Great Blog here by Craig Andreesen!!
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Obama Eligibility: Identifying the Real FoolsBy Craig Andresen on May 21, 2012 at 8:53 am |
Liberals say you’re a fool and will call you all sorts of other things, if you question the birthplace of one Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro. The media won’t touch it either.
The more we learn, the more we don’t know and that IS the problem.
Pressed for years to display his birth certificate, Obama finally did 13 months ago, and under examination by the first law enforcement driven investigation into it, it comes up as a not even so clever forgery.
The same can be said for his Selective Service registration.
Now, Breitbart has uncovered that literary agents, Acton and Dystal, were publicizing a book that Obama was to have written but never did, “Journeys in Black and White,” back in 1991. In their promotion piece, Acton and Dystal stated that Obama had been “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.
Miriam Goderich wrote that promo piece and she NOW says, “This was nothing more than a fact-checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.”
A fact checking error. Really?
That part of her excuse seems to fly in the face of the rest of her excuse.
“There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.”
If there was never any such information provided what reason could there possibly be to fact check it?
Fact check WHAT exactly?
Fact check a piece of correspondence or communication that never existed?
To believe Goderich’s statement NOW would require one to believe she simply FABRICATED that tidbit back in 1991.
It also requires an unbelievable stretch of reality from Obama himself.
Obama, as we all know, is a narcissist’s narcissist. He’s all about himself. Obama uses the word “I” more often than anyone can fathom. “me.” “I.” “Myself”
Obama’s is all about Obama. He believes himself to be one of the 4 best ever presidents. He believes our military fights on his behalf. He believes he is responsible for taking out bin Laden. Listen to an Obama speech and every time he mentions himself, drink a shot of whiskey. You’ll be unfit to drive before he’s a quarter of the way through his teleprompter text.
So, what’s THAT got to do with it?
If the statement that he, himself, was born in Kenya was INCORRECT, being the poster boy for narcissism that he is, why would HE, himself, not insist on a correction?
It is beyond plausible that this aspiring author didn’t see the promo piece. You KNOW he did and probably sent copies of it to friends and family members and yet…He, himself, didn’t have it edited.
Now, the site, WND has uncovered even more.
It turns out that the same promo piece was used again in 2003 to promote “Dreams From My Father” and again, Obama was, according to the promo piece, born in Kenya.
Did the “author” of “Dreams From My Father” miss seeing this one too?
As highly unlikely as it would be to believe he didn’t see it the first time, it’s even MORE impossible to believe he missed it the 2nd time around.
But wait, there’s more.
WND has ALSO discovered that it was used a 3rd time, in 2007 to promote, again, “Dreams From My Father.”
So…The narcissist Obama let this promo stand for 16 years touting his birthplace as Kenya?
Now then, about the same time as Obama announced he would run for president…Guess what happened?
Yep…his place of birth, according to the promo piece, abruptly…CHANGED.
Go figure.
Let’s connect a couple more dots.
We now know that, while at Occidental College, as an undergraduate, Obama received financial assistance as a FOREIGN STUDENT from Indonesia.
This is VERY interesting because Indonesia does NOT allow DUEL CITIZENSHIP.
This means either Obama LIED when he applied for financial assistance at Occidental College or, he WAS a foreign student from Indonesia. If he WAS an Indonesian citizen he would have HAD to apply for repatriotization to be, as he now claims, an American citizen.
There is no such record of Obama ever doing this so, he either lied to receive financial aid, which is fraud or, he is still an Indonesian citizen.
In Kenya, back in 2009, there were plans underway to build a center dedicated to “President” Obama’s birth place. The “Museum” in the Kogelo community has been “On Hold” because of reported squabbling over who should donate the land.
We have seen minutes from a Kenyan Parliament meeting where it was stated by a Kenyan diplomat that Obama was born in Kenya and went on to become the President of the United States.
All of these dots being connected are facts, plain and simple, regardless of the name calling by liberals toward any who would dare to repeat them but, facts like these lead to speculation over yet another dot on the page.
Obama became the first African-American President of the Harvard Law Review. That too is a fact. While at Harvard, Obama is known to have written a Thesis but that paper, is now unattainable isn’t it?
What could be the reason for locking that thesis up and burying it so deeply that no one can find it?
Could it be Obama got such a lousy grade on his thesis that it is downright embarrassing? Doubtful, as one could not be a dunce and rise to the level of President of the Harvard Law Review.
Plagiarism? Possibly. If he plagiarized the thesis he would, no doubt, be exposed as a cheat but, if he DID plagiarize his thesis, as President of the Harvard Law Review, certainly THAT would have gone PUBLIC and there would be records indicating such. There are none.
