Our World in 2019.. The Scary Truth!.... are you ready for it ?

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Comment by Nazda Pokmov on December 21, 2018 at 9:04pm

Get the Juice out of our government for starters.  Get the USA out of the UN for second.....stop sending our money to Israel where we get nothing in return for our money except demand more.......stop with the tranny agenda forced upon our little kids.....stop with the gender bending idiots who demand they be called the proper pronoun......stop with the chemtrailing of America....stop with the libturds getting everything they yammer for....stop killing the oceans....stop killing the forests....stop with the man made weather manipulation......elect people who work for the people....not to line their own pockets....

I don't have enough time or room for the rest....but I think you get the gist of my rant...

Comment by jim on December 21, 2018 at 7:45pm

I just hope our children and grandchildren wake up, pull their heads out of their electronic devises and heads out of the sand. look around to what's fixing to enslave them before it's to late.

My honest opinion is it's already to late. how many people do you know that can drop their phones, ipads, their vices. this is the first step in their mind games to get people hypnotized then slowly start making more and more devices, homes, work, vending machines, bank accounts, and to purchase items, a myriad of things RFDI compliant.

NOW YOU HAVE TO GET THAT CHIP to even function. and if you get sentenced for a crime..... they turn off your chip a fate worse than prison, you don't exist.

so.....everyone needs to snap out of their zombie state before it's to late.
your enslavement for real is coming.

Comment by Sam Nelson on December 21, 2018 at 2:40pm
We know it, we see it, we feel it, but, that check in the mail, the ballgames, Hollywood, the Leadership in the City of War and Human Tragedy (Columbia), we are waiting, too long...the Schumers and Pelosi's, in our nation, are going to kill us all if we don't get rid of them soon. End Duel Citizenship - End the FED - bring our boy's home and let's drain the swamp in The District of Columbia for real.
Rothschild and his gang of killers have held us to horror and murder too long. All they have is paper, we have the Land, the People, the Nation, if we just take charge and do it. Let's have that real War for Independence and not just another back room deal that enslaves us all to them. We have today, Taxation without any Representation.
End the FED, end Duel Citizenship, close the borders and let's have a go at it from a whole new perspective, one free of THEM, the monsters from The Bank of International Settlement.
Get the Queens BAR Lawyers out of our Leadership, so, we can all be rich, our children can have a future, the world of other people can stop fearing us and start liking us.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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