“[The Masonic/Illuminati] are the invisible powers behind the thrones of earth, and men are but marionettes, dancing while the invisible ones pull the strings. … We see the dancer, but the master mind that does the work remains concealed by the cloak of silence.” Manley P. Hall.
I keep saying the Masonic/Illuminati love to ‘play on on words’, and I show examples of this throughout the book. Try typing itanimulli.com into your browser, - itanimulli is of course, “illuminati” spelled backwards. And itanimulli.com, will take you directly to the U.S. National Security Agency’s website. And perhaps now you can see why many people say that the US government is a bought-and-paid-for subsidiary of the New World Order. Though it’s also been discovered that a bloke called John Fenley, who lives in Provo, Utah, purchased the domain name “Itanimulli” and is apparently redirecting visitors to the NSA. On the 13th December 2009, a fellow named Harry Thomas wrote to Fenley asking him what was his reason/s for registering iianimumIIi.com etc. He also asked him: “The website redirects to the NSA website. Many of us are wondering why that is? Are you an employee of the NSA or DARPA?” [DARPA is also connected to the HAARP program.] Fenley replied, [This is just part of the reply];
“I decided to forward the domain Itanimulli.com domain to the NSA as a joke… /...I don’t believe that the Illuminati actually exists, and only one black helicopter has ever buzzed my house [that’s a whole other story]. I’m not sure what the New World Order Plan is, but if you have more information, I’ll gladly tell you what I think of it. - I am not an employee of the NSA or DARPA, though I have participated in several DARPA contests including the 2 Grand Challenges, the Urban Challenge and the recent Network Challenge. Thanks for your interest, John Fenley.” So who can say what’s true or not, other than the NSA would hardly register it in “their” name. And who knows for sure if Fenley works for the NSA or not, - he had to admit his involvement with DARPA as he knew Thomas must have known something about his connection to ask the question to begin with. So as I say, who knows for sure, - and it’s just another of those things that makes you go hmm...? [1]
I first read and heard about the Illuminati in the early 1990’s, when I read a book titled Cosmic Trigger II: Down to Earth [1991] by Robert Anton Wilson, and whilst I was still in prison. It continues on from an earlier book he wrote in 1987 titled the Cosmic Trigger I: The Final Secret of the Illuminati. Wilson continues the Illuminati-based coincidence of events that have taken place since Cosmic Trigger I was first published.[1a] The book is an exploration into the future of cyberspace; the peculiarities of Irish legal system, [the Irish have long been controlled by the Freemasons, only the Irish people don’t know it, just take a look at the Masonic style of buildings in Dublin, Ulster Bank HQ, and the Supreme Court of Ireland], links to the Mafia, the CIA and the Catholic Church; anal-eroticism in the White House; the Dog Castrator of Palm Springs and more. The book combines humour, twists in logic and zen-like koans to get its messages across, a widely known kōan is “Two hands clap and there is a sound; what is the sound of one hand?” or “You’re sick, but want me to take the medicine!” [2]
The book is made up of ninety-four chapters, [like mine, though not as short as Wilson’s], with the main themes interwoven throughout in a non-linear fashion. In part, this volume of the series outlines Wilson’s intellectual development, from his religious education under the [‘sadistic’] nuns at Catholic school, through to his materialist-atheistic standpoint as an engineering student, and his eventual development of the ‘model agnosticism’ which informs much of his published work. Other recurring themes relate to conspiracies, involving the Vatican and allegedly Masonic societies such as P2. He discusses the controversial death of ‘God’s Banker Roberto Calvi as I do, and even discusses Aleister Crowleyean magick rituals, again like I do, though I come from it at quite a different angle than Wilson, but as you can see, the topics he covers and of those I do, - I’ve updated many, due to new evidence and developments since 1991, and supply more facts in general. I would be lying to say his books have not in some way influenced my choice of subjects, and I recommend you read Wilson’s books as soon as you get the opportunity.
To this day Venice has remained in their hands of the Venetian Black Nobility [BN] that in fact extends far beyond its borders, and felt in every single corner of the globe. “The Black Nobility”, were and still are the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, Italy, whom since the 12th century held the privileged trading rights [monopolies]. The first of three crusades, from 1063 to 1123, established the power of the Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class. The BN aristocracy achieved complete control over Venice in 1171, [3] when the appointment of the Doge [the chief magistrate and leader of the Most Serene Republic of Venice for over a thousand years], was transferred to what was known as the Great Council, which consisted of members of the commercial aristocracy, among them the infamous House of Medici or de’Medici was a political dynasty, banking family and later royal house that first began to gather prominence under Cosimo de’Medici in the Republic of Florence during the late 14th century, rising until they were able to found the Medici Bank. The bank was the largest in Europe at one time. [4]
The Medici family was connected to most other elite families of the time through strategic marriages, partnerships, or employment, as a result of which the Medici family had a position of centrality in the social network: several families had systematic access to the rest of the elite families only through the Medici, perhaps similar to banking relationships. In 1204 these families formed their own governing committees and via their members, and from this time-dates the great building-up of power and when eventually the government became a closed corporation [as is City of London] of the leading Black Nobility families.
