Obama’s Speech In Cleveland Ohio Clashes With Economic Reality

Watching President Obama’s speech in Cleveland, Ohio televised on C-Span led me to many conclusions about Obama’s vision for America as well as his perception of reality.

In an administration that has been plagued by scandal and false promises, the President attempted to reassure everyone there that his economic plan was solid. Even the partisan crowd, who applauded on cue in front of the TV cameras responded in very lukewarm fashion when he got to the part about job creation, this being one of the administration’s many weak points. There was a definite lackluster response on the part of onlookers as President Obama attempted to warm those there up to the idea that he was successful in his job policies and that another 4 years would make prospects blossom further. That brought an eerie lack of enthusiasm from Obama supporters, and was a telling indicator of just how America feels about it.

Know Your Facts Before Listening To Obama

As usual one must definitely know the facts and be very discriminating over them and the version of the truth we get from the mouth of President Obama who stretches credibility to say the least when touting the achievements of his embattled administration. Claims made by the President must be verified when one listens or we will get a very distorted picture of not only a failing economy that has supposedly emerged from a recession, and who is actually responsible for that lack of growth.

Obama's Economic Strategy Punishes US Employers With Big Government

Time and again President Obama has blamed Republicans for standing in the way of his success in dealing with the disappointing job growth that continues to plague the economy, yet it his very own policies that have only hurt the very employers that create jobs. Obama’s core response to an economic rebuilding strategy is to put the central government in the very middle of everything. To use government bail-outs, increase government spending, create federal jobs, and to support greater government employee union presence.

The Corrupt Bailout Aftermath

President Obama has forgotten some very important economic lessons in all this. Government spending and government jobs only create more deficit spending and more tax burden upon the private sector. Government jobs do not generate revenues as they are an expense. Government bail-outs when politically targeted as the Obama administration did with the 2009 bailout of more than 780 billion nonspecific subsidy simply paid Wall Street back for its losses and funded Democrat re-election campaigns. Why would the President refuse to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline project if he was truly concerned about creating jobs?


Obama Punishes Americans With His Tax Myths

President Obama continued his tirade over how the Bush tax cuts were extended under his watch, that America is paying less tax than ever, and how the citizens should consider paying their share to help a needed economic recovery, yet was there ever any talk of reducing the size of government to make ends meet?

Obama Plans To Wreck US Economy With Debt

As Obama banters about how he inherited an economic recession that was the worst in memory and has not been given adequate time to remedy it, let us clarify reality. For the last two years of George Bush’s second term Congress and Senate were both Democrat majorities and were churning out spending programs that Bush could not continue to curtail with his vetoes. Knowing that they could conveniently blame the deficit on Bush during his presidency, Democrat spending ran amuck, yet the last year of a 480 billion dollar deficit, the lowest in 5 years pales in comparison to the 5 trillion mark racked up by Obama in less than 4 years of his present term.

When Our Servant Has Become Our Master

When an overbearing federal government is allowed to grow out of control it acts as a parasite that drains all viability from the private sector. The heavy taxation that must pay for deficit’s that stem from bail outs and stifle profits, incentives, and reinvestment in the retail portion of the economy. As the government competes for more and more loans with which to pay back a compounding deficit, there is less lending available for consumer spending and business alike. The government is not only the vampire that feeds on the lifeblood of the private sector, but also heavily regulates and restricts it. We are seeing this now. The EPA continues to stifle oil drilling in the gulf which has cut 250,000 jobs. The EPA has continued to increase its fees and penalties in other key industries that provide jobs who must instead spend exorbitant amounts of money to comply with tougher environmental standards.

Know The Lies Obama Continues To Use Them

Over and over again you will hear President Obama saying that we are drilling for more oil than we ever have and that it is only Republicans who are wrong in accusing the Obama administration of holding back production. In truth, many older production facilities have been forced into shutdown unable to comply with stricter EPA requirements. The truth is that all federal lands available for oil exploration and production have been denied to American oil drilling companies, who have only been successful due to utilizing privately owned land leases. It has been only recently that the administration opened old oil production lands for review which would take months if not years to redevelop. The truth is that President Obama has attempted to kill the US coal industry responsible for fueling many electrical power plants, thus driving up the cost of energy while increasing the likelihood of blackouts.  

The oil and gas industry currently generates some 9 million jobs in the US alone. President Obama has stated over and over that he wants to end oil and gas subsidies, but in truth oil and gas subsidies are actually expenses and legal deductions that apply to any legitimate business. Taking away oil and gas credits and deductions for expenses will only breed higher prices for consumers as more and more taxes are sucked from the oil industry by the federal government. The consumer suffers doubly in this case.

Using Big Government To Destroy Hope And Prosperity

In his class warfare solution of taking more from the rich to give to the federal government to squander, the President tells us its fine for government to penalize the private sector for making profits that incentivize greater production and efficiency. Removing ambition with federal government taxation and over regulation actually reduces revenues for the economy and the government at the same time. However, it does not appear that this message have ever reached the President who has never held a private sector job or managed a business. Being a community organizer and a leftist radical who detests free enterprise have not been effective credentials for a president who must reside over America renowned for freedom, liberty, and capitalism, the hallmarks of our success.

How can the best interests of the private sector be met which feeds government and consumers alike by generating profits when state employee unions are allowed to compound obscene benefits at the expense of larger and larger tax increases? When state union employees are paid more benefits and a higher pay scale then their private sector counterparts for jobs that private employers can generate and perform more competitively with less costs, once again we see the diminishing prospects of government influence in the job market.

President Obama’s vision for America does not allow for free enterprise to flourish. He would rather that the federal government micromanaged and out competed the private sector. In doing so the public and employers end up serving the very entity that should be serving us.

The True Name For What Obama Markets To America

Our servant has now become our master and in the annals of history it has more than one name; fascism, socialism, Communism, collectivism, statism. These political philosophies all have their own dialectics, propagandas, and narratives designed to address all concerns and to make weak excuses for the harshness of life controlled by big government. None of these perverse models have ever proven successful or respectful of human rights. They have all been doomed by a fatal flaw-the suppression of personal freedom. Look around and tell me if you don’t already see the signs here in America for they are here. We cannot expect to improve the sociopolitical make up of America by substituting labels such as Communism for a Progressive movement now so widely publicized for it is a fraud.

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