Obama Authorized CIA & Military Kill-Lists

Obama Fact Sheet: A call to consciousness

* September 5th, 2010 4:04 pm ET

Among actions in the Bush/Obama 'War of Terror' since Barack Obama ( Barry Soetoro) took office, aside from authorizing CIA and military black op targeted killings of American civilians and civilians in other countries, persons called Targeted Individuals, and authorizing the Gulf of Mexico based genocide and ecocide operation including gassing millions of Americans, he has authorized a long list of other lesser known actions to catapult New World Order fascism. The Florida human rights organization, St. Pete for Peace has released a fact sheet of these actions by Obama/Soetoro, a call to consciousness.

Henry Kissinger explained Obama's role. Kissinger stated, "His task, will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period, when really a New World Order can be created. Its a great opportunity. It isn't a crisis. He [Obama] has appointed an extraordinarily capable group [of advisers and staff] in both foreign and economic fields." (YouTube)

On Obama appointments, economist Dean Baker highlighted that selecting them was like selecting Osama Bin Laden to run the war on terror." (Read or listen to Baker's entire speech)

Human rights standards guarantee the right of people to be infomed of and to participate in decisions that may affect their rights. It is in that spirit, in effort to counter disinformation for forced depopulation and enslavery of survivors that the St. Pete for Peace fact sheet is presented below

Obama has:

- Secretly depolyed US special forces to 75 countries
- Promoted offshore drilling, saying it is "not risky"
- Continued Bush's rendition program
- Started a military offensive in Yemen
- Escalated the war in Afghanistan
- Did a TV commercial promoting "clean coal"
- Increased drone attacks in Pakistan
- Put missiles and troops near the Russian border
- Sent ships and missiles to the waters near Iran
- Increased arms sales to Persian Gulf nations
- Continued the occupation of Iraq, in spite of saying otherwise
- Signed agreement for 7 military bases in Colombia

Here's a partial history of Obama's dealings - listed (roughly) chronologically, most recent first:

* Secret Assault on Terrorism Widens on Two Continents. In roughly a dozen countries — from deserts of North Africa, to mountains of Pakistan, to former Soviet republics — the United States has significantly increased military and intelligence operations (read).
* New ACLU report: the Obama administration is permanently enshrining into law many of President Bush’s most controversial policies (read).
* White House proposal would grant FBI access to Internet activity records without court order (read).
* The Obama administration is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants and auditing hundreds of businesses that hire undocumented workers (read).
* Obama lifts ban on Indonesian Special Forces Kopassus, despite their brutal human rights record (read).
* Obama sends 46 Navy warships, 7,000 marines to Costa Rica (read).
* White House Enacts Rules Inhibiting Media From Covering Oil Spill (read).
* Former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya accused the United States of being behind the 2009 coup that ousted him (read).
* US Ignores Calls for End to Gaza Seige. The Obama administration is refusing to join international calls for a complete end to the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip (read).
* The Pentagon’s spy unit has begun rebuilding a controversial database that was shut down three years ago after it was found to have been used to monitor US peace activists (read).
* Obama Administration Keeping Blackwater Armed and Dangerous in Afghanistan - another $120M contract awarded (read).
* With Rumored Manhunt for Wikileaks Founder and Arrest of Alleged Leaker of Video Showing Iraq Killings, Obama Admin Escalates Crackdown on Whistleblowers of Classified Information (read).
* With a strong push from the Obama administration, the United Nations Security Council voted to impose a fourth round of sanctions on Iran (read).
* Obama Administration Might Hold Non-Afghan Detainees at Bagram Indefinitely -- Administration Should Not Re-Create Gitmo, Says ACLU (read).
* Obama secretly deploys US special forces to 75 countries across world (read). The dramatic expansion in the use of special forces go far beyond the covert missions authorized by George W. Bush. Countries include Iran, Georgia, Ukraine, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador, Peru, Yemen, Pakistan and the Philippines.
* In the days since President Obama announced a moratorium on permits for drilling new offshore oil wells, at least seven new permits for various types of drilling and five environmental waivers have been granted (read).
* James Carville on Obama's response to the Gulf oil spill: He is risking everything with 'go along with BP strategy' (read).
* U.S. troops executing prisoners in Afghanistan: Seymour Hersh (read).
* Obama gives CIA authority to expand strikes by unmanned aerial vehicles in Pakistan (read).
* Government Exempted BP from Environmental Review (read).
* An amendment to increase Congressional oversight of the Federal Reserve failed following pressure from the White House (read).
* Obama approves targeted assassination of an American citizen (read).
* Obama signs law allowing weapons in National Parks (read).
* Obama: Drill, Baby, Drill. Obama to open offshore areas to oil drilling -- In June 2008, then-Sen. Obama told reporters in Jacksonville, Florida, "when I'm president, I intend to keep in place the moratorium here in Florida and around the country that prevents oil companies from drilling off Florida's coasts" (read). Obama said offshore oil drilling is "not risky" (read).
* Obama: 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan by summer 2010 (will bring total to about 100,000) (read).
* Bush Obama imperialism mask http://www.ironrail.org/blog/uploaded_images/bush_obama_imperialism...
* US-backed Indonesian armed forces, who carried out a series of assassinations of civilian activists in late 2009, are slated for renewed aid by the Obama administration (read).
* US-Backed Somali Troops Prepare Major Offensive (read).
* Obama signs Patriot Act extension without reforms (read).
* Obama unveils plans to build new nuclear power plants (read).
* School bombing exposes Obama’s secret war inside Pakistan (read).
* Obama administration raises stakes on Iran by sending in ships and missiles (read).
* Obama administration steps up arms sales to Persian Gulf allies (read)
* Obama seeking $44 billion increase in military budget - including $5b for nuclear arsenal (read).
* 15 killed in US drone strike in northwest Pakistan (read).
* Blackwater in Pakistan: Gates confirms (read).
* U.S. Moves Missiles And Troops To Russian Border (read)..
* France accuses US of 'occupying' Haiti as troops flood in (read).
* Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strike on Yemen (read).

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