of St George’s Bloomsbury church is a perfect cube, with a tower in the shape of a pyramid.  Seven of the keystones are decorated with flames, and the eighth bears the Hebrew name of God inside a triangular plaque surrounded by a sunburst.  St Mary Woolnoth church is based on the idea of a cube within a cube.  This has represented the squaring of the circle from ancient times, which takes us back to the ideal proportions of Leonardo’s Vitruvian Man… and, of course, the Freemasons, and as another symbol, it shows a “world within a world”.

     But it is the geographical alignment of Hawksmoor’s churches as much as their architecture and ornate recurring motifs that has provoked speculation, among such authors like Iain Sinclair, who’s book-length prose-poem Lud Heat in 1975, where he describes how Hawksmoor’s churches form regular triangles and pentacles, and “guard, mark or rest upon” the City’s sources of occult power.  Sinclair even provides maps to prove the alignments, which he considers a clear sign of Hawksmoor’s true Satanic affiliation, as Sinclair was the first to connect Hawksmoor’s churches with some of the most horrendous crimes in London’s history, such as the Ratcliffe Highway murders of 1811 and Jack the Ripper’s killing spree in 1888.  Sinclair suggests that the malign influence of Christ Church, Spitalfields, is so great that it attracts dark acts of violence to its vicinity. [8][9]

     Again I could go on and on about how much sacred geometry, geographical alignment, triangles and pentacles are entwined with Freemasonry, and that because they’ve already had the foresight and knowledge to hand when it came to building such “new cities”, they too [the American Freemasons], must have been more than willing and eager to put their skills to the test, when they set about designing and building great projects such as the capitol of America and its other major cities in general.  So bearing this in mind and going back to Tony Robinson and C4 programme, and despite mentioning the previous well known historical facts about the US and Washington, - again I ask, why didn’t the programme include any of those details, or more so like that of what Julia Duin of the Washington Times wrote in her article in 2008?

     This same story and information was repeated in many other newspaper publications around the period of Obama’s inauguration. – Here’s only a small extract from the overall interview, Duin writes; “...I learned all this from Garrison Courtney, a 30-something government worker who gives Masonic tours of the District in his spare time.  He is Worshipful Master at the Cincinnatus Lodge in Georgetown.  Contrary to public perceptions of Masons being older white guys, current local membership is a racially and religiously mixed group of Gen-X men [7]Calling themselves, - a ‘spiritual organisation’.  Masons need only believe in a ‘Supreme Being’ - Masons have grown nationally in recent years, he said, with 38 Lodges in the Washington District alone”.  The late President Gerald R. Ford was a Freemason: “We actually had a Masonic procession to his casket while he was lying in state at the Capitol”, Mr Courtney said.  The inaugural parade, he tells me; “Began as a Masonic procession [a parade of Masonic notables] from the then still-unfinished White House to Capitol Hill where Washington travelled on Sept the 18th 1793 to lay the cornerstone for the Capitol.  Lafayette Park was the site of a makeshift Masonic lodge, in which the Scottish stone-masons then working on the executive mansion lived. - Washington also ensured the boundaries of the District, each 10 miles along, which formed a perfect square, which symbolises ultimate virtue in Masonry”.

     The “whole idea” behind the building of Washington, was to convey the message about the new experiment, a new way of thinking the Founding Fathers had in mind - said Akram Elias, a past grandmaster of all the District's lodges.  Whole books have been written about the Masonic imagery on buildings around the District.  Many of their cornerstones were laid with Masonic ceremonies involving oil, wine and corn. – “All five statues in front of the White House are Freemasons, Mr. Courtney said.  Every single one of the statues on Virginia Avenue are as well.  ‘Masonry is ingrained in the city’ and in the American culture”. [7] - So there you have it, a recent article which appeared in the American press in late 2008 clearly stating that; “Masonry is ingrained in the city of Washington”, yet as I’ve already said, when this simply question was put to Hawkins by Tony Robinson, his reply was; “Not at all”. - And Robinson, in typical Baldrick style, shrugged his shoulders, and just seemed to accept it as that must be so. -Therefore pervading to the trusting viewer: “Well that’s that then...” - and leaving them none the wiser.


     It’s interesting to note that on page 26 of The Lost Symbol, Brown’s character Langdon, tries to dispel the “conspiracy theory” to an over keen student who points out the above mentioned Masonic layout of the streets in Washington D.C., by apparently then showing the student another map, but this time of Detroit, and pointing out that the exact same shapes could be found on that street map.  However, it’s worth noting, that he too must have been unable to replicate the same patterns again on the street map of Washington D.C., other than what the student was already pointing out to him, - otherwise he would have surely mentioned this point as well, that is of course, if we assume he knew about them in the first place.  But what makes it more intriguing, is that by him being able to then replicate the exact patterns in the street layout of Detroit, - indisputably then reaffirms the Masonic link in that very city as well.