The term “Black Nobility” has been attributed for a couple of reasons, which the title “black” through its underhandedness and dirty tricks, such as when the population tried to rise up and revolted against the monopolies of government, as like anywhere else, and like it presently is, the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized, brutally beaten and more than often hanged. The Black Nobility used/uses secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping, rape and so on…, to help maintain their titanium grip throughout the world.
In later years the Black Nobility group of families who sided with the Papacy under Pope Pius IX after the House of Savoy family-led army of the Kingdom of Italy entered Rome on the 20th September 1870, overthrew the Pope and the Papal States, and took over the Apostolic Palace, the official residence of the Pope also known as the Sacred Palace which is located in Vatican City.
For the next 59 years, the Pope confined himself to Vatican City and claimed to be a prisoner within the Vatican to avoid the appearance of accepting the authority of the new Italian government and state. Aristocrats who had been ennobled by the Pope and were formerly subjects of the Holy See, including the senior members of the Papal Court, kept the doors of their palaces in Rome closed to mourn the Pope’s confinement, which led to their being called the “Black Nobility”. When Pope Paul VI abolished their Vatican City positions at Court, as well as a number of privileges there was a right old fallout. In May 1977, some members of the Black Nobility, led by Princess Elvina Pallavicini, started courting traditional Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
In 1970, Lefebvre founded the Society of St. Pius X [SSPX], which is still the world’s largest [5] Traditionalist Catholic priestly society and going as strong to this day as ever. Prior to this time in August 1930 Cardinal Liénart assigned Marcel Lefebvre to be assistant curate in a parish in Lomme, a suburb of Lille. Cardinal Lienart has been identified as a 30 degree Freemason, according to Issue No. 51 of Chiesa Viva, March 1976. In his new position Lefebvre was responsible for an area with a population of three and a half million people, of whom only 50,000 were Catholics.
The most important families today are those who occupy the very pinnacle of the Illuminati pyramid, and it seems as if all these families listed below are connected with the House of Guelph, one of the original Black Nobility families of Venice, from which the Wettins /Saxe-Coburg/House of Windsor and thus the present Queen of England, Elizabeth II, descends from. The Guelph’s intertwined with the German aristocracy through the House of Hanover. Almost all European royal houses originate from the House of Hanover and thus from the House of Guelph - the Black Nobility. An example: the Hanoverian British King George I came from the Duchy of Luneburg, a part of Northern Germany, which had been governed by the Guelph family since the 12th century.
Today the Guelph’s [the Windsor’s] rule by dominating the raw materials market, and for years they have fixed the price of gold [a commodity they neither produce nor own]. The House of Windsor also controls the price of copper, zinc, lead and tin. It’s certainly no accident that the principle commodity exchanges are located in London. Companies run by Black Nobility families are British Petroleum, Oppenheimer, Lonrho, Philbro and many many more. Other Black Nobility families [in this instance families whose ancestors included Popes] still in existence include notably the Colonna, Massimo, Orsini, Pallavicini, Borghese, Odescalchi, and Boncompagni-Ludovisi. Major extinct papal families include the Savelli, Caetani, and Conti.
And let’s not forget, our modern banking system originated in Italy. Another Black Nobility family are the Grosvenor’s in England. For centuries this family lived, as most of the European families, on ground rent. Today the family owns at least 300 acres of land in the centre of London. The land is never sold, but leased on a 39 year leasehold agreement - the ground rent of the middle ages. Grosvenor Square, in which the American Embassy is located, belongs to the Grosvenor family, as does Eaton Square. In Eaton Square apartments are rented out at 25,000 to 75,000 pounds a month [and that does not include maintenance costs].
The Black Nobility are the founders of the “secret societies” of today, from which virtually all the others are connected to in some way or another the Illuminati, that in a sense originated from – the Committee of 300. - the Club of Rome, the Council of Foreign Affairs [CFR], the Chatham House, home of the Royal Institute of International Affairs[RIIA], the Bilderberg Group, the Round Table etc., all originate from the Committee of 300, and therefore from the European Black Nobility families. The Knights of the Garter are the leaders of the Committee of 300. The Order of the Garter is the secret inner group which is an elite group within the Order of St. John of Jerusalem which is the British part of the Knights of Malta. This committee of 300 is modelled after the British East India Company’s Council of 300, founded by the British aristocracy in 1727. Most of its immense wealth arose out of the opium trade with China. [6]
It’s been alleged many a time that this group is responsible for the “phony drug wars” in places such as the US, Columbia and Mexico etc., - as many of these sham drug wars were concocted to, and still are, like that of the ‘C-Fac’al – X-Ray machine and War of Terrorism, to get the people to unwittingly give away their constitutional rights and to allow the introduction of more draconian laws and regulations etc. Co-operating with the European Black Nobility are American families like the Harriman’s, Rockefellers, Kennedy’s, Rothschilds and the McGeorge Bundys etc. The House of Hanover seems to be German, but according to Dr John Colman, its Jewish, as is the House of Habsburg, and he’s says; “It wasn’t really the Germans who took over the British throne...” For the full story see Dr. John Coleman, Black Nobility Unmasked World-wide, 1985; and Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, 1992. Richbald of Lucca is the earliest recorded descendent of House of Hanover, circa 700-761.