What does that leave us?
There must be something within the content of that thesis which Obama and those burying his past KNOW would be so damaging as to have kept him from becoming the president. But what?
Speculation suggests it could be a variety of things. Anti American sentiments. Racial sentiments. Socialist leanings spelled out in detail.
It could be any or all of the above but, what about THIS possibility?
Could the thesis we’re not allowed to read be about how a young man, born in Africa, reared in Indonesia, came to the United States, as an Indonesian citizen and beat the odds to become President of the Harvard Law Review?
Such a revelation NOW would cause a Constitutional Crisis.
This, one can easily suspect, is the reason not a single Member of Congress is willing to touch this issue but one can also make a clear case that by setting a precedent of NOT bringing it to the forefront and dealing with it could, in the future, be even more dangerous than the crisis itself would be.
Leave the thesis out of the equation and you still have a constitutional crisis if Obama was born in a foreign country or is a citizen of a foreign country both of which are supported by more evidence than exists for him being born in Hawaii.
We know, via INS records that between July and December, 1961, only 1 baby, born in Kenya, entered the United States and that falls directly within the range of Obama’s supposed August 1961 birth date.
We have Occidental College records indicating that Obama received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia. We know that Indonesia doesn’t allow for duel citizenship. We have no record of Obama ever applying for or becoming repatriated.
We know his grandmother, in Kenya, referred to Kenya as his birth place. We have heard his wife, Michelle, refer to Kenya as his homeland.
From Hawaii, we have nothing official at this point to establish he was born there. We have been presented a forged birth certificate and what of that Selective Service registration which is also forged?
A foreign citizen, living in the United States, would NOT be required to register but, upon Obama’s ascension in politics and his run for the highest office, such a registration card would need to be…provided…as cover were he indeed…a foreigner…and so, unable to acquire an actual 1980 official U.S. Postal Department date stamp, a 2008 date stamp was altered, by cutting off the “20” and simply flipping the “08” over to appear as…”80.”
Hawaii became a state on August 21st 1959. In 2008, during his campaign, Obama stated he had been to all 57 states with 2 or three to go. This, by liberals and the media, was attributed to him being tired from being on the road. I have been DEAD tired at times in MY life but, had someone, at those times, asked me how many states we had, I would have known the answer to be 50 and it simply doesn’t wash with me that someone who, “potentially” was born into the 50th state, less than 1 year after it became a state, wouldn’t know, with some sense of pride, that he was from the last of the 50, not 57 or 58 or 59 or 60 states.
So, liberals can attempt to dismiss those who want proof of Obama’s citizenship all they want. They can name call, swear like sailors, whatever. We know and THEY know if the party’s were reversed and a republican president had even a wisp of doubt regarding citizenship, THEY would be all over it and so too would the media.
If 1/100th the effort put into the Bush National Guard investigation was put into the Obama citizenship issue, records would have been uncovered by the media by now. If 1/10th the effort were put into looking into Obama’s past as has, so far, been put into looking into Mitt Romney’s alleged high school prank, the Washington Post, the newspaper which brought down Nixon, would have printed a 550 word story on it by now.
When Mike Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio revealed the initial results of their Cold Case Posse investigation, the media immediately went after the investigators rather than the information garnered FROM the investigation.
We can only imagine the sort of investigation that would take place by members of the media should republican president have a Social Security card, issued by a state in which that president never lived and formerly belonging to a dead man. A Social Security card with does not pass the E-Verify standards.
At stake is a constitutional crisis. We most likely have an illegal president. While bills he has signed into law may or may not be in jeopardy, certainly, his appointments, from the Supreme Court to agencies would be. All Executive Orders signed by him would be also. While money spent by his actions could not be recovered, any and all measures implemented by his hand or by those appointed by him would need to be struck down.
Is it worth sweeping it all under a rug to avoid the turmoil of such a crisis?
Such a sweeping would set a precedent by which it would all be allowed again. Neither party could be held to account and anyone, regardless of their allegiance, could run for and hold the office. The implications of that would be far worse than the impending crisis we now face.
Perhaps the most stunning thing is that, knowing what they KNOW and knowing how much they DON’T know, having a man who’s past is buried, who has produced a forgery to attempt to verify his place of birth and who may well be a foreign citizen to this day, are willing to vote for him again.
It is the ultimate betrayal of the Constitution, our founder’s vision and of the country itself.
Liberals say you’re a fool and will call you all sorts of other things, if you question the birthplace of one Barack Obama or, Barry Soetoro.
Those who would deny the calls for investigation, those who would actively assist to cover up this man’s past, those who would vote for him again…Those who would call others fools and other names for asking the question, are the real fools.
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