     In fact Detroit is as riddled with Masonic influence, as is the rest of America, and with huge Masonic temples in many other cities.  The 4,404 seating Detroit Masonic Temple is the largest of its kind in the world, said to have in excess of a 1000 rooms.  At one end of the building is the 14-story, 210-foot Ritualistic Building, home to most of the Masonic organisations that call the Masonic Temple; “home”.  At the other end is a ten-story Muslim Temple tower.  Then situated in between is a 1,586 seat Scottish Rite Cathedral, and a 17,500 sq ft drill hall with a floating floor, plus two ballrooms, one of which measures 17,264 sq ft and holds up to 1,000 people.  The colossal Detroit Masonic Temple was designed in the neo-gothic architectural style, using thousands of tons of limestone.  The anointed cornerstone was placed on the 19th September 1922 using the same trowel that George Washington had used to set the cornerstone of the United States Capitol in Washington D.C.  So perhaps by Dan Brown pointing out the street layout of Detroit, he was in fact enticing the reader to look further and to then discover this point, and about the Detroit Masonic Temple. [11]

    Following the details and information I’ve uncovered in this chapter; “Not-Decoded - Dan Brown’s - Lost Symbol”, I’d just like to add; if I was Tony Robinson, I’d stick to acting, but then again on reflection, that’s exactly what he was doing all along on the; Decoded-the Da Vinci Code programme, as it was more like “mockumentary”, dressed up to appear as a documentary fronted by an actor as opposed to an academic or scholar in the subject.  And despite public perception, and that in 2005, Exeter University conferred an “Honorary Doctorate” on Robinson, to reflect its great appreciation for what Time Team has done for the public understanding of archaeology in the UK.  And that in September 2008, he was awarded the James Joyce Award, by the Literary and Historical Society of UCD, Robinson is not a scholarly historian [12].

 Extract from Trapped in a Masonic World -

[1] "Decoded: Dan Brown's Lost Symbol a href="">;.

[2] "Rosslyn Chapel and 2012." a href="">>;.


[4] ^Morrison, Dorothy (2001). The Craft: A Witch's Book of Shadows. Llewellyn Worldwide. p. 153.   ^ Hume, Lynne (1997). Witchcraft and Paganism in Australia. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.

[5] Keys, David (June 2010). BBC History magazine. Bristol Magazines Ltd. ISSN 14698552

[6] Are peacocks mean." a href="">>;.

[7] " - Obama's inauguration - a Masonic ritual." a href="">>;.

[8] "Sects & The City | SquareMile." a href="">>;.

[9] "City of Symbols." a href="">;.

[10] ""The Byrom Collection", a href="">>;.

[11] "Detroit Masonic Templea href="">>;.

[12] "Tony Robinson a href="">>;.

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cheeki kea commented on Doc Vega's blog post Why Do They Want to Kill Elon Musk?
"Musk is the face of the intelligent geek nerd army who is exposing almost everything that concerns…"
23 hours ago
cheeki kea posted a photo
Doc Vega posted blog posts
Sandy posted a video

DARK WATERS | Official Trailer | In Theaters November 22

Mark Ruffalo stars in #Darkwaters.Get tickets: Participant (Spotlight), DARK WATERS tells the shocking and heroic stor...
tjdavis favorited Doc Vega's blog post Why Has it taken so Long for Alejandro Mayorkas to be Impeached? Well that's Finally Happening
tjdavis posted a video

Deception Has Evolved Into MASS BRAINWASHING

Deception has taken a dark turn, and it's no longer just about manipulating individuals. Today, mass brainwashing has become a powerful tool used to control ...
cheeki kea commented on tjdavis's photo

Rainbow Rousing

"I wonder how much longer the USA and Russia is going to put up with UK/NATO/& the West war…"
Doc Vega posted a blog post

A Promise I Cannot Keep

A mystical passage in a dream far away Perhaps deeply embedded in the Milky Way Rather than leave…See More
Burbia commented on TommyD's group The Chuckle Hut
Burbia posted a video

InfoWars reporter Jamie White ‘brutally murdered’ near Austin residential area, outlet says

InfoWars reporter Jamie White was “brutally murdered” near his Austin, Texas, home on Sunday night, according to the outlet.Alex Jones, the founder of InfoWa...
Less Prone favorited tjdavis's photo
Less Prone favorited Doc Vega's blog post World Government Reveals itself Over Zelensky Oval Office Meltdown
Less Prone favorited cheeki kea's photo
Less Prone favorited tjdavis's blog post Stop Noahide Laws
Less Prone commented on tjdavis's photo


"Ban Talmud and Quran and other supremacy ideology?"
Less Prone commented on Doc Vega's blog post FBI Agent Admits Evidence of Sasquatch Existence
"Doc, you'll like it. Thanks for being with us."
Doc Vega posted a blog post

What are the Characteristics of a Rogue Regime?

 What would you call a government that uses dogmatic rhetoric as its tool of communicating with the…See More
Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post FBI Agent Admits Evidence of Sasquatch Existence
"Les Prone thanks for your support and I'll watch the video! "

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