Ok, here's our itinerary for the Summer of 2012. Ready for some hilarious shit? Here is how the next 3 months are going down for the world according to an unknown nutbag. Not even a name attached to this, so don't know who to credit to for this righteous piece of fiction. For once, I would like to know what happens to these people after deadline dates come & go without incidence? Another clue of BS babblings is how cryptic the message gets, it could roughly translate into meaning about anything. Probably done to cover the writer's ass in case it doesn't go down as written. But then again, maybe this IS a time traveler who is warning us.....lol, But I'm still basing it on Wishful Thinking ;)
Summer (northern hemisphere) time-to-event forecasts from the data used in the last report.
June 7/8/9 - Economic and political scandal surfaces in USA. Temporal echoes show this scandal will track over June/July with 'unexpected events' within the [cult of rome] aka 'vatican'. Expect secrets to be revealed in both the USA and vatican scandals that will not only [shock], but will [horrify]. The data indicates that [communications] between [cabal members] will be [intercepted], and the [real leaks] will be [viral] in [hours]. This is indicated to lead to a [global constipation (blockage)] of the [financial flows]. This [blockage/constipation] will begin (apparently) on June 3rd late in the evening (pacific coast time, north american continent) at about 9:18pm. This [blockage] is showing as [persisting and growing] through to [exposure] via [rupture] on June 7, 8, or 9. This [constipation] and [rupture (through)] is described as a [plank] in the [gallows] for the [banksters]. This economic scandal will not be the [breaking point] for the [global economy]. That comes later in the month. The data points to the beginning of the [icelander's disease] {ed note: from the view point of the banksters} spreading to [spain], [greece], and [italy]. The [spain] references point to a [person of historical pride] as being the [populace's symbol] as they ['engage'] their [oppressors]. The data indicates [spainish populace] will be [successful], and do it with [flair], and [passion]. Data suggests that [restraint] will [prevail] in at least one of the [eruptions of icelander disease], and that [financial oppressors] who are [captured, beaten, stripped, and paraded near-naked/bruised/bloodied] will [NOT] be [killed] by the [mob], but rather will be [released] in such a [manner] that the [image] will become [the most viewed (to it's time) image on earth].
June 27/28/29 - 'Unexpected' military events put pressure on populace (usa) that will bring [preppers] into [positions of responsibility] that will persist for months if not years. The 'unexpected' military events will continue into 2013, growing into a [dominating liability] for [officialdom (globally, not merely here in usa)] and [isis-ra-el]. The 'good' news is that the scandals from earlier in June are escalated to such an extent by the conditions on-the-ground, that [secrets revealed] goes [batshit] globally, and [central banksters] and their [institutions] begin the process of [failing]. Again, sad to say, but a good temporal marker will be the [identities] of the [proffered victims] of the [unexpected military events]. These [victims] will have their day, in that for each of them, the data suggests that [thousands (of the guilty/collaberators)] will [perish] in [flames] and [through dissoving?]. So, karma rules after all. The data sets are clearly stating that whatever-the-events of late June are, that the pivotal point for [continuation] of [central banks and nwo and global warfare] is breached in these three/3 days. There are very small levels of [visibility] on the [breach of stability (for existence of central banks)], so it is unlikely that the [populace] will be aware of this significant shift. As the [unexpected military events] are going to dominate the consciousness, the data flow suggests that we will only be able to ascertain the shift point in analysis from the near future when the [central banks] have all failed.
The data suggests the [unexpected military events] can be used as temporal marker for [social unrest] {ed note: in so many forms as to not be easily encapsulated} here in USofA. The officialdom can be expected to use their usual 'tool kit'. Many many traps for the unwary.
July 4 - 10 (WooHooo..Birthday weekend!! ~Hw00d)
(+/- 3 days) 'Unexpected' occurances at [sea], [under lands], and in [atmosphere] will [rapidly escalate] over (mere hours) [global concerns (about FUkushima catastrophe). No supporting data for a 'natural earthquake'. Large numbers of data sets showing that despite the many ongoing military concerns, much of the planetary populace focus will be on Japan/FUkushima from July 10th through to December 14th.
July 17/18/19 - (+/- 3 days) - a [hiatus (breathing space] in the [ongoing military and economic warfare against the oppressors of humans] is indicated to [occur] briefly as some [space based intrusions] capture attention. This is not showing as being a global phenomenon, but rather indicated for specific sub sets of the [populace/usofa]. My thinking on these sub sets is that it may be [military], or [officialdom], or the [tptb (who have their dicks up the asses of the 1%)]. The focused sets are so small, and have very low levels of visibility in the msm, yet are somehow indicated to be [responsible] for what can only be described as a [temporary hold] in [aggressive acts]. This may/could be referring to the [shadow govt] that is involved with the [alien agenda here on earth]. It may be that the data is pointing to these fellows having their [attention rivited] elsewhere. While there are repeated sets in support of this from [space] based data, there are no indicators of a threat (to general populace). There are some small hints of threats to the tptb from this, but nothing revealing in the data. The aware observer may wish to see where tptb have their 'eyes' focused during this time.
July 31 - August 9 - (+/- 9 days) - the [bottom] becomes [visible] off in the [near distance] to [the officialdom minions]. The data suggests that [offcialdom] here in the USA starts shitting the small sharp ones as the [new dawn] reveals the [chaos] and [smoking rubble] of their [hopes] of [sustaining] the [economic illusion] until the time of the [political illusion (election)]. The data sets are pointing toward an [understanding] from [offcialdom] that will come [in the early morning light] during a [horrific night] here in USA that is further described as [changing the game] as well as [affecting the (olympic) Games]. As an aside, it warms the cockles to know that what 'we' do here in the usa causes such [vexation] to [queen/royal lines] in [celtic lands] that [images of spittle] and [yellow eyes] will be [visible].
August 12 - planned [radiation event] for the [gulf of persia, and the indian/southern oceans]. In the cabal's on-going war (by proxy through US and other navies/militaries) against their [underseas alien enemies] here on earth, their plan is to get a [three-fer (3 for 1 hit)] by having some [fake iranians (actually the mossad agents... want their names? naw...just kidding...our stuff does not work down to that level...] come out of 'no where' and [sink 4/four USA nuclear reactors] into the [persian gulf]. This will be done by the [mossad agents pretending to be iranians] actually hitting the [target painted] on the [enterprise]. This is planned to be [mission accomplished] while they (ptb) think we will all be watching their [head (games)] in [THE CITY (london)].....watch for the [financial records destruction] angle to their upcoming events. Shit don't work well for these folks and as humans know, plans aft gang aglay.
3fer = prompt for US to attack iran + radiation against underseas enemies + radiation in air to kill off more of those annoying humans (from tptb perspective)...
We will end this summer time line projection here. Another update is planned, written, and securely stashed ready for posting as we reach a few key temporal markers.
posted May 30, 2012
"Destroying the New World Order"
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