With the Habsburgs dating back to at least the 10th century, with Guntram the Rich [died 937] was a Count in Breisgau, [prior to the House of Habsburg] member of the noble family of the Etichonids, and possibly the progenitor of the House of Habsburg, [7] Europe’s mightiest royal family. The head of the House of Habsburg was usually also the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire [8] [whose banner is a doubled head Phoenix, as is the Habsburg Monarchy’s coat of arms] from 1440 until its dissolution in 1806. Here is a list of the Black Nobility families: House of Bernadotte, Sweden, House of Bourbon, France, House of Braganza, Portugal, House of Grimaldi, Monaco, House of Guelph, Britain [the most important one], House of Habsburg, Austria, House of Hanover, Germany [the second most important one], House of Hohenzollern, Germany, House of Karadjordjevic, Yugoslavia [former], House of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein, House of Nassau, Luxembourg, House of Oldenburg, Denmark, House of Orange, Netherlands, House of Savoy, Italy, House of Wettin, Belgium, House of Wittelsbach, Germany, House of Württemberg, Germany, House of Zogu, Albania, [3] in which you’ll find all these families on the Windsor family hereditary tree of life.
The Illuminati is the “mother ship” of basically all other secret societies than span the world, though it wasn’t really termed the “Illuminati” until around the 18th century and when Adam Weishaupt’s Bavarian/Iluminati found on 1st May 1776, the Order of the Illuminati. Secret societies obviously predate Black Nobility [BN], though goes without saying it’s very likely there are descendants whom go all the way back to the times of the Babylonian Levites. As I’ve said before, if anything, the “Illuminati” is an expansion of secret groups and organisations that originated from the ancient mystery schools and where the origins of Freemasonry has been attributed to the likes of the Babylonians, the Levites and particularly King Solomon and the construction of the Temple on the Mount at Jerusalem, those compliers of the Tanakh, Bible and Torah etc., the Greek mathematicians such as Euclid and Pythagoras, Moses, the Essenes who were a Jewish religious group from the 2nd century BCE to the 1st century CE, that some scholars claim seceded from the Zadokite Jewish high priests.
Then there are the Culdees or Céli Dé who were members of riotous Christian monastic and eremitical [hermit] communities of Ireland, Scotland and England in the Middle-Ages, as have the Druids who were a priestly class in Gaul and possibly other parts of Celtic Western Europe during the Iron Age. [9] Even Gypsies, in which the English term Gypsy [or Gipsy] originates from the Greek word for Egyptian, in the belief that the Romanies, or some other Gypsy groups, such as the Balkan Egyptians, originated in Egypt, and in one narrative, stating they were exiled as punishment for allegedly harbouring the infant Jesus, [10] - and particularly the Rosicrucians, a secret society of mystics, said to have been founded in late medieval Germany by Christian Rosenkreuz, [11] [also said to be connected to America’s Stonehenge alias the Georgia Stones], which holds a doctrine or theology; ‘built on esoteric truths of the ancient past’, which, ‘concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm’. [12]
Not forgetting to mention the brighter sparks of the descendants of Noah, if of course he too ever existed, [in which the same could be said about Moses and Jesus], and of all of these past mentioned groups, not forgetting the Amish and Mennonites, - they all in one way or another have some kind of attribution and connection to Masonic Brotherhood, and their related secret societies. None of this is definite, as no one can prove what’s what for sure, but it gives us a rough guide on what to build upon, and shows us a possible path in which they have descended.
It’s generally accepted that Freemasonry separates into two time periods: before and after the formation of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717. Because if the truth be known prior to this time the facts and origins of Freemasonry are not absolutely known, well to us they’re not anyway, - and are therefore frequently explained by theories, myths and legends, and which I’m trying to cover as much as I can about them in this book. Illuminati [enlightened], was/is a name given to several groups, either - historical, modern, real or fictitious. As just said, historically the name refers specifically to Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt’s “Bavarian Illuminati”, an “Enlightenment” era secret society founded in 1776, and beyond coincidence, - and more like deliberately contrived, the very same year America’s independence was declared, and whereas the date 1776 and can be seen printed onto the one dollar bill and at the bottom of the pyramid.
In terms of who I’m referring to as “head” of the Masonic network’s in general, then in a sense, like all “coalitions”, there isn’t really any one single individual, but a band of them, as in this sect the Black Nobility, whose descendants make up the majority of the Bavarian Illuminati and have done since its formation made up of the most influentially important and prominent members of the elitist, richest ruling families on the planet, - those very preordained people who just hand down the indisputable baton of power and wealth from one noble generation to the next.
In these kind circumstances, marriage is just another of those mechanisms that is to guarantee this continuous sequence of chain. Love, sentiment and feelings play no part whatsoever in this process, - something the then shy 19 year old Diana Spencer had no idea about as she professed her love for Charles, unlike the 30 year old Prince who knew everything about this predestined process. When once asked by a journalist: “Was he in love with Diana?”, he’s response was; “Whatever love means”, as he knew and fully understood the apparatus and how it works, which was - the handpicked, blue eyed, blonde haired Aryan looking bearer of the perfect womb, was nothing more than a vessel for his particular strain of “royal seed” to be placed in, incubated and nurtured.
