Oil Lies Becoming More Preposterous By John Kaminski

I would Like to thank Christopher from for posting this blog originally on OV!

They lied about what happened on 9/11/2001. They lied about the need to make war on Iraq. They lied about the reasons they started bombing Afghanistan.

So I guess we should not be surprised that they have lied every day about the profound defacement using an out-of-control oil well to destroy the Gulf of Mexico.

But now the lies are beginning to catch up with them. Even the dullest of American minds is beginning to understand that the so-called facts being spouted by the corporate-kept, Jewish-owned mainstream media are becoming more preposterous.

Most Americans can't comprehend the technological terms that have been used throughout this ugly episode of lying by almost everyone involved - the U.S. government, British Petroleum, and the major media.

But fortunately, experts are stepping forward. Mainstream media have pretty much ignored the claims recently made by oil industry insider Matt Simmons that the main leak of the so-called volcano was not the device so often pictured on network TV, because the diameter of that pipe was not large enough to account for the volume of oil observed in the Gulf by satellites of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.

The best CNN could do July 19 was to report that government and BP spokespeople were admitting that other leaks in the seafloor were appearing in other locations than the so-called riser pipe, perhaps as a way to deflect attention from Simmons' assessment that officials were covering up both the location and the volume of the main leak that has now poisoned the entire Gulf of Mexico.

But now geologist Chris Landau has blown the lid off the whole tragic charade that has been cynically carried on by BP, President Obama and the various functionaries who have been paraded before the cameras to parrot oil industry misinformation.

Landau, who has been critically commenting on the whole sorry episode throughout this 3-month ordeal that threatens the health of the entire world, has enumerated a whole list of reasons as to why the government's story cannot possibly be true.

The most egregious lie, according to this veteran oil industry watcher, is the constant images put forth on television which show a pipe burbling some substance into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. It looks like an overworked water bubbler in a public park, emitting a substance of changing colors that floats with a moderately effervescent turbulence toward the surface.

However, news reports have quoted various BP and government officials as saying that extreme pressures from the wellhead are what caused the oil rig to explode and the leak to remain unplugged for three months.

Landau isn't believing any of it.

"I have worked with air, steam, and hydraulic leaks up to the 4,500 PSI (pounds per square inch) range," Landau wrote. "They were claiming wellhead pressures of up to 70,000 to 100,000 pounds per square inch.

Now, they are claiming pressures of 6.5-7K PSI."

Landau writes: "From personal observations, I can tell you that 600 PSI, it'll cut you in half. Hydraulic fluid at 3,000 PSI vaporizes when a line bursts.

"Now, can you correlate those facts with the images being shown on MSM of a lazy burbling fountain of oil lazily coming out of a 14" diameter pipe, when the pressure indications would indicate something in the nature of a Saturn rocket booster engine?"

He said the oil leak, if they're claiming 100,000 pounds per square inch as the reason for the disaster, should look like the most colossal rocket engine exhaust we have ever sent into space!!!

Is this not more verification of what oil expert Matt Simmons said is "the biggest lie of all time"?

And that's not all.

"The video of the pressure gauges is interesting," Landau writes, adding "not for what the gauge itself reads, but for the fact that crush depth for a modern nuclear submarine is somewhere around 1,200 ft.

"How do they keep the gauges from crushing in at 5,000 feet?" he asks, fuming.

And if all that's not bad enough, Landau notes:

"Since when do you have a blue background in videos taken at 5,000 feet? Some shown have had them."

Is this not proof positive that the whole pathetic presentation by BP and the U.S. government is a pathetic hoax? Yet who in that sorry day and age, can arrest our own criminal government, which is not only waging unjust wars against innocent people around the world, but now is complicit up to its eyeballs in trying to kill its own people and destroy the entire Gulf of Mexico?

Since the U.S. government shows no signs of trying to act honestly through this horrifying debacle, perhaps it is approaching the time another country, or a collection of other countries, might have to step in to save the environmental health of the world from the Jewish-controlled monster called the USA.

Watch Landau's video and then try to figure out what we as Americans can do with a government in charge of a law enforcement and military apparatus that is clearly complicit in a horrible scheme to kill millions of people.

The read Landau's latest article: "BP Well Should Not be Pressure Tested": www.opednews.com/articles/BP-Blown-out-well-should-n-by-Chris-Landa...

In other oil disaster news, numerous officials are talking about methane seepage near the riser that is being watched on television.

