Obama, Dead Osama bin Laden, and fake photos

Flyby News
Editor - Jonathan Mark
02 May 2011 - Obama, Dead Osama bin Laden, and fake photos 

"9/11 Truth is a very important issue with the power
to bring lasting change to our country."

William Sloane Coffin

Editor's Notes The timing of the dead Osama bin Laden parade is more than interesting. It could be a set-up for the next false flag operation to continue the horrendous war for terror conspiracy. This way they could say that al Qaida responded to Obama's assassination of Osama. Of course they won't make it sound that confusing. It was interesting to note the gullibility of such gate-keepers as Democracy Now -- buried at sea.. The thread on 911blogger explains more on my response to this. Note the link on David Ray Griffin's book on this subject. We must pay attention to the timing of all this.. First the Birther certificate surfaces. Obama jokes at the Washington journalist event about what is next . . . will Donald Trump question that the moon landing was faked. Then comes the switch of the military and CIA personnel, then WiliLeaks outing the human rights violations at Guantanamo Bay, then comes the killing of Osama ahead of the 10th anniversary. You can see why I wonder about what's next.


02 May 2011 - AP - 911blogger
Sources: Al-Qaida head bin Laden dead

2009 - Google Books - David Ray Griffin
Osama bin Laden: dead or alive?

02 May 2011 - El Publico - 911blogger
Spanish press:
bin Laden dead photo a fake

26 April 2011 - Washington's Blog
Four Stories This Week Prove that
the War On Terror Is a Farce

25 April 2011 - The Guardian - Common Dreams
Gitmo's Nefarious History

27 April 2011 - Cageprisoners - Andy Worthington
The Hidden Horrors of WikiLeaks' Guantánamo Files

25 April 2011 - Veterans for Peace - Press Release
Obama Declares Manning Guilty Before Trial

28 April 2011 - Democracy Now - Ray McGovern
Petraeus Will Expand Pro-War
Agenda as New CIA Director

25 April 2011 - Truthdig - Chris Hedges
The Corporate State Wins Again

Space for Peace & September 11
Connecting dots to democracy or to genocide

NYC Stand for Truth on Tenth Anniversary of 9/11

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
then they fight you, then you win.

Mohandas Gandhi

Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus,
and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy
environment, human rights, justice, and nonviolence,
since the launch of NASA's Cassini space probe in 1997.

News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era

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