Obama and Hillary take out TV ads to apologize to Arab world over Embassy attacks

In the aftermath of terrorist attacks against US embassies and consulates in at least 20 different locations across the Arab world, the Obama administration has introduced a new and unprecedented tactic so ingenious that only brilliant minds could have conceived it. The new tactic is called apology! Yes, apology! The Obama administration and the office of the Secretary of States used 70,000 dollars in US taxpayers money to purchase air time on Middle Eastern TV networks to issue a heartfelt apology and denial that the United States of America in no way supported that vial Muslim spoof film that appeared on You Tube and amazingly was seen by practically no one until the sudden violent and deadly attacks on the US embassy in Benghazi, Libya. Imagine that?

I guess that an all out effort by our intelligence services such as the CIA, NSA, or the DIA wasn’t called for in order to find the perpetrators and turn this thing around. I would imagine, in all his wisdom, Emperor Obama must surely know what he’s doing? Maybe. I wonder. Perhaps those responsible for killing our 4 ambassadorial staff members in Libya, who had the unmitigated gall to interrupt President Obama’s rock star appearances at fund raisers with rappers and TV talk show hosts like David Letterman, will pay. Probably not. Why? Because we are too damn busy apologizing for supporting Middle Eastern countries that hate us despite the convenience of receiving billions in US foreign aid! How insane is this?

The TV ad time purchased by our sincerely apologetic Obama administration features Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, repeatedly stating that the US does not support the film that supposedly inflamed Muslim anger to the point of these spontaneous attacks that just magically flared up all across the Middle East and North Africa, just like that, over a practically unknown film made in California by an Egyptian director. The big bad Obama administration really put their foot down too! Why they actually went over to California and questioned the makers of this little poorly funded film and intimidated those people to the point that one actress who appeared in this fledgling film has denounced it. She didn’t even get paid for her role in the film for Christ’s sake!

However, be it far from me to question the prevailing wisdom of our bungling State Department. They are so good at anticipating coordinated attacks especially during the anniversary of 9-11, the ultimate festival of celebration by all America hating terrorists and radical Muslims the world over. Yep, I’ll just stay away from the old suggestion box and allow the amazing incompetence of the Obama administration handle this one. I’m sure they’ve got bigger fish to fry right now like, how much more tax dollars can we use for an even bigger apology ad campaign?

I’m going to tell you folks there is no doubt that the US has made its mistakes in the Middle East. We’ve had collateral casualties unintended by our supposed smart bombs which haven’t gotten us a lot of fan club members. We have been seen as an occupational force instead of liberators. The allegations of us intervening in the Middle East over oil supply issues instead of the humanitarian purposes we have espoused has obviously raised doubts about our credibility.

You know what? I’m going to throw my hat into the ring on this one anyway.

  • 1) If we had been invested in more domestic exploration of oil and natural gas we wouldn’t be in the business of invading oil producing third world countries, but thanks to Democrat party refusal to allow US producers to capitalize on US resources we have found ourselves vulnerable.
  • 2) We have sent mixed signals to the Arab world that have been our own undoing. Such idiotic moves as supporting Saddam Hussein in his long, bloody, war against Iran is one of many examples.
  • 3) Obama’s refusal to take the right measures in Iran’s stock piling of nuclear material for the supposed building of reactors for power when they already have plenty of oil for that purpose.
  • 4) Our never ending supply of billions in foreign aid while these nations harbor terrorists and anti American sentiment. Is this stupid or what?
  • 5) Our continual overtures of  apology and friendship even after being attacks. To them this is an undeniable show of weakness and only encourages more of the same!
  • 6) Our mixed signals to Israel that seem to range from disrespect and indifference to sudden uneqivecated support which also throws off the Arab Jew hating world about our stance on foreign policy thanks to Obama’s personal pro-Muslim and anti Jewish state attitude.

Well, that pretty well sums it up for me. I’ll just let sleeping dogs lie for now, but I will end this article with the quote of a lyrics sung by Greg Lake of King Crimson, a band he began in before his legendary supper group, Emerson Lake and Palmer. And I quote
“the fate of all mankind I see is in the hands of fools” from the album Court Of The Crimson King. Take care.

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