Pakistan: Muslims burn Christian man as policeman rapes his wife

Washington, D.C. (March 23, 2010)– Travesty of justice does not fit the description of the events. This is simple barbarism.

International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that a Christian man, Arshed Masih, died yesterday after Muslims burned him alive for refusing to recant his faith. Additionally, a Muslim policeman raped Masih’s wife.

Masih and his wife, Martha, worked and lived at the house of Sheik Mohammad Sultan, a powerful Muslim businessman in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, since 2005.

Pakistan's most powerful man, army chef General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani is from the Rawalpindi area and is visiting the U.S. capitol.

In January, Muslim religious leaders and Sheik Sultan asked Masih and his family to convert to Islam. Masih and his family refused to convert and informed Sheik Sultan that they were going to quit working for him. The Sheik became furious and warned Masih that he would kill him if he quit. Masih told his family and friends about the entire incident. Christian leaders tried to persuade the Sheik to let Masih and his family leave his house.

On March 14, Sheik Sultan`s house was robbed. He filed a case of theft of 500,000 Rupees ($ 5,952) against Martha. After taking them for questioning, the police assaulted Masih and raped Martha. Two days later, Sheik Sultan told the couple that he would ask the police to release them if they converted to Islam. The couple refused to recant their faith.

On March 19, Masih was set on fire in front of the police station. At the time, three Muslim religious leaders and three policemen were present at the scene. The perpetrators have not been identified.

Masih was taken to the Holy Family Hospital where he received treatment for three days before finally dying today.

Masih’s children Mary, 12, Nasir, 10, and Neha, 7, are deeply traumatized after witnessing acts of brutality against their family at the hands of Muslims.

ICC’s Regional Manager for South Asia, Jonathan Racho, said “We are outraged and deeply saddened by the murder of Masih and the rape of Martha by the police. As this case clearly indicates, Pakistani Christians are treated as less than animals by the Muslims. We urge the president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zadari, and other high level government officials to bring the perpetrators of the attacks to justice.”

Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, president of Pakistan Christian Congress, condemned the killing of Masih and rape of his wife.“ Rape of Martha Bibi before her children by Muslim police officials and burning of her husband took place just a few miles from building of the Supreme Court of Pakistan where Muslim jusdges sitting on benches of justice have no sympathy with Christian victims. Perhaps in the eyes of these judges rape of an "infidel woman" is not a crime."

Please call the Pakistani Embassy in your country and demand of the officials of Pakistan to thoroughly investigate the heinous crime committed against Masih and Martha and bring all the perpetrators to justice.

Pakistani Embassies:

USA: (202) 243-6500

Canada: (613) 238-7881

UK: 0870-005-6967

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Comment by Jeff on October 20, 2010 at 8:38pm
Perhaps the All-Out major war, the brutal and disgusting attack on the Muslim world that is nothing less then genocide should be a part of the discussion of a Christian being burned to death in a Muslim state. We might also entertain that there is evidence, though circumstantial, that the Christian robbed the Muslim. Now in no way does his punishment fit the crime but the potential that a crime was committed is relevant to the discussion.

Personally, I believe since the western and quite Christian world has launched a genocidal attack on the Muslim world killing upwards of 10 million Muslims in a 30 year period, I think it's of critical relevance to this discussion. In fact we recently had a little public criticism over sending rifles to Iraq with bible scriptures noted and engraved on the sites. I think that's relevant here too.

Perhaps we're directly responsible for and the actual creators of the horrors we see.
Comment by Tara on September 25, 2010 at 1:47am
Great points made by everybody!

I'll tell you one thing, the religion and race issue stirs up so much emotion, even in me and that is why Sweets this blog was paid so much attention to. Like PH said, "It IS all wrong. Murder of anykind IS wrong." Evil is evil no matter what race, religion, sex, politics, it resides in. Besides, the NWO loves when we get tangled up in our religious or racial philosophies and divide ourselves over them.....good ole Divide and Conquer! They get rich off of the scheme, makes them fat and happy, the bastards.

Thanks Marklar for clearing things up regarding the new site. You and KLC are doing one hell of a job and we all thank you for all the time and passion you are putting into it, KUDOS to ya! It's exciting times indeed!
Comment by Marklar on September 24, 2010 at 10:04pm
Well, I would say maybe not as good or as easy to use as NING has been at first but in the long run I think it really will be better say 4-6 months down the road and ultimately a platform that offers nearly endless possibilities.

As with anything that is truly flexible, hardware or software wise, it takes some work to configure it just the way you want it. Truly plug and play stuff like Ning is easier but much more limiting.
Comment by fireguy on September 24, 2010 at 9:51pm
Markler, I know you James, PH, KLC and others work hard on 12160 for nothing but a hard time from all us "users".

Thanks again for all y'alls efforts.

Hopefuly this will be the end of this side discusion on priorities of articles at least it will be on my part I have voiced my concerns.

