Outspoken rocker Ted Nugent is weighing his political options and considering a run for the White House.

The conservative Republican has earned a name for himself in the political arena as an advocate for hunting and gun ownership rights, and now he is considering a presidential bid in 2016.

He tells the Washington Post, "Yeah, I'm thinking about it. ... Things are just so wrong in the country now. And I know that my answers would make things wonderful."

The guitarist has teased the public about the possibility of running for office before, but his wife, Shemane Deziel, insists this time her husband is for real, explaining, "He's talked about it before. But this time he seems more serious. People are constantly asking him to run."

And former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has already thrown his support behind the 64-year-old musician, even offering to help launch Nugent's electoral campaign.

He adds, "Ted says things in public that I wouldn't even say in private, but what people look for more than anything is authenticity. I'm probably as strait-laced a Republican as there is, but I'd rather be around Ted Nugent, who has an absolute honesty about him, than a so-called values guy who is secretly bedding down half his staff. ... If he runs, I'll go help him."

Nugent has been a very vocal opponent of current U.S. leader Barack Obama and his government -- in the run-up to the last presidential election in 2012, he hit the stage at a National Rifle Association convention and told the crowd, "If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."

He also got into trouble by encouraging Republican voters to "chop Democrats" heads off in November. His remarks led to a Secret Service investigation and cost him a gig at Fort Knox alongside REO Speedwagon and Styx.

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Comment by Wolf on July 9, 2013 at 7:54pm
You know after reading all these posting I realize that I never understood a damn word that tard every said. He has the eyes of Bundy...crazy.
He is a freak at best.
Suzie I doubt that he is for legalization of hemp he is for sure one of the few people that I vote needs drugs.
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on July 9, 2013 at 4:29pm

ifn ya dunno what that is, better stay away from the Wang Dang Sweet Poontang :)~

Comment by suzie on July 9, 2013 at 4:16pm
What the hell is cat scratch fever? ... Lol Whats his stand on 911- the Israeli lobby's power,-FED reserve,- legalization of hemp and agenda 21...
Comment by Nobody Will Observe on July 9, 2013 at 4:04pm

PETA v. Bikers: A Failure to Communicate!

How’s That War on Leather Working Out For You?

Comment by truth on July 9, 2013 at 3:55pm

Ted had some animal rights activist arrested in San Fran. over BS. (And before some of you cry, I dont support them)

The whole story was told on the stern show a few years ago, hopefully someone here can get a copy of it.

He did the Hollywood thing and said the hippies were threatening him and his family. They were arrested, but all (top level felonies) charges were dropped.

BECAUSE HE LIED! Luckily for these folks security cameras caught the whole thing.

Did the NYPD file charges against this well known celebrity for a false report?

Of course not. Ted is an elitist Scum.

Stern even nailed Ted on this but Ted never admitted it was BS.
Ted is an Ass and deserves to be treated like one.

He is a freedom Lover - my Arse!

I just found this. Oh my god the 100lb hippies scare me.

In 2000, Bhaskar Sinha was jailed briefly following an incident with Nugent outside a department store in San Francisco in which he allegedly threatened and physically assaulted Nugent

Nugent told police that Sinha threatened to kill him, and Sinha was arrested and whisked away.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/


New York Post in 2004:

Courtney Love phoned into The Howard Stern Show on Monday (March 22) before eventually coming into the studio where she made the shocking allegation that one of the first times she had oral sex was with Ted Nugent. She said she was young and she didn’t want to say exactly how old she was, but eventually confessed she was 12-year-old – which would have made Nugent approximately 28 years old at the time. The New York Post attempted to contact Nugent for a response but was unsuccessful. Moderators at Nugent’s official forum deleted the only thread asking about the topic as evidenced by the forum’s search giving a file not found error for the matched thread. She added it was a long time ago and she didn’t even have breasts yet.

Ted Nugent wants to be Obama's drug czar

Comment by Tara on July 9, 2013 at 3:48pm

Along with his other fine qualities [insert sarcasm], many of his song lyrics are over the top misogynistic. He sure is the ladies man, NOT! 

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on July 9, 2013 at 2:59pm

Tara You Want More???


Comment by Tara on July 9, 2013 at 2:15pm

"Cat Scratch Fever" Troy??? Did ya have to? No "Wango Tango?" lmao

Comment by Tara on July 9, 2013 at 2:12pm

I agree whatawonderuldrone! I second the F' em motion! He's just another neotard.

Comment by Dr Yuri Zhivago on July 9, 2013 at 10:22am
horrible music and hes a warmonger who said nuke Iraq-appears anti arab-fuck him

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