The hierarchal pyramidal structure of the Illuminati obviously forms a chain of command, and Fritz Springmeier wrote between 1991 and 1995 about the top 13 families of the Illuminati in various publications. Fritz Springmeier is an American author of many books on the subject of the Illuminati and Freemasonry among other related topics. He has spent most of his adult life actively involved in “exposing” the Illuminati, bringing out facts about occult organisations and such mind control programs like MKULTRA, whom some of the most active nations in these painful and deadly programs have been Russia and Germany [1914 until 1945], when the German programs were then absorbed by the United States, France, England, Japan, China, North Korea, North Vietnam, and Israel. There have been and still are a number of small nations who are dabbling in mind control, particularly in South America, a number of African nations as well as a number of ‘Muslim countries’. [13]
Though I see it much more wider than this, though I honestly couldn’t put a figure on exactly how many families make up and consist of the Illuminati, though it could be fair to say the following are included in this group, - and I can almost hear the cries; “Here we go again, the same old rhetoric of accusations and finger pointing at people, like”. Though who Fritz Springmeier, seems to have forgotten to mention is The Black Nobility, among this list of families his suggests make up the Illuminati, though it must be said, among those such as the DuPonts, are indirectly related to the Habsburg’s, via the Duchy of Burgundy in which they descend.
In addition to those bad boys of Black Nobility, these are the other main families who as a collective make up the Illuminati cabals: the Astor’s, Mellons, Carnegies, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Dukes, Dorrances, Reynoldses, Stilimans, Bakers, Li [in China], Pynes, Cuilmans, Watsons, Tukes, Kleinworts, DuPonts, Warburgs, Phippses, Graces, Guggenheims, Milners, Drexels, Winthrops, Vanderbilts, Whitneys, Harknesses Van Dyn’s, Rhodes N.M. Rothschild, George Soros [who’s fingerprints are said to be all over the recent bombing of Libya], Alex Brown & Co, J. Henry. Shroder, Lord Airlie, M.M. Warburg, Paul Warburg, Kuhn, Loeb & Co/Abraham Kuhn/ Solomon Loeb/Jacob H. Schiff, etc. [14] and many others, and whom you could now add to the list those ‘new money’ families such as the Bush’s and Clintons.
And of course apart from these families and the Black Nobility who are all linked in some way to the House of Windsor; the Royal Family and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, there’s all those other monarchies from around the world. When looked at from a different angle, wars between kings, queens and governments, - no longer appear as actual wars between these elite families, but as contrived “war-games” to control the worlds populations, whilst maintaining their positions of power and keeping the rest of us in the shit. However, I must admit I’ve changed my tune a little, as it wasn’t until I read the statistics showing the rapid rate of the world’s population, and what Prince Phillip, among others have said on the subject, - as it was my intention to pull them up on the matter.
And perhaps I can now see why the Georgia Stones are causing some much controversy, as after all, - they state the population should be kept at a natural balance of 500,000,000, - and it’s seems as if those in the know, can see why a mass culling of the human species maybe required, whether we like it or not. So further on, I look into the nasty little subject of “human culling”, and try to explain how much trouble we’re all really in, and why it seems it might have to be a necessary measure to wipe out a few billion or so of us!
In Great Britain we have a constitutional monarchy, which is a form of government, in which the monarch acts as head of state within the parameters of a written, unwritten or blended constitution. It differs from absolute monarchy in that an absolute monarch serves as the sole source of political power in the state and is not legally bound by any constitution. Queen Elizabeth II is still technically the constitutional monarch of: Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Grenada, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu. [15]
There are many other countries throughout the world, that are either absolute monarchies, or semi-constitutional monarchies among which are a mixture of the following countries: Afghanistan: Albania, Austria-Hungry, Belgium, Bhutan, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cambodia, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hawaii, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Libya, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Swaziland, Sweden, Tonga, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Vatican City, Vietnam, Yemen, Yugoslavia & Serbia.
My reason of quoting these other countries, is just to show how widespread monarch families really are, as generally speaking, you’re average person thinks of Queen Elizabeth II, King Carlos of Spain, Sultan of Brunei, Prince Rainer III of Monaco, or Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands as the worlds monarchs, which as we know is nonsense, but nevertheless it’s a kind of generalised perception, even though we know it’s vastly incorrect.
Now this in my eyes shows how much disinformation and propaganda is helped spread about by our media, as the following figures were included in an article written by Anita Singh in The Telegraph on the 25th August 2008, that is supposedly meant to represent the wealth of the top 15 Royal Families, - because how is it then the likes of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak can be worth more than double of what the number one is on this list. On the 4th February 2011 in the Guardian newspaper, it reported President Hosni Mubarak’s family fortune is said to be worth as much as $70bn [£43.5bn] [15a] according to analysis by Middle East experts, with much of his wealth in British and Swiss banks or tied up in real estate in London, New York, Los Angeles and along expensive tracts of the Red Sea coast. I’m also not convinced as to why Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is listed at No 12, when she should be at least in the top three. Though this is how clever they are in concealing their truth wealth, whilst many others “new money” love to boast, - those of real power, - remain silent.