I also hope the new site is all you say it is and more. If it is as good as this one has been then you hit a homer if it is better then it'll be a grand slam.

Two faced, LOL

"the NWO is putting Race against Race, Religion against Religion for a reason"
Tina right on.
Comment by Marklar on September 24, 2010 at 9:21pm
Nothing will be "ratholed", it's simply a matter of creating a public face for 12160 that contains edited news content with a focus on original material and articles that have been written up as a synopsis as opposed to cut and paste reposting in order to increase page rankings and drive a greater amount of traffic to the entire site.

The 12160 community is fully searchable by search engines with it's own "face" for both members AND the general public to enjoy. Think of infowars and the infowars network where we came from and you'll get the idea. Infowars was one thing and the infowars network was another with infowars providing a handy link on their front page to encourage people to sign up or simply explore the social network. This will be similar but in my opinion far superior in many ways once we get everything worked out and sewn together in just the way we want it.

Another way to look at it is that will now hold the same front page position as Ning now does in relation to the current 12160 except that the new community will get better page rankings due to being in a subdirectory (still part of the same site) as opposed to a subdomain (a different site under the same domain).

The broadcasting arm of 12160 will have it's own "face" as well.

So we will essentially have 3 "faces":

An editor driven face similar to or many other alternative news sites.
A user driven face similar to what we have now.
And a broadcaster driven face for highlighting and managing shows.

(maybe we should have limited ourselves to being two faced considering we are political?)

In addition if you have a "premium blog" on the site your blog is a FULL FEATURED WORDPRESS WEB SITE (your very own "face") just like the main site that YOU are in full administrative control of, where you control all content, whether others can join or post as members, choose your theme, etc., yet still be under the overall 12160 umbrella Just as the current 12160 is under Ning.

Articles posted in the community will still show up on the main page via RSS feed and Main page articles will still show up on the community front page by RSS feed but each will be a bit less prominent than the main articles in either section. This is something I still need to do but is easily done. One of many things that need doing to take a collection of sites and sew them together into a common network of sites.

So if you think this constitutes being "ratholed" then you have been, and more so, for as long as 12160 has existed and even before. When all is said and done you should get more traffic and more exposure for all of your posts no matter where in this frankenstein of a system they happen to be.

I hope this clears up any misconceptions about censorship or "ratholing" on the new site. If not I guess you'll just have wait, see, and judge for yourself as we get the whole thing up and running better.
Comment by Swtnlovabl on September 24, 2010 at 8:01pm
1st PH I agree 100% , Greg Amen on post i agree again, Fireguy THANKS once again and James I just love ya LOL ..... If this post would have been a white man and a white woman being killed and raped by a black gang would it have gotten the same passion? I would hope so !! the NWO is putting Race against Race, Religion against Religion for a reason.... should this post really be getting so much attention? and if so ask urself WHY!!
Comment by fireguy on September 24, 2010 at 7:46pm
Greg I read it that is why I asked the question. Did not seem to me that anyone was being rude or otherwise going against any of your "SUGGESTIONS" sorry about the commandment joke guess you did not get it.

Anyway my point is I don't want a site administrator or anyone else deciding what is "relevant" or "effective" in combating the evil we all face.

Someones news article about religious persecution is just as relevant as someone elses article about survival or the 9/11 atrocities in combating the NWO if we disagree then so be it. Move on and work on something else,but lets not have talk of censoring or ratholing members input.
Comment by fireguy on September 24, 2010 at 6:42pm
Greg, which of the 11 Social Media Etiquette commandments were violated on this thread? Looks like civil discourse to me.
Comment by truth on September 24, 2010 at 4:35pm
My point is do not attack people personally, for their beliefs and or opinions. All points can be made with out calling out another as an individual. It may take a little extra thought to do so but the same results can be made.

again...Hopefully we can get together on this vision before the new site is fully operational.

I also meant to add that in addition to featuring what the admins like I would also like to see a way to have the members bump the stories they would like to get more views as well.
Comment by fireguy on September 24, 2010 at 4:06pm
James and the other admins are doing great work I just want to be able to exercise free speech and like you said:

" I see a lot of subjects posted on the site that are neither interesting to me and sometimes verging on all out prejudice IMO , however I just move on past them."

I think it is relevant when a POLICEMAN rapes someone in any country.

And I think religious persecution of anyone is relevant.

Thanks for letting us know how it is going to be on the new site and for all your past and future efforts.

"KLC suggested having a policy where no one would be allowed to argue from a "you are wrong" and " I am right" type of perspective."

Sounds like I'm Ok, Your Ok psychobabble, there is obviously right and wrong or we would not be trying to educate the people about freedom and having open debate about opposing worldviews and opinions.

If we start policing thought and expression how far will we have fallen from the original intent of this site? And how much like the enemy will we have become?

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