CDC: Huge & Ongoing Spike In Deaths & Cancers After Vax Rol...
You guys have seen the biden stickers on the gas pumps(I DID THAT) Well every death every funeral should have trumpy cut out sTICKER saying i KILLED THAT PERSON
Yes that's what I'm saying his IGNORANCE whether real or pretend is no excuse for the damage done, can you just imagine the horror story tomorrow will bring to the WORLD on the other hand this just might be the cleansing our world needs, most of the weak minded & degenerates took the death jab that alone is gonna clean up the gene pool immensely. Those that know and love their CREATOR seem to trust their GOD given immune system,I had the worst flu of my life(wifey two) dec. 2 years ago ,it was so bad Rita quit smoking for 2 weeks,i bought all kinds of OTC potions(medicine) for her took 2 weeks to get over it, so yes there was a bad flu bug going around but no need to shut the world down let alone inject people with an EXPERIMENTAL concoction. Profit & control are the only two viable logical answers.
The government is so infiltrated with scum that only a divine power is going to cleanse this filth.
I live in an area of six houses, ten people total and just lost a neighbor to the jab and three more are looking very unhealthy. It's pure evil.
I just think it's the good cop bad cop game, only arrogance could shield him from the murderous truth of what he's done irregardless if it was a mistake or intentional the death and damage done still demands justice.
A real leader would have done some serious RESEARCH but trump did nothing, didn't lock her up or even file the first charge in fact at his swearing in he said what wonderful people the clintons are. Instead of "draining the swamp" he poured juw upon juw into it including that CREEPY AS SHIT LOOKING SON IN LAW kushner, if that guy ain't the essence of a pedophile then neither is biden. Trump is too arrogant to ever admit being wrong let alone "apologize".
It's a leaders prime responsibility to be fully informed especially when it's ALL JUST A SCAM TO ENSLAVE THE WORLD, the juws play book to a T is controlling both sides of the argument then steering the outcome.
I have seen first hand the death and heartache these elitists have caused and I for one am not willing to forgive and forget which is what they are hoping for with their climate chang /food shortage/ inflation off the charts next on the PANIC/FEAR PEDDLING stay scared agenda but what do I know.
Steve - Trump should totally apologize, but it seems he still sees the fast rollout as a "win". I think the people booing the jab at his rallies have started getting the message across to him that "jab bad". I'm not sure if Trump is just part of the movie to set us up for the fall or if he really is a good guy. I want to believe he's on humanity's side. Maybe that's just hopium.
Hey Parr,
Just so you know I like this loud mouth a whole lot less than trump but this is one of his best rants.
Hey Parr,
This would help trumpy bear even though he is still immersed in juws.
My opinion on Trump and the jabs is that he was told that it was a pandemic and people were in a state of panic. He is not a medical expert, so he followed the medical expert's advice. He got the jab out to the public quickly to calm the panic and told people it was available. I do think he pushed it beyond what he should have while he was still under the illusion that the experts were giving him good advice. It's a shame he didn't listen to Dr. Atlas. Just like people came to you for advice on mechanical issues because you are an expert in that area. There are mechanics that would tell customers they need things they did not, and people follow their advice.
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