1 King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, Age: 80 Net worth: £18.79 billion. 2 Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates Age: 60 Net worth: £12.35 billion. 3 King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia Age: 84 Net worth: £11.27 billion. 4 Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei Age: 62 Net worth: £10.74 billion. 5 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum of Dubai Age: 58 Net worth: £9.66 billion. 6 Prince Hans-Adam II von und zu Liechtenstein of Liechtenstein Age: 63 Net worth: £2.68 billion. 7 Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani of Qatar Age: 56 Net worth: £1.07 billion. 8 King Mohammed VI of Morocco Age: 46 Net worth: £805.4 million 9 Prince Albert II of Monaco Age: 50 Net worth: £751.7 million. 10 Sultan Qaboos bin Said of Oman Age: 67 Net worth: £590.1 million. 11 Prince Karim Al Hussein Age: 71 Net worth: £536.9 million. 12 Queen Elizabeth II Age: 82 Net worth: £349 million. 13 Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah of Kuwait Age: 79 Net worth: £268 million. 14 Queen Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard of the Netherlands Age: 70 Net worth: £161 million, and at number 15, poor old King Mswati III of Swaziland Aged 40, has hardly a pot to piss in with a mere £107.4 million to his name. [16]
So, we can at least assume that these particular groups of people are all at the very pinnacle of their own metaphoric pyramids, - and that not much gets past them without them being made directly aware what’s going on in their own countries, their turf, their manors, their streets, - and all about their subjects, that is of course if they’re at all interested to begin with. Then virtual every single countries monarch have their loyal servants, and not just those sorts serving up cups of tea, but those from such Order’s like the Order of the Garter, Lords, Barons, Lady’s and Baronesses, alongside an array of other dignitaries whom are all totally loyal to the monarch beyond all else. Many of these dignitaries are among the wealthiest people on the planet and virtually all of them are Freemasons. And it is these monarchs, their loyal servant’s, noble dignitaries and the world’s most rich and powerful businessman and women who as a collective form the brigades of the Illuminati groups, - in which itself is a pyramidal hierarchal system and whereas not all those aforementioned groups or individuals are necessarily exclusively members of that same Illuminati group, but who too form many other factions, groups and organisations of their own and who at times, and at regular periods quite often in opposition to each other.
For example, the not so frequently mentioned in the Iluminati conspiracy, is the pro-Protestant group; The Pilgrims Society, founded in 1902, as a British-American society, in the words of American diplomat Joseph Choate, [17] “...to promote good-will, good-fellowship, and everlasting peace between the United States and Great Britain”. Over the years it has boasted a membership of the world’s most elite politicians, diplomats, businessmen, and writers, and is notable for holding dinners to welcome into office each successive US Ambassador to the United Kingdom. The patron of the Pilgrims Society, is Queen Elizabeth II, - head of the Church of England. Then we have the Roman Catholic Pope, alongside the Black Pope and his army of Jesuits, and Opus dei etc., - Sufi Muslim’s aside “Wahhabi Islam” and the Salafi movement of groups, - and last but not least, extremist Frankist-Judaism-Zionist fractions and organisations. On the surface, all these respected religious groups, with their related fraternities and societies appear to be in complete opposition to each other, - yet bizarrely enough, they all share a common purpose, aim and goal, - which seems to be the annihilation of each other, - as following this annihilation, Freemasonry will be there to pick up the pieces, thus an amalgamation is forged – the right synthesis has been achieved, and all religions will now share the same one umbrella = “Freemasonry”.
And whereas each group has their own interest groups, clubs, fraternities and organisations, whose set agenda it is in seeing to it that this annihilation does come to fruition in one way or another, supporting these sorts of groups of same old suspect’s I’ve already just listed and mention before. Though theres the “new money” people like the Clinton’s, Bill Gates and even Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose father [Gustav S.] was a Nazi officer, as was Donald Rumsfeld father Commander in Chief Von Weichs zu Glon - Field Marshall, Maximilian Baron, and not forgetting those of Skull & Bones secret society, such as Prescott Bush, father of George Bush senior and grandfather to George W. Bush. Okay, so some of these “new money” people, excluding Bill Gates might not be as wealthy as some of the others quoted, but that doesn’t really matter, as there still up there in the higher echelons of power. We know about the Bush’s being “bones-men” and other famous political figures being Freemasons, but it must be said, that very high level Illuminati members prefer to keep under the radar and well out of the limelight, thus you hardly ever hear mention the Black Nobility.
It’s been long alleged that the Bundy family are connected to the Illuminati, whereas two Bundy brothers held key positions of power, and controlled much of the information fed to two Presidents of the USA being J.F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson and their administrations. Following JFK’s assassination and when Johnson took over the reign’s, McGeorge ‘Mac’ Bundy was the National Secretary Advisor to determine what the President did and didn’t hear or see, whilst his brother William held a key position in the State Department. The Bundy brothers were also “bones-men” of the Skull and Bones, and Jonas Mills Bundy [1835-1891] was a top advisor to President Grant, President Garfield and President Chester A. Arthur. Both McGeorge and William P. Bundy have held important Council of Foreign Relations [CFR] and Bilderberg group positions.
