NY Times: Peace for the US is unthinkable

NY Times: Peace for the US is unthinkable



A couple of articles in the New York Times reveal with the bizarre American view the world, especially the respectable folk of the ‘moderate’ left who write and read the New York Times.


First up was a front page article about the US withdrawal from northern Syria which drove good-thinking liberals into a really tizzy. The Times cited a series of experts who explained it would damage America’s credibility.   That is was ‘unnerving partners like Israel and the Persian Gulf monarchies which rely on American protection’, The Times tells us.    

       The chaos in the Middle East is due to the lack of American decisiveness and leadership?? Come on. But this view explains how The New York Times and the US establishment views itself and its military adventures – American intervention is always benign; American withdrawal in circumstances short of absolute victory is inevitably bad, not just for America but for the world as a whole.


The second New York Times article, ‘Left Scratches Its Head and Far Right Swoons at Gabbard Campaign’ - the newspaper takes on Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard.  Gabbard thinks that America should be fighting fewer wars, a position which both the Times and much of the American left apparently find more than a little threatening.   It states that Gabbard has little support among Democrats, but   Alt-right internet stars, white nationalists, libertarian activists and some of the biggest boosters of Mr. Trump heap praise on Gabbard. … Then there is 4chan, the notorioiusly toxic online message board, where some right-wing trolls and anti-Semites fawn over Ms. Gabbard.”

     The Times says her platform ‘reminds some Democrats of the narrative pushed by Russian actors during the 2016 presidential campaign.’     “Democrats are on high alert about foreign interference in the next election and the D.N.C. [Democratic National Committee] is well aware of the frequent mentions of Gabbard in the Russian state news media. … Disinformation experts have also pointed to instances of suspicious activity surrounding Ms. Gabbard’s campaign. … Laura Rosenberger…sees Ms. Gabbard as a useful vector for Russian efforts to sow division within the Democratic Party.”

       The Times ends with a quote from ‘pro-Israel activist’ Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. ‘I can’t figure her out,’ he says.


If you want to know what’s wrong with American foreign policy thinking, you have the answer right there. War has become so normalized that peace has become unthinkable, so far outside the usual realm of experience as to be incomprehensible.

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Comment by Less Prone on October 20, 2019 at 11:42am

War as collective madness fits very well in this insane world.

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