Nothing  More To See here Just Move Along

Image result for burning EV's


You just pumped gas into your combustion engine car soon to be slated for removal by a more expensive cost of an EV that has proven unpractical as the existing electrical grid won’t handle the increased demand. EV’s will cost $60,000 and upwards, plainly out of reach for most middle class families, yet mandated by the Biden administration in the next few years! It makes 30 times the carbon foot print of a gasoline powered car to produce an Electric vehicle with a battery weight of 1,500 lbs. that's very toxic to the ground water, and can blow up into a fire in the event of an internal failure or impact from an accident! The infrastructure that will cost billions for charging stations left up to the Biden White House who has only produced 7 such recharging facilities! Will a great portion of the population be without private transportation? Nothing More to see here just move along.

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You now take your income, which has been taxed already, to pay tax on retail items at the store, you’re taxed for your utility bills, you’re taxed for gasoline at the pump, you’re taxed on your cell phone use, and once you buy a home with your hard earned money, you’re taxed forever on your property whether you’ve paid it off or not, so is it really yours? Especially when local taxing authorities like county government can raise property tax at their whim and suddenly make your ability to pay your mortgage out of reach. Thousands of people all over America are losing their homes thanks to this underhanded tactic. So, will property ownership in the future be given up over the greed and power of unelected bureaucrats who do not need to take a vote on raising taxes? Nothing More to See here Just Move Along!

 Image result for angry parents at school board meetings

You’re incensed over the totally inappropriate and obscene pornography in your child’s curriculum at public school so you angrily attend a scheduled school board meeting. The smug and disrespectful attitude of the board members pisses you off! They’re condescending toward you for approving this trash in your kid’s books? Remember, you’re paying taxes for this abomination! You raise your voice! You express your lack of support for the arrogant members of the schoolboard who are using the school to social engineer the minds of your kids! The following morning you are greeted by badge toting FBI agents who want to interview you over your comments and warn you that you could be jailed and fined when it’s the damn school board who should be jailed and fined! Nothing More to See here Just Move Along!

Image result for Trannies in Pakistan

On foreign policy you question the legitimacy of the Biden Administration who uses your tax dollars to build the border defenses of NATO countries from across the ocean while their open borders policies are allowing up to 400 fentanyl over dose deaths a year thanks to a drug cartel that can cross our borders at any time as up to 15 million foreign trespassers go unidentified while some Americans die at the hands of the embedded criminals and terrorists from other countries. You wonder why when US veterans are homeless and going without medical care and tent cities line the streets of major cities due to the increasing homelessness, and we’re sending money abroad to accommodate transvestites in Pakistan or housing illegal immigrants? Yet, we can’t even defend our own borders thanks to the Biden White House who is now threatening the Governor of Texas for installing barriers in the Rio Grande under the bullshit aegis that federal agencies who are not doing their job are the appointed authorities for protecting the border Isn’t one of the primary Constitutional responsibilities of the federal government is to guard the borders of this nation?  Nothing More to See here Just Move Along!

Thanks to more actions of unelected officials a new air conditioning refrigerant will replace the present one in a few years requiring a change out of all existing systems with the new supposedly environmental friendly coolant. As a result the A/C in people’s cars and homes will cost anywhere from $1,000 to up to $10,000 dollars more! Will this result in the deaths of many of those living in the hottest regions of the US? Unable to fix or repair their A/C systems many people will perish from heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Isn’t this part of the human population kill off that the Gaia worshippers want in order that Agenda 21 proceeds as planned? Nothing More to See here Just Move Along!

Image result for corrupt Democrats

The author of this story is not simply trying to find reasons to bitch about. He is trying to make you aware of the travesty of justice being committed by your own government officials in their disregard for their responsibility as PUBLIC SERVANTS! People like Barack Obama and Justice Ruth Ginsburg both expressed their disapproval of the US Constitution. Know your enemies!

Image result for tent cities in LA





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