McGeorge Bundy sat on MJ-12, Majestic-12, which is the code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders and government officials supposedly formed in 1947 by an executive order of U.S. President Harry S Truman. [18] The U.S has no doubt been the most powerful nation earth to date, and goes without saying that McGeorge has had access to what is public knowledge, and more important - what is still secret and classified.
The main evidence for the existence of Majestic 12 is a collection of documents that first emerged in 1984. [19] Though it’s said the FBI investigated the documents, and concluded they were forgeries, based primarily on an opinion rendered by the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations [AFOSI]. In 1985, another document mentioning MJ-12 and dating to 1954 was found in a search at the National Archives,[20] though again, the documents authenticity have been called into question, whereas on the FBI’s website, it’s concluded they are fraudulent. [21] And like many unanswered questions, I suppose the only way to clear the matter up, is to declassify the 64 year old files.
Harvey Hollister Bundy Sr. was the father of McGeorge and William and also a Skull & Bones man, and became Assistant Secretary of State in July 1931 until March 1933 under Henry Lewis Stimson, who too was a Bones-man. It’s been alleged Eric Bundy was part of sinister plot to steal the wealth and power of Howard Hughes, who had more than one double of himself. Harry W. Bundy was a Freemason, Satanist and the chief adept 9°of the Colorado part of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis [SRICF].
And then we have the hereditary families and gate keepers of the various religions with their multilevel of branches to also contend with, such as that of the Pilgrim Society, Roman Catholic Church and the Pope, the Jesuit Order and the Vatican’s Pope superior alias the Black Pope, Opus Dei-Cosa Nostra, the Council of Trent, the Club of Rome, Monastic Orders, Canon Regulars, Clerks regulars, the Masonic Mormon’s, the Church of Scientology, the Unification Church alias the Moonies, Frankist/Zionist’s groups and the Anti Defamation League, the Sufi Order/Islamic religions and the likes of Osama bin Laden and his followers, the Bohemian Grove, the Grillion’s [a London dining club], the Roxburghe Club, the Cosmos Club, the Council of Foreign Relations, Le Cercle specialising in international security, the Council of 9, the Council of 13 which is the Grand Druid Council, the Jason Society, the Jason Group, the Ordo Saturis, the OTO groups, MI-6, MJ-12, the Mothers of Darkness, [22] the Process Church, the Sanhedrin, the Temple of Power - and so many other cult like religious movements that I really could go on and on with a never ending list and do so mention some more a little more further on. As I am sure you’re getting the gist that these are the kind of elite families, groups and individuals whom simply hand over the keys of office and power from leader to leader and who in turn carry on regardless with their prophetic beliefs and ambitions on how to continuously control the world’s masses and all its wealth and resources.
You have to realise, the Freemason’s are in virtually every single country and continent; America, England, Russia, Australia, Canada, as well as every European country and even places such as Asia. The Chinese, Japanese, South American, African, Indian, Saudi Arabian and many other Muslim dominated countries such as Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran all via the Muslim Brotherhood, who all too have their elite and ruling families and tribes, whom all consent to what’s going on and taking place around them, as they too all belong to one kind of Masonic order or another. [and here’s what’s happening in the Middle East - and we need to follow suit here in the West, - in regards to pulling up our leaders and scrutinising their behind the scenes deals of corruption], - their corrupt leaders have been sussed out by the youth of the country, as many of their fathers and their fathers have been kept in dark for so long, the youth [aka “the Youngs”], of today can see exactly how corrupt they all are, though don’t seemed to realise that indirectly they too are being used as pawns, - that is going to alter the Middle East forever, but as too what?
How’s it possible Mubarak can be worth in excess of £45 billion pounds, whilst millions of his people are still living in ramshackle homes straight out of a scene of ancient Egypt? We should all share their anger, especially because even the masses of us over here in the West, sitting comfortably on our sofas, are not being told or shown the truth as to what’s really been going on out there, - as just hours before the main rioting started, you can see video film footage on YouTube, that show vehicles such as transit vans, that are said to be driven by undercover government agents, accelerating at really high speeds and into hundreds of demonstrators, it goes without saying bodies were sprayed everywhere, killed there and then on the spot or seriously injured, and what was one minute a peaceful demonstration, then turned into a full scale riot as the crowd were dumbstruck and had to vent their anger and frustration somewhere.
I have been sickened by too many of these kinds of films, yet none of them has even been mentioned in the mainstream media over here in the UK or US. On the 11th February 2011, the Egyptian people have had their demands finally met when that crook Mubarak stood down and handed the country over to the military. Let’s just hope the army are willing enough to hand back that power to the people in the 2011 September promised elections, - and it’s getting more likely this will happen, as the countries ‘secret-police’ HQ, was ransacked by hundreds of ‘people’ on the 5th March 2011, but as I say, what it will transform into, no one really knows, will radical Islamists get on hold within the country, that Mubarak had kept at bay for almost 30 years?
Even though Freemasonry is technically illegal in the Muslim world, and that the most persistent critic of Freemasonry has been the Catholic Church, that since [23] the early 18th century, the Vatican has issued several papal bulls banning membership of Catholics from Freemasonry under threat of excommunication. Though it was reiterated in 1983, Catholics who become Freemasons are in a state of grave sin, and may not receive Holy Communion, but the penalty of excommunication is not formally declared. Christianity and Freemasonry have had a mixed relationship with various Christian denominations strongly discouraging or even prohibiting members from becoming Freemasons or Freemasons from becoming members. But this is to the outside-world as in reality it’s always been quite different.
While Freemasonry is mostly not affiliated with or limited to a specific religious denomination, there are some Masonic bodies and rites that require a statement of Christian faith to join. These include [but are not limited to] the Knights Templar, the Rectified Scottish Rite, the Swedish Rite, Societas Rosicruciana, the Royal Order of Scotland and the Red Cross of Constantine. And additionally, there are numerous Masonic orders and degrees that while not specifically requiring a profession of faith, require that potential members belong to one or more of the bodies which do and as a result limit their membership to professing Christians, e.g. the Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon, the Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests, the Knight York Cross of Honour [KYCH], the York Rite College, etc. [23]
So you might get the odd despot, who falls out of favour with the other bullies in the world’s playground, and which may on occasion result in them throwing their toys out off their pram just in order to be heard or try and assert their authority and power at such places like the UN Council [as did Gaddafi in the 2010 meeting], or other summits and meetings, but generally the majority of the world’s richest families are all in it together, - America farts, and the rest of the world gets wind. These privileged few proclaim to have access to the “secret knowledge” of the ancient mysteries, and that the magic that seems to appear to come out of these Lodges, gives them the ability to “foresee the future”. However, if you’re the ones “creating the future”, then of course your premonitions and prophecies will obviously come true. The ruling elite make sure the future comes into fruition by sticking to the pre-planned fixed agenda of their ancestors and forebears, and “magic” has sweet FA to do with it, - and is the real reason they can, do, and will make the prophecies within the Bible, Koran and the Torah come true, as and when they so wish.
It been said the “Illuminati” uses what is termed Hegelian philosophy, after the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel system of understanding. An idea/thesis is set-up, whilst an antithesis is then put into place, - and with the conflict or fusion of the two coming together, comes the “creation/synthesis” of what perhaps you were looking for in the first place. In layman terms the Illuminati’s gangsters, as any real criminal gang that can work openly and unhindered are just tentacles of the Masonic/Illuminati Brotherhood, and I explain their close association in other parts of the book. The Kray twins in London and other gangsters in general around the world, such as the Triads in China, the Russkaya Mafiya in Russia, or the La Cosa Nostra-Mafia in the USA and or Italy etc., would all adopt this same kind of principle.
The first “thesis” would be to send your target i.e., a local businessmen, a letter demanding money and signed with the imprint of a black-hand, [24] or for extra theatrics in blood. If the demand is ignored or wasn’t met, then the target would either be attacked, the business premises smashed up, or burned down, or even worse. Then the “antithesis” is put into place, also by those behind the attacks and letter demanding money, - they would then have the affront to introduce themselves as potential “protectors” of the target, from the black/blood-hand extortionists who were threatening them, which as we know, is already the same people. Thus the amalgamation of all this, - equals the “synthesis”, when the target/businessman has had enough and begins paying the money, which in their eyes isn’t to the black/blood hand signed letter, - [though we of course know it is], - but it’s to those who are now supposedly protecting the target from them. The Masonic/llluminati’s gangsters, including the world of politics use this tactic all over the world, and put it down to gang warfare or “war on terror” and drug related crimes and acts of terrorism etc.
By setting up certain groups and organisations with an air of respectability about them, like the Theosophical Society, Council of Foreign Affairs [CFR], the Rosicrucian Society, Chatham House or Shriners International etc, it then allows the Illuminati’s linked associations to openly function, - and if the public gets a whiff of them or it’s been rumoured a bit of Satanism and the occult is going taking place at some of their “social meetings”, they can always rebuke the criticism and say: “What the Odd Fellows, Freemasons or Shriners, are you crazy, they raise billions pounds, dollars and Euro’s for charities all over the world...” Dr. William Wynn Westcott was a Freemason and co-founder [25] of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn [HOGD], who was also a Satanist and the Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia [S.R.I.A.], in his book the History of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. IX, he states the purpose of the organisation to the Brotherhood: “The aim of the Society...searching out the secrets of Nature; to facilitate the study of the system of philosophy founded upon the Cabala and the doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus ...” Hermes Trismegistus, means “The trice greatest Hermes” who was the Egyptian scribe god who is claimed to be the author of all magical writing. Hermes is credited for Satanic-witchcraft rituals that the ancient Egyptians and modern Satanism still practice [24].
A number of organisations have sprung up from the S.R.I.A. the Stella Matutina and the Ordo Templi Orientis [OTO]. The S.R.I.A. also worked closely with German Illuminism and the Theosophical Society [TS]. The TS was officially formed in New York City, US, in November 1875 by Helena Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge and others. Its initial objective was the “study and elucidation of Occultism, the Cabala etc.” [26], and to advance the spiritual principles and search for Truth known as Theosophy. Theosophy is an active philosophical school today 2011, and through a process of divisions has also given rise to other mystical, philosophical and religious beliefs and organisations. Blavatsky had put forward the that humanity descended from a series of non-human Root Races [philosophically on par with the Christian Sacraments, the Cabalistic Tree of Life, and the Hindu doctrine of Chakras], naming the present Fifth Root Race [of seven]the Aryan Root Race. In England the Societas Rosicruciana [S.R.] is named S.R. in Anglia, in Scotland it is S.R. in Scotia, in Greece it is S.R. in Graecia, in Canada it is S.R. in Canada, and in the US it is S.R. in Civitatibus Foederatis [24].
The membership is by invitation only and very exclusive. According to Fritz Springmeier in 1995, there were about a dozen US lodges called; colleges with about 40 members each, which as a guess the membership was then about 500. Membership in Societas Rosicruciana has included such notable Satanists such as Eliphas Levi a French occult author and purported magician, and top Freemason Albert Pike. Further proof of these kinds of distancing themselves from the illuminati or their linked groups and associations, are the odd claims they try to emphasise: “While a prospective member [of the Societas Rosicruciana] [27] must be a Trinitarian Christian Master Mason in good standing with a Grand Lodge that is recognised by the Grand Lodge of the jurisdiction in which the Society meets, the various Societies have ‘no other Masonic links, ties’, or official recognition”. Which is basically the same splitting hairs kind of language the UGLE states about Freemasonry: “We’re not a secret society, but a society with secrets.”
Extract from Trapped in a Masonic World - http://www.trappedinamasonicworld.co.uk
[1] http://arthurgoldwag.wordpress.com/2010/01/17/itanimulli/
[1a] Cosmic Trigger II: Down to Earth by Robert Anton WilsonNew Falcon Publications; 2nd Revised edition [January 1, 2009]
[2] "Kōan – See Ruth Fuller Sasaki's introduction on page xi of The Zen Kōan, Isshu Miura and Ruth Fuller Sasaki, Harvest/HBJ, 1965
[3] "Who Are The Black Nobility?" a href="http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_blacknobil02.htm%3E">http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_blackn...;.
[4] "Medici Family - - Encyclopædia Britannica". Encyclopædia Britannica. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/372380/Medici-family. Retrieved 27 September 2009.
[5] a b c Jeanette M. Pryor & J. Christopher Pryor, "René Lefebvre and the Holocaust, Le Floch Report, March 19, 2006.
[6] "Committee of 300 by John Coleman." a href="http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/committeof300.htm%3E">http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/committeof300.htm>;.
[7] Lexikon des Mittelalters. Volume IV, p.1795.
[8] Robert John Weston Evans, The Making of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1550–1700: An Interpretation, Oxford University Press, 1979. ISBN 0-19-873085-3.
[9] ^ Druides, Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, on Perseus project
[10] ^ a b "Timeline of Romani History". http://web.archive.org/web/20071111142247/http://www.geocities.com/....
[11] "YouTube - Rosicrucian, Baconian, & Occult Influence a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDQSVdpuUWE%3E">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDQSVdpuUWE>;.
[12] Philalethes, Eugenius (1997). Fame and Confession of the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross. City: Kessinger Publishing. p. 9ff.. ISBN 156459257X.
[13] "Fritz Springmeier - Another Human Tragedy.a href="http://www.eaec.org/expose/FritzSpringmeier1.htm%3E">http://www.eaec.org/expose/FritzSpringmeier1.htm>;.
[14] "The 13 Illuminati Bloodlines - a href="http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/bloodlines/introduction.htm%3E">http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/bloodlines/introduction.htm>;.
[15] "What is constitutional monarchy?". Official website of the British Monarchy. http://www.royal.gov.uk/MonarchUK/HowtheMonarchyworks/Whatisconstit....
[15a] http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/feb/04/hosni-mubarak-family-fo...
[16] a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/2598278/The-worlds-richest-royals.html%3E">http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/2598278/The-worlds-riches...;.
[17] The Pilgrims of Great Britain: A Centennial History (2002) - Anne Pimlott Baker, ISBN 1-86197-290-3
[18] Bishop, Greg (2005). Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth. Paraview Pocket Books. ISBN 0-7434-7092-3.
[19] ^ MJ-12: Majestic, or Incredulous? by Philip Coppens
[20] http://www.archives.gov/ ^ Friedman, 88-91
[21] Majestic Documents.com: Evidence We Are Not Alone
[22] "The 13 Illuminati Bloodlines - Introduction. a href="http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/bloodlines/introduction.htm%3E">http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/bloodlines/introduction.htm>;.
[23] The Catholic Church has continually prohibited members from being Freemasons since In Eminenti Secula in 1739
[24] "The Bundy Bloodline." Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2011 a href="http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/bloodlines/bundy.htm%3E">http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/bloodlines/bundy.htm>;.
[25] Howe, Ellic; "Theodor Reuss: Irregular Freemasonry in Germany, 1900-23" in Ars Quatuor Coronati, Feb. 1978
[26] Kirby, W. F. (January 1885). "The Theosophical Society". Time (London) XII (1): 47-55. (London: Swan Sonnenschein).
[27] ^ "Lindez, David, (2008) Grand Archivist for the High Council of the ...
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