See those numerous reports at www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/

Perhaps these reports are an attempt to deflect attention from Matt Simmons' assertion yesterday that a giant hole perhaps ten miles away from the center of everyone's attention is what is really responsible for the continuing fouling of the Gulf. Simmons estimates that gaping hole in the Gulf floor is what is really responsible for the 120,000 BARRELS per day that continues to flow into the ocean. The U.S. Coast Guard continues to remain silent about these methane reports, despite numerous stories about "mystery seepage" near the wellbore.

Perhaps the most sensational story of the day came from a source of debatable credibility, the Drudge Report, that said the methane levels now being seen in the Gulf have only been previously conjectured as happening during mass extinction events, a comment made by oceanographer John Kessler of Texas A&M University. You can read that on floridaoilspilllaw.com.

And in a development late in the day July 19, the Associated Press was reporting that oil and gas were leaking from the new cap on BP's ruptured oil well, but retired Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, still serving as the point person for BP and the U.S. government's cynical spin machine, said Monday afternoon that the leaks are so far not a major concern, while mentioning nothing about methane or Simmons' contention that the real source of the leak was being hidden by BP.

John Kaminski is a writer who formerly lived on the Gulf Coast of Florida who is now a thousand miles away and now has no plans to ever return there.
Source: www.rebelnews.org/opinion/environment/314635

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Comment by Charles Magus on July 21, 2010 at 4:20am
Good point Ironside! These holes go right around the world so they could enter a hole in the USA and come out in Australia! That is an awful lot of holes to plug up! But that is the best place to keep them! Underground! They may even evolve into the Morlocks from H.G Well's The Time Machine!

Another Idea is to have a Home Reserve Army in Every single state that is funded by the government, but it is there for the sole purpose of protecting the people as it is run by the people! They will have weapons, trucks, Jeeps and tanks, along with training grounds and Barracks (Not the Obama type!) This has to be stated as "This is what the people want!" An Army for the people by the people. Sworn to protect all the civilian citizens of the nation! The total number in the people's Army should total 5 million +, ready to defend the Nation from hostile forces, both foreign and domestic!

Like that Picture Nikki!!! What is missing is a big deport sticker on his forehead! With the added words Illegal Alien President! Remove as quickly as possible!

Thank you for all your comments, Nikki Ironside and Brian I.
Comment by bryan l on July 21, 2010 at 1:03am
i like the way you think ironsides.
Comment by Nikki on July 20, 2010 at 11:56pm

Comment by Ironsides on July 20, 2010 at 8:50pm
It seems that there are articles about the Global mob-bosses having an underworld deep underground. They have a rapid-transit system linking the major cities, the Pentagon, White-house and NORAD at Colorado Springs.

If such a multi-level underworld system exists, to save their asses, there is one thing they need from the surface of the earth--air!--OXYGEN!

That means they survive on a ventilation system. All that is necessary is to know how many ventilation entrance-exits they have, and the locations. Then, understanding of the security and surveillance of the valves and control systems.

If they plan on continuing this new environmental method to exterminate most of us, while the BANKER-BOSSES ISRAEL government of Washington enjoy a vacation in their super-underground, there is a way to assisst them. When their security and surveillance is removed, it's time to close the entire ventilation system. When they come out of their holes, they just need to be put back into their holes at each entrance--exit!
Comment by Charles Magus on July 20, 2010 at 4:37pm
Thank you for your comment Morris108! You have a very valid point! It could be that Haliburton had infiltrated the BP oil rig and could have sabotaged it to blow! There is something wrong with the pipe that they had shown! It did not make any sense! If it were at the depth that they said it was, then you would not be able to see a blue sea as the depth would have made the surround sea totally black!

They the Lowlites (They are not Elite!) are always behind every problem in the world! Stop looking at the news from television as you will never get the truth from them!

Thank you very much for sharing your video with me!

Blessings and Light
Comment by morris108 on July 20, 2010 at 10:58am
Cause of Oil Spill is BP's Iran trade
BP has extensive trade links with Iran. In Britain's North Sea he it has a 50% partnership with Iran, also in Azerbajain a partnership with Iran, also BP has partnerships in Russia and Libya. While no-one forsaw such an environmental catastrophe, the aim from the beginning was to break-up BP and sell it off. All of the circumstantial evidence supports this hypothesis. Apart from circumstantial evidence - we are only getting what is Government assisted and sanctioned news.

Halliburton has just announced an 83% rise in this quarters profits - lucky it is registered in Dubai.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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