Occupy Wall Street is COINTELPRO (Phony Opposition)

IMPORTANT:   Controlled opposition scam alert....The "OCCUPY AMERICA MOVEMENT".
It's everywhere!  Just like Arab Spring for North America!  and it's sooooooo grass roots and spontaneous!

[Editor's Note: The "tell" is the  publicity this is getting from the TV Networks who spin it as the Democratic Party equivalent of the Tea Party.]

by Richard Evans

COINTELPRO was the FBI acronym for 'Counter Intelligence Program'. COINTELPRO not only infiltrated domestic antiwar and civil rights protest groups, it also created them.  By 1968, the largest leading 'counterculture' groups were entirely FBI/CIA controlled.
In fact the leading 'Anti-Establishment' figures of the late 60's early 70's were outed years later as having been double agents for the CIA. 

SDS-1969.jpgLSD promoter Harvard Dr. Timothy Leary;  feminist icon and co-founder editor of MS Magazine, Gloria Steinem -- who persists today as an icon of feminism.


COINTELPRO never went away, it got privatized.


OCCUPY WALL STREET and the OCCUPY TOGETHER MOVEMENT is the work of SERBIAN contract revolution organizers the CENTER FOR APPLIED NONVIOLENT ACTION AND STRATEGIES [C.A.N.V.A.S]  in Belgrade and it's field operative organizer company, "OPTOR!"

So don't you believe it when ABC says "Everybody and nobody are in charge...."  or the Guardian hints, "rumors persist the group "Anonymous" is behind the Occupy Together Movement".  

OTPOR.pngThe cover story is that back in 1998 some college students at the University of Belgrade that were unhappy with totalitarian regime of Slobodan Milošević decided it would be fun to topple the Serbian government.  The smartest guy in the room, Ivan Marovic, allegedly dreamed up a grass roots strategy and they went to work organizing protests as OTPOR! which means RESISTANCE! in English.
font style="font-size: 1.25em;">The group was helped by the fact that the US and NATO started bombing the heck out of Serbia in 1999 accelerated the fall of Slobodan Milošević (below left) by 2000.  Western media hailed Marovic and OTPOR! as new age geniuses, but it came out later that Ivan Marovic's stragegy and program came from a Boston think tank's subversion manual, 'From Dictatorship to Democracy' by a Harvard Professor named Gene Sharp.

Hundreds of copies of the Boston manual were provided in the Serbian language by the Albert Einstein Institution - "a non-profit organization that specializes in the study of the methods of non-violent resistance in conflicts".

slob.jpgA documentary on Professor Sharp's global influence on the revolutions export, "How to Start a Revolution" was released in September 2011. It won awards at the Boston Film Festival and London's Raindance Film Festival on October 2nd 2011.  

Basking in media hype that OTPOR! had toppled the big bad Serbian regime, Ivan Marovic and his band of merry pranksters founded the CENTER FOR APPLIED NONVIOLENT ACTION AND STRATEGIES [C.A.N.V.A.S] .  It occupies an office building in downtown Belgrade, which plans revolutions and trains organizers in subversive strategy and tactics for money.  . The Belgrade office is nicknamed 'Revolution University'.  http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/02/16/revolution_u?page=...

fistcommunism.jpgPEELING THE ONION

Well, hold the bus. That's the story currently on the Internet, but it omits the same operation in the color and flower revolutions dating back to Czechoslovakia 1989. The VELVET Revolution.
Radio Prague history online:http://archiv.radio.cz/history/history15.html

Word on the street in Prague was that there was KGB involvement getting it started, and we know there was CIA support and Western funding as well.  That may be a meaningful case in itself, and the history of these 'people's revolutions' mustn't be allowed to fall through the cracks of mainstream media.  OTPOR's being portrayed as the genesis of 'people power' but it was the baby on the block in 1998.    The news today is scripted for an audience born after 1987, evidently.

C.A.N.V.A.S.  even markets a computer game that teaches all ages how to start your own revolution called  "People Power".  Marovic said candidly in a documentary interview that the game was funded by one of the original backers of Otpor!  A previous version of the game was called 'A Force More Powerful'.
Marovic said he can personally train only 150 subversives a year, the game reaches tens of thousand at a price of ten dollars a download.   I've reviewed the game and attest it's a highly detailed simulation of how these export revolutions are organized, complete with 'establishment' reactions.

The so-called 'spontaneous'  'Twitter' Revolutions in the Middle East in February.  Who do you think is organizing the unemployed, uneducated, angry Middle East youth who are the brown shirts of these revolutions?  The Carnegie Foundation says the most wonderful things about them.

OTPOR-LOGOS.jpgThey all have the same fist logo. --


Let's be honest. C.A.N.V.A.S. is a for-profit business, not a non-profit NGO. "Ivan Marovic" is a CIA contractor: a front man like 'Wikileaks' Julian Assange.  


fistoffem.jpg(left, the phoney feminist fist)

What's all this got to do with OCCUPY WALL STREET and the the OCCUPY TOGETHER 'grass roots' movement in America?  
Take a minute to watch this.  You'll figure out.

Ivan Marovic of 'Otpor!' addresses Occupy Wall Street     NYC Sept. 22, 2011

Need more?
The Revolution Business -


COINTELPRO fake protests partner with MEDIA to distract from real protests.  I believe the Greek protest is genuine.  OCCUPY WALL STREET was timed to drown out the Greeks.

I think this because the Greeks had a specific demand  last month in direct response to their government's sellout to the IMF.    The Greek protest was saying 'Don't vote to accept this debt, traitors!'The "Occupy Wall Street" type protest is  NON SPECIFIC.

CONINTELPRO handled  protests don't make demands - they make 'statements'.  Like, "STOP WAR! LEGALIZE POT! "Give us back our future!"   and "Stop pollution!"

OCCUPY TOGETHER in the US and Canada are directed by C.A.N.V.AS., the same directors behind the Tunisian and Egyptian and 'Arab Spring' revolutions.  They may look the same but the objectives are quite different.  The objective in America and Canada is NOT to topple 'regimes'.  C.A.N.V.AS. is backed by Council on Foreign Relations foundations like Carnegie Group and the Albert Einstein Institute and myriad other funnels of Illuminati funding.

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