In lieu of the terrible attacks that have wreaked havoc upon 20 US diplomatic sites across the Middle East and North Africa, still there is denial over reports over what happened to Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. What caused the rabid reaction of Muslim militants who descended upon US consulates attacking with heavy weapons and rocket propelled grenades? Was it true that photos taken of a half naked body of Ambassador Stevens being flung about and whose naked behind is seen as his body is carried over the shoulder of a Libyan militant? How is it that it took 5 hours for the body of Ambassador Stevens to show up at a Libyan hospital dead at that point?
Friday afternoon after Muslim prayer in the aftermath of the attacks upon US properties that these people were in an absolute anti American frenzy as they exited their mosques. Renewed attacks coincided with the end of Muslim prayer in mosques all over the Middle East and North Africa with Muslims chanting such heart warming phrases as “death to Americans!” or “kill Americans!” as they marched down the streets headed for the nearest US consulate to act out their fantasies of bloody vengeance.
The US government aided by our free press comprising of all major broadcasters have been busy making more intentionally misleading statements trying to say that Libyan militants were trying to get Ambassador Stevens to a hospital while foreign press corps and intelligence services report that the ill fated US diplomat was sodomized before being brutally murdered, then dragged through the streets of Benghazi for 5 hours. The same treatment given to Muammar Gaddafi once US backed rebels had found his hiding place. Ambassador Stevens, according to accounts was betrayed by Libyan officials who were supposed to hide our diplomat, but instead, turned him over to Muslim militants who were supposed to have taken 5 hours to deliver J. Christopher Stevens to a hospital.
Why did they strip the US Ambassador of his clothing and parade his dead body all over Benghazi? Was tearing off his pants and underwear some new kind of medical procedure designed to treat smoke inhalation of which the Libyan doctor claimed was the actual cause of death? I wonder if the Libyan doctor did a rectal exam. I wonder if our government is ever going to come clean, grow a spine, and deal with these Muslim extremists who were looking for any excuse to start a fight on their terms with no warning?
One thing is for sure. Obama appearing on a late night talk show as the body of his ambassador was lain dead in a Libyan hospital, continuing his fund raiser with two rap stars, and then using 70 thousand in US taxpayer’s funds to pay for an official policy ad campaign on Pakistan TV, have all been lame, arrogant, and unrepentant for the deaths of US diplomatic members at the hands of extremist Muslims who were obviously spoiling for a fight.
Today, Sunday, 7 more deaths have been reported as further attacks continue through out the Arab world. The Obama administration continues to blame the obscure You Tube video that few had even seen prior to the attacks that occurred in Benghazi and Cairo as these vicious well coordinated and trained attackers used well rehearsed military style tactics to assault our embassies. In light of these well known facts, our President and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton still consider apology the proper strategy for quelling the unrest.
Millions of dollars in damages have occurred to US diplomatic properties. Lives have been lost. More lives will continue to be lost. Now Americans will be targeted in these regions whether they represent the Obama regime or the US military. The insurrections are growing in numbers of participants by the hundreds in each area of engagement. Will a 70 thousand dollar advertising campaign of apology from Hillary Clinton or President Obama convince them to stop, convince them that we Americans are determined to never to offend Muslims again, or that we won’t take any retaliation against the Muslim world for these unprovoked atrocities? I think not. We would better be served by talking to a brick wall!
Will our State Department continue to send billions in foreign aid to these third world countries who despise Americans and are willing to attack at the drop of a hat for the most vague insult that isn’t even intended? The President has a real problem on his hands that he has refused to address by not attending intelligence briefings, publicly boasting about his extermination of Bin Laden, and concentrating on his re-election campaign instead of his country, the protection of our diplomatic centers abroad, while even stooping so low as to blame Mitt Romney for the factual comments he made on the situation.
This capitulation, apology, and lack of response demonstrated by President Obama will only strengthen the resolve of our enemies. The President’s preoccupation with his next four years in office as he ignores his responsibility for the remaining 4 years of his present term is a recipe for disaster. His behavior more than characterizes the President’s commitment to his very own country with his cavalier attitude and unwillingness to end his campaigning in favor of concentrating on this emergency challenge to US foreign security speaks volumes for Obama’s character. It is nonexistent.
Still Obama apologists make excuses for the President’s absence at his post. President Obama has made a clear and defining choice in this terrible breakdown in US foreign relations that has cost lives, money, and a foothold through out the Arab world. Our President had a clear responsibility to keep our consulates protected and on alert in the turbulent streets of recently overthrown regimes of Egypt and Libya. Now America stands humiliated, attacked without retribution, and threatened with more violence as President Obama encourages even more aggression against the US with his inept responses.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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