German WWII Muslim Soldiers - Act II - Act III Yet To Come...

German Soldiers Reading; Islam & Judentum

German WWII Soldiers Getting Ready To Go Down...

And they're down...praying to who, - or are they looking for Hitler's dropped contact-lens?

                                                                  You know about the other two, and here you will notice the opening address is that of the same as WWII, but instead of Fascism v Zionism, [remember, don’t confuse Zionism, with ‘all Jewish people’,  Zionism is the extremist end, - any more than you can tar the same brush with ‘all Muslim people’ being supporters of the Taliban], this time it will be Illuminati/Zionism v Islamism, don’t forget Pike wrote these predictions 120 years ago:                                                                

     “The Third World War; Must be fomented [encouraged] by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agenda of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.  The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam [the Moslem Arabic World] and political Zionism [the State of Israel] mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion... [It’s getting that way now]. [1]  We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.  Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilisation, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic [rational] spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” [1][1a][1b][1c]

     Since the alleged ‘inside job’ and alleged terrorist attacks of 9/11 - 2001, world events and in particular in the middle-east, have shown a growing unrest and instability between ‘modern Zionism’ and the ‘Arabic world’, and even more so recently, as it looks like the Illuminati are ready to sever the “safe hands”, of the ‘better the devil you’, puppet regime leaders who have kept these regions on the simmer for the past 30 to 40 years or so, and that they’re now ready to unleash “the Young Societies”, to cause mayhem to that part of the world.  The feeling of empowerment to these much suppressed people, will be so great they’re being looking where to go next, as once all their own leaders have been toppled, the ‘Young Arabs’, now running the show, will too soon realise, a bit like Barack Obama, that they won’t be able to do that much more than what their corrupt leaders did in the past, as all the money’s has run out, - and the one of the reasons trillions of pounds, dollars, Euro’s and Dinar’s have been stolen in worlds greatest robbery.

     However and more importantly, the Islamic “Youngs” will be greatly united, - and shall be encouraged to look closer at their next enemy, - an enemy that all these countries surround and whom they all oppose of, despise and bitterly hate.  Intrinsic to Pikes prediction of WWIII, is the final phase of the deliberate and contrived chaos and turmoil that’s being brought into fruition by specific ‘engineered’ acts of terrorism, uprisings and wars.  Pike suggests that a near constant state of warfare must be whipped-up into such frenzy and then attained, - so as the world can be embroiled in an endless series of strife, until the masses are so weary and sick to death of it all, they’ll hardly have the will to live anymore, as it won’t be what you’d could call ‘living’ anyway. [6]

     When hence, the Illuminati will step forward with the key that they can offer world peace, and forevermore, - though in the guise of a ‘one world religion = Freemasonry’, the ‘mother of all religions’, - mate, your be snatching the pen from the hand of whosever is asking you to ‘democratically’ tick the box, - I know what I would do, which doesn’t necessarily mean I’d tick any box.  Pike goes on to say how this shall be achieved; “With tongue [social networking, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube etc.], and pen, with all our open and secret influences, with the purse, and if need be, with the sword...”

     This is completely in line with the call for a ‘Third World War’ to be fought between Islamists and Zionist and their allies on both sides.  And with the recent events - suggests we are increasingly getting closer to this time.  – The likes of Churchill and Roosevelt have been here before, they knew exactly what was on the Masonic horizon, as they were both provided with ‘extremely accurate information’ about the mass shootings and the extermination camps, but ‘chose not’ to use their propaganda services to warn potential victims to resist or inform civilian populations in Germany about the full extent of Hitler’s crimes, and say the reasons for not doing so was as to not threaten post-war prosecution of the perpetrators. [7]

     Are these same Masonic/illuminati bloodline families expecting us to accept that explanation as to why they turned a blind eye to the slaughter of millions upon millions of innocent people of all creeds and from many countries, - all because they didn’t want to lose a few court cases and let the perpetrators get away some time later on up the road, when in fact they did everything possible to help most of the perpetrators escape justice and flee the country in the first place, historians spoke shit then, and it’s repeating it’s self again.

     Toward the end of the war, a small effort was made to interfere with the conclusion of the ‘Final Solution’, which saved perhaps a quarter million or so Jewish people.  In the US Holocaust museum in Washington, DC it displays a plaque that says: “Lessons of the Holocaust - are to - watch for the rise of fascism and similar nastiness, and to work to prevent this emergence while it is still possible to stop it,” [not once the violence is at full strength].  This was not just a ‘Jewish-thing’ - the Nazis also killed millions of Polish people and communist Russians, prisoners of war such as so-called Gypsies [Roma], political dissidents, Freemasons, Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, psychiatric patients and the infirm in general were among some of the many more millions murdered.  In their quest to take over the world the Nazi war machine killed tens of millions in total, in excess of 67,000,000 people were killed in the deadliest war know to man. [7]

     Some Nazis were exempted from prosecution through secret deals with the Allies, and through Operation Paperclip they smuggled thousands of Nazi criminals into the US to help with the space program and the CIA, others were helped to relocate to South America, where some destabilised local governments and helped institute fascism in places such as Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. [7]

 Extract from Trapped in a Masonic World

[1]William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, Emissary Publications, Clackamas, OR, pp. xv-xvi

[1a] "Albert Pike to Mazzini, August 15, 1871: Three World Wars ..." a href="">


[1d] "Albert Pike to Mazzini, August 15, 1871: Three World Wars ..." a href="">

[2] "Murder of Franz Ferdinand : Start WWI a href="">>;.

[3] "The Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand : a href="">>;.

[4] "Black Hand: Definition from" a href="">>;.

[5]"The "Secret Society" Behind Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda." a href="">;.

[6] "World at War 1." a href="">>;.

[7] "Holocaust Denial." a href="">>;.         

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Comment by Exposure on January 5, 2012 at 3:41am

Just see comment: That's right they were taken in 1943.  It's said they were part of Amin Al Husseini Nazi Muslim Troops, and as you say, made-up of 'foreign volunteers' though believed to be from the Hanzar SS Division, though could be from the 13 Waffen-Gerbirgs-Devision der SS Handschar, as they sound pretty much like the same thing.  More details and photgraphs can be seen here; - It's just that many people in the West, and especially the UK and USA, have no idea of this Hilter/Islam connection, you could say it's been sort of played down in our post war history lessons.   

Comment by DTOM on December 2, 2011 at 4:42pm

The men pictured wearing feldgrau uniforms and fezs are not Germans. From the collar tabs, they are Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) 'foreign volunteers' of the 13 Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS Handschar.This also puts the pics as being 1943 onwards.

Heinrich Himmler dropped the high admission standards to the Waffen SS as WW2 progressed. In the case of the 'Handschar', Himmler convinced himself of their acceptability by speculating that the Bosniaks were racial 'Aryans' - descendants of the Goths - and that Islam was a good belief system for a soldier, as it produced obedient, fanatical soldiers with little fear of death in battle... 

*These fezs are *not* cool...

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