Office mates': Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Jill Biden -- and the Red Chinese?

Office mates': Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Jill Biden -- an...

Joe Biden, who has repeatedly ignored, or denied knowledge of, his son's business dealings, has a lot of explaining to do with this latest story from Fox News:
Hunter Biden requested in 2017 that keys be made for his new "office mates," listing his father, President-elect Joe Biden, Jill Biden and his uncle, Jim Biden, for space he planned to share with an "emissary" for a chairman of a Chinese energy company, according to an email obtained by Fox News. 
The Sept. 20, 2017 email, obtained by Fox News, shows Hunter requesting keys for Joe and Jill Biden, along with his uncle, Jim Biden, to the general manager, Cecilia Browning, at the House of Sweden -- a building in Washington, D.C., which contains multiple office suites, as well as a number of embassies. 
“[P]lease have keys made available for new office mates: Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Jim Biden,” said the email, with the subject “507.” 
In the email, Hunter Biden also requests keys for Gongwen Dong, whom he describes as an “emissary” for Chairman Ye Jianming -- the chairman of CEFC Chinese Energy Co. 
“I would like the office sign to reflect the following,” he continued, requesting “The Biden Foundation” and “Hudson West (CEFC US).” 
“The lease will remain under my company’s name Rosemont Seneca,” he continued, providing details about Dong and Ye, whom he referred to as "my partner," as well as their contact information. 
So if Hunter Biden really did run his own affairs and all of his abandoned-laptop contents as well as the witnesses who asserted that Joe was "the big guy" are wrong, how on earth does one explain this? How could anyone explain that Joe wasn't involved? Why would Joe or Jill need keys if this matter was nothing for them? The office in question was the purported Biden Foundation, which seems to be modelled on the Clinton Foundation -- all about money incoming, pay to play, and influence peddling -- with charity just a claim.
This time, though, Hunter Biden is reportedly under investigation, officially for tax fraud, but also securities fraud, money launderingforeign espionage, and surely bribery. The ChiComs, in the form of a now-vanished Chinese energy tycoon, Ye Jianming, whom Hunter called "my partner," and same guy whose bagman got the key to the office, gave Hunter an $80,000 diamond, which is a perfect disguised bribe since it's not cash. Hunter, of course, with the usual credibility notable for him, claims he doesn't have any idea what he did with it.
Biden has been in office for 47 years and knows how to use the system to get himself rich. He's committed so many irregularities without consequence he doesn't seem to be hiding anymore. Each little thing he's gotten away with has just led to something bigger.
His decision to run for president, despite President Obama's lack of encouragement, was clearly a matter of co-opting Wall Street, Big Tech, and the Red Chinese, he knew that much. He didn't need to campaign for president because the fix was in. And once in motion, first he got away with cheating Bernie Sanders out of the Democratic nomination, and then he rigged the general election afterward to steal the victory from the very popular Donald Trump.
He knew all about it with this 'office mates revelation,' it would be hard to see how he could not.  
House Biden seems more and more to be an organized criminal operation, with the thievery including a breaking of all laws in a bid to win power. With Biden claiming he knows nothing about sharing an office with the ChiComs or palling around with their intelligence outfit, questions grow louder as to what this nightmare is about, it's like a souffle that's falling right out the oven, it's like fresh eggs that open up rotten. But since Biden knows he's always gotten away with it, he's probably unperturbed. All the same, just ahead of Jan. 20, it seems the ground is burning beneath